Page 217 of Dirty Rival
“No. I want that dress. That is my dress. I have to have that dress.” I walk toward it and run my hand down the front before I turn to look at everyone. “I know Elaine was going to custom-make a dress, but this dress, this is my dress. Please say it can be my dress.”
We all look at Jessica, who says, “Of course, this can be your dress. You’re the bride.”
I start smiling. I don’t know if I am ever going to stop smiling.
I have my dress.
Chapter one hundred twelve
I’m in love with my dress, so very in love. The greatest part is that I’m even more in love with it once I put it on. The store has to make a few alterations but it’s perfection. I’m wearing it, standing in front of a three-way mirror, when I look at the thirty-thousand-dollar price tag. I have a moment of panic and Mia must notice because she’s instantly by my side. “How much money did you make on the event center deal with Grayson?”
“A lot of money.”
Her blue eyes light. “An insane amount of money?”
“How many times larger than that price tag?”
“A lot.”
“And how many times are you getting married?”
“Once,” I say, and start to tear up.
“I’d tell you no tears, but I bawled when I tried my dress on last month. Grayson and I were—” She looks away and then back at me. “We broke up for all the wrong reasons and I didn’t think I’d ever really wear my dress.”
“All right. You’ve convinced me. I’ll pay the insane amount of money this dress costs and—” I motion to my cleavage. “I’m not taming it. Not when I know how Reid will react.”
She smiles huge. “Atta girl.”
“That dress,” Cat says, joining us, “will make you end up like this.” She points at her belly.
“I can’t wait to be just like that,” Mia says. “Grayson and I really want a family and our year apart put us behind. Grayson’s thirty-eight. We have to get busy.”
I inhale and let it out. “Reid’s thirty-eight.” My eyes meet Cat’s and understanding fills her eyes.
“You have time,” she says. “If you wait two years, you’ll still be in your early thirties and he’ll be forty. That’s perfect really.”
“We don’t want kids,” I say, turning away from her, but I don’t believe those words anymore. I want kids, his kids. I think he might, too. I have to talk to Reid about this before we get married. No. That’s silly. I am happy with Reid. I’m not going to make him feel it’s me and kids or no me at all. One day when the time is right we’ll have a baby or we won’t.
“I love him,” I whisper and when Cat steps to my side and our eyes meet in the mirror I add, “With all my heart.”
“As he loves you. I see it in his eyes, the love I never thought I’d see in him.”
“Grayson just sent me a text,” Mia announces. “The property manager is on site now if you want to go see the wedding venue.”
“Yes. Please. I’m dying to see it.”
“And then we can go to lunch and plan the wedding details,” Cat says. “We have so much to set up.”
“I can help,” Mia says. “I know I’m new to you two, but I’d love to be a part of the planning. It is fast and because of Grayson, I can pull a lot of strings.”
“You’re amazing, Mia,” I say.
“Yes,” Cat agrees. “You are.”