Page 102 of Becoming
“Well, make sure we get to see her tonight, okay? In the meantime, we’re going to mingle as well. We want to see everything.”
Cass smiled. “G’wan.” She watched for a bit while her parents stood at each painting for a good amount of time. She could admit that it felt good. She never needed her parents’ validation, but it certainly didn’t hurt having it.
She made her way to her girlfriend who was studying one of Cass’s paintings. Cass had forgotten that this was truly the first time Rebecca had been able to look at Cass’s work. Of course, if Rebecca had wanted to watch her paint, Cass would have allowed it. But she had said she wanted the experience of seeing them in the gallery the way everyone else was going to.
“Can you believe this place? When Eve Sumptor opens a gallery, she opens a gallery.” Cass wrapped her arms around Rebecca’s waist and glanced around. The elegant woman she spoke of was across the room with her business partner Lainey who Cass finally had the opportunity to meet. The two were standing close together, laughing softly, completely focused on each other. Their husbands were nearby, talking amiably, with Eve’s husband eyeing them surreptitiously. Interesting. She wondered if he knew his wife and Lainey were in love with each other. Did Rebecca know? She shrugged it off and turned her attention back to the woman she loved.
“Hmm?” Rebecca snapped out of her art induced trance and looked up at her girlfriend. “Sorry, baby. I was just admiring your work.”
“No need to apologize for that,” Cass grinned.
Rebecca returned the smile before returning her gaze to the painting. The colors were brilliant reds, oranges, and blues. At first glance, you would think it was an abstract. But once you got closer, you could see the couple holding hands. Perspective made them look far away, yet they became the complete focus of the painting. Just looking at it gave Rebecca a sense of hope and love.
“I’m so glad I waited to see these in the way they were meant to be seen,” Rebecca murmured softly.
“All because of you, baby.”
Rebecca bit her lip. They have had this argument time and time again. No matter how many times she told Cass she had nothing to do with getting her in the gallery, Cass would continually give Rebecca credit.
“How do you do it?” she asked instead of getting into that discussion again. “You’ve been so stressed with everything that has been going on with Miranda and getting ready for tonight. None of that shows in your work. It’s all very inspiring.”
Cass shrugged modestly. “I just paint what I see. What I feel when I’m with you.”
Rebecca looked up at Cassidy to thank her for the beautiful words, but Cassidy’s eyes were glancing at the people surrounding them. These were words said to impress Rebecca, but words from the heart.
“I look around me,” Cass continued, oblivious to Rebecca’s stare. “And I see all of these things keeping people apart. Fear,” she said as she remembered how Hunter had left already because of the fear she wasn’t good enough for Ellie. “Consequences.” Her eyes landed on Eve and Lainey. “So many things fighting against true happiness. I could have let Rand tear us apart. Hell, I almost did with my damn mood. But when I’m with you, when you tell me you love me, or look me in the eyes, or when we make love, this is the way I see the world.”
Rebecca turned in Cassidy’s arms, wrapping her own around Cassidy’s neck. “I love you.”
Cass dipped her head, kissing Rebecca lightly on the lips. “I love you, too, baby.” She loved this feeling right here. Rebecca in her arms, smiling up at her, happy. There were two months before Rebecca came back to her when she didn’t think a night like this would be possible. Normally, Cass laughs at herself when she thought this way. She had known Rebecca for less than two days when she walked away. It should have been absurd to have been so affected. But the impact Rebecca had made on Cass had been far too great to ignore.
“Ahem.” Eve smiled at them both. “I apologize for interrupting this beautiful moment. However, there are people waiting to meet the artist.”
“Do I have to?” Cass asked with a bit of whine. Talking to Rebecca about her work was fine. Talking to strangers, not so much. She’d much rather stay in the background, quietly eavesdropping on what people are saying about her work.
“One of the perks,” Eve winked. “Rebecca is welcome to come with you. Though it looks like she has no choice with the way you’re gripping her hand.”
Cass automatically relaxed her grip, apologizing softly. “See what you got me into?” she asked playfully.
Eve stopped in her tracks and turned back to Cass. “Is that what you think? That my friendship with Rebecca is what got you this gig?” Cass shuffled her feet a bit and shrugged. “Cass, I adore Rebecca. I respect her opinion. But there is no way I would select someone as the featured artist for the grand opening of Sumptor Galleries in LA as a favor. And I never take recommendations without doing my own due diligence. I’ve seen your work all around the city. It speaks for itself. And what you’ve given me for tonight exceeded expectations. Rebecca may have introduced me to your work, but you got yourself into this mess.” She winked again in that true Eve fashion and walked away fully expecting to be followed.
Rebecca did the only thing that came to mind after hearing Eve’s little speech. “Told ya.” She stuck her tongue out and sashayed away.
Cass laughed at her “dignified” girlfriend and took off after her. She could do this. Hell, with Rebecca by her side, she was pretty sure she could do anything.
TONIGHT HAD BEEN amazing. Cassidy’s work was a hit. And Cassidy herself charmed everyone clamoring to meet her. The only hiccup was a bit of drama between Hunter and Ellie that Rebecca hoped was being resolved. But her current worry was how uncharacteristically quiet Cassidy was being on their drive home. Rebecca had thought she would be excited, talking a mile a minute about her experience tonight. There was nothing but silence. Rebecca allowed the silence, opting to try to get Cassidy to open up when they got home.
As she turned into their driveway, she stole a glance at Cassidy. It wasn’t necessarily sadness or stress in her features, but more of a daze. Rebecca began to wonder if everything that happened tonight was just now hitting Cassidy. She had been so calm and collected during the showing that Rebecca had been incredibly proud. Was Cassidy finally letting it all sink in?
“Baby? We’re home,” Rebecca said softly as to not startle Cassidy.
It was like watching Cassidy rely on muscle memory to get her inside. Once the door was closed behind them, Rebecca stripped a dazed Cassidy of her jacket and led her to the couch. With a small push, Cassidy fell back on the sofa which seemed to jar her brain loose. Or at least her tongue.
“They liked my paintings,” Cass said, her voice filled with awe. “Did you see them, baby? They bought my stuff. Not just prints, but the originals.”
“Mmhmm. Lift.”