Page 20 of Undoing
“Yep. But I’m your perv.” Cass sighed. “Alright, I’ll let you go. Will you call me when you’re all smooshed out?”
“Yes, baby,” Rebecca smiled. “I’ll call you when I’m all smooshed out. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Becca.” Cass made kissy noises before hanging up, causing more laughter.
Rebecca had just put her phone away when the office door opened, and Patty stuck her head in. “Hey, Rebecca. Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
“We’re going to start with the MRI,” Patty explained as she guided Rebecca down the corridor. “That way, Hunter can look at the results while you get… serviced.”
Rebecca threw her hands in the air. “You too?! Is this a body shop or a medical clinic?”
“Technically, it’s both,” Patty teased. “You do have a body, and we’re about to look under your hood.”
“Patty!” Rebecca tsked playfully. “I expected that from Mo, but not you.”
Patty shrugged with a grin. “Mo has been rubbing off on me.”
“I’d rather not hear about you and Mo rubbing things. I have to get naked here. That’s embarrassing enough.”
Patty laughed, escorting Rebecca into a warm, inviting room. The lights were dim, the ambiance calming. A soft, melodic tune was playing over the speakers. This room was definitely decorated by Ellie.
“Okay, young lady. You’re going to take everything off.” Patty walked to a cabinet and brought out a white, fluffy robe and a pair of socks. “Put these on and have a seat in the massage chair. I’ll come to get you when they’re ready.”
Rebecca took the robe, noting how warm it was. Heated cabinets? She made a note to hug Ellie the next time she saw her, convinced this was all Ellie’s doing. Who else made such an effort to make others feel comfortable?
“No paper robe?”
“Do you really think Ellie would go for that?” Patty asked with a raised brow.
“Ha! I knew it! That woman is a godsend.”
“Girl, you’re not lyin’!” Patty walked to the door, ready to give Rebecca her privacy.
“Patty? What can you tell me about this Dr. Okoro?”
Patty’s smile was genuine. “One of the best you’ll ever see. She studied in Nigeria and came here to advance those studies. Her specialties are in women’s health and LGBTQIA cases.”
Rebecca held up a hand. “Your smile was all I needed, but hearing the rest, I’m sold. Thank you, Patty.”
“You bet. Get changed and relax. This will all be over before you know it, child.”
Patty led a fully-clothed, thoroughly examined Rebecca back into Hunter’s office. “Have a seat on the couch,” she instructed. “After all the poking and prodding you’ve endured today, you deserve to be comfy.”
“What? No massage chair?” Rebecca teased.
“Ellie was afraid Hunter would never be home if she put a massage chair in here.”
“I don’t think Ellie has anything to worry about,” Rebecca chuckled. “She has Hunter wrapped around her pie-making finger.”
“That she does,” Hunter said from the doorway. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She nodded at Patty, closing the door behind the nurse as she was left alone with Rebecca. Hunter sat next to Rebecca on the couch, Rebecca’s charts in her hands. “How are you feeling?”
“Thoroughly humiliated. When will you develop a less invasive way to do those examinations?”
Hunter grinned that charming, lopsided grin. “Believe me, if there’s a way… Sumptor, Inc. will probably find it,” she laughed. “Okay, I have some results here for you.” Hunter opened the folder. “Your mammogram looks good. Nice and clear. Your pap and HPV results will be a few days, but according to Dr. Okoro’s notes, your genitourinary exam was normal.”
“Oh, good. A normal vagina. Cassidy will be happy to know that it’s still good to go even after excessive use.”