Page 22 of Undoing
“Hair-sparing surgery,” Rebecca repeated. “Is that a real thing?”
Hunter nodded. “I’ll let the doc explain it to you when you speak with her. Do you want me to take you home? Patty can take care of things here.”
“That’s not necessary. I drove here. I can drive home.” Rebecca hesitated. “I can drive home, right?”
“I’d feel better if you had someone with you.” Hunter checked her watch. “It’s Dani’s lunchtime. Will you at least let them follow you home?”
Was this going to be her life now? Being a burden on others? Rebecca tried to shake that thought off. She was the first to tell her friends their group was a village. How hypocritical would she be if she pushed everyone away when she needed them the most? Still, Rebecca wasn’t ready to be on the receiving end of everyone’s pity.
“I will let Dani follow me if you promise to keep this between you and Ellie.”
“Well, it’s not for me to tell. And even Mo and Patty are bound by patient confidentiality.”
“Damn it, I forgot about their access to this information.”
“Hey,” Hunter hugged Rebecca to her. “Just remember we’re your friends first and foremost. We only want you to be healthy and comfortable.” She guided Rebecca out to the reception area, calling out for Dani.
“Yeah, Doc?”
“Are you headed out for lunch?”
Dani nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Did you need me to do something first?”
“I was hoping you could follow Mrs. Giles home. She’s too stubborn to accept a ride, so this was the compromise.” Hunter let out an oomph of pain when Rebecca elbowed her in the stomach.
“The compromise was I would let you follow me home because this fusspot wanted to leave the clinic to take me herself when I’m perfectly capable of driving.”
“Fusspot,” Dani snickered, clearing their throat when Hunter glared at them. “I mean, I’d be happy to escort you home, Mrs. Giles.”
Rebecca brought a twenty dollar bill out of her pocket and handed it to Dani. “Don’t try to refuse it. This is interrupting your eating time. The least I can do is pay for your lunch.”
Dani tipped their head shyly. “Thank you.” They held their arm out to Rebecca. “Ready?”
Nope. I will never be ready to tell Cassidy this news. Rebecca slipped her arm through Dani’s. “Ready.”
Rebecca tossed her phone on the couch next to her, pinching her nose in frustration. She had spent the last hour and a half torturing herself by googling brain tumors and everything that went along with that diagnosis. None of it sounded good.
“Babe? I’m home,” Cass called out as she hung her keys on the new pegs Rebecca had put up a week ago. It was one of Rebecca’s ‘slowing down projects’ along with a mail organizer. Cass liked the new system as it was easier to find her keys in the morning, and Rebecca threw away the junk mail before sorting it. When Cass didn’t get an answer from her wife, she forgot about the mail and went in search of her love.
She found Rebecca on the couch, a fluffy blanket covering her legs which Cass knew were curled up underneath her. But what caught Cass’s attention the most was Rebecca’s demeanor. Her eyes were closed, and her head was down.
Rebecca opened her eyes, blinking against the light. Her head was hurting, and, unsurprisingly, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was because she had a long day or the… tumor. Then Cassidy’s face came into focus, and Rebecca smiled.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hey.” Cass carefully positioned herself next to Rebecca, kissing her softly on the cheek. “Are you okay?”
Am I? “Yes, just a little tired. As it turns out, getting poked and prodded all day takes a lot out of you,” Rebecca joked, trying to make light of the situation.
“Poor baby,” Cass cooed, stroking Rebecca’s hair with a gentle hand. “Want me to carry you up to bed? I promise to only poke and prod you in pleasurable ways.” She wiggled her eyebrows, causing Rebecca to chuckle.
“Maybe a little later.”
“I’ll hold you to that. What can I do for you right now? Do you need something to drink? Eat? How did everything go besides being exhausting?”
Rebecca smiled at her wife. “I ordered some pizza which should be here in about,” she checked her delivery app. “Twenty minutes. Why don’t you take a shower, get comfy, and we’ll eat and discuss today?”