Page 26 of Undoing
“That’s one procedure. That is called a needle biopsy. You would be under anesthesia and I would make a small hole in your skull, insert a needle and extract the tissue for analysis.”
Rebecca paled. “Are there other options?”
Dr. Lima clasped her hands in front of her and leaned in. “There are options. There’s a procedure called a stereotactic biopsy that is minimally invasive and highly accurate.”
“I like minimally invasive,” Cass stated for no particular reason than her own satisfaction. This wasn’t her decision. But the less pain Rebecca went through, the better. Cass would always go for less is more in this situation.
Rebecca reached over and took Cassidy’s hand. She gave it a slight squeeze before focusing on the doctor. “Which do you recommend?”
Dr. Lima glanced at Hunter. “Due to the symptoms you’re already exhibiting, I would suggest going through with the surgery to remove the tumor. I would then send a sample out to be tested. It would save you having to have two procedures done.”
“How risky is the surgery?” Cass asked. She read about the procedure even though Rebecca told her not to.
“Every surgery carries the risk of complications, but I’ve done thousands of these procedures. I know I’m a surgeon, however, I would never recommend surgery unless I was confident that the benefits outweigh the potential risks. If you decide this is the route you want to take, I will give you all the information you will need to educate yourself on potential side-effects or complications.”
“I know this is an absurd question with everything that’s happening, but how much of my hair will I lose?” Rebecca ran a hand through her long, blonde hair.
Dr. Lima smiled. “Dr. Vale mentioned you were worried about that. It’s not absurd at all. You’re already dealing with something very scary that you can’t control. Any sense of normalcy can only help you in your recovery. I assume Dr. Vale told you I do hair-sparing surgery?”
Rebecca nodded. “Yes, but nothing specific. Like what that actually means.”
“Normally, the area surrounding the incision would be shaved,” Dr. Lima explained. “With this procedure, only a quarter-inch wide area where I’ll be making the incision will be shaved. I’ll then thoroughly wash the scalp to prevent infection.”
Cass looked back at Hunter who hadn’t said a word. She was merely listening very intently to the conversation.
Hunter glanced at Dr. Lima. She certainly didn’t want to step on a colleague’s toes by butting in.
Dr. Lima stood. “Why don’t I give you some privacy to discuss this with Dr. Vale.” She addressed Hunter. “Feel free to give them other options. I know people think surgeons will always suggest surgery. However, in this case, I do believe it’s the best option.”
With that, Dr. Lima walked out of her office and left them alone. Hunter blew out a breath. “I don’t know if I’m comfortable giving you advice in another doctor’s office.”
“We’re not asking for Dr. Vale’s advice,” Rebecca said. “What would you, Hunter, do if you were sitting in this chair?”
“Nah,” Cass cut in. “What would you do if Ellie was sitting there?”
Hunter closed her eyes. She didn’t even want that thought out in the universe. “I would go with the surgery. It’s the most common treatment for brain tumors. It could potentially be the only treatment you’ll need. If Dr. Lima is able to extract the tumor completely —which I believe she will be — and it’s benign, that’s it. You’re done.”
“And the risk is worth the reward?” Cass asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” Hunter answered honestly. “As Dr. Lima said, every surgery has the risk of complications. We’re dealing with the brain here. Some complications can be more of what you’re feeling right now,” she said to Rebecca. “But getting that tumor out should relieve those issues.”
Rebecca looked at Cassidy. “What do you think?”
Cass dropped to her knees in front of Rebecca, taking her hands in hers. “I think I’ll support you in whatever you decide, baby. But I can’t be the one to make this decision. I just want you to be okay.”
Rebecca slipped one hand out of Cassidy’s and palmed Cassidy’s cheek. “With you standing by me, I’ll be okay.” She looked back at Hunter but couldn’t bring herself to form the words.
Hunter stood. “No decisions have to be made right now. Go home, talk about it, sleep on it. When you’re ready, we can take the next steps.”
“Yeah, let’s do that, baby.” Cass stroked a thumb over the back of Rebecca’s knuckles.
Rebecca sighed. She wanted this thing out of her head as quickly as possible. But she owed it to Cassidy to agree to take some time to discuss it more.
“Okay.” She watched the relief flood Cassidy’s beautiful face.
“Why don’t the two of you come over?” Hunter suggested. “Ellie can help you meditate, Cass will help me grill some burgers, and we’ll relax. We don’t have to talk about this at all if you don’t want to. Or you can ask me anything you need to in order to help you make a decision. We could invite the others over and have a little party. What do you say?”