Page 3 of Undoing
“You know, the only thing that would make tonight even better would be if Mocha were home,” Rebecca said with an exaggerated frown. “When does she get back from puppy boot camp?”
Cass almost rolled her eyes but thought better of it at the very last second. Yeah, she missed the cute little puppy that she gave Rebecca on Christmas, too, but a little training never hurt anyone. “It’s not boot camp, babe. It’s obedience school.”
“Potato, potahto.”
“She ate your favorite flog and chewed up a dildo!”
“Well, it wasn’t her fault that someone left them out for her to get!” Rebecca argued, laughing.
“You’re killin’ me, babe.” Cass absolutely loved this side of Rebecca. Mocha had brought out a maternal side that Cass wasn’t sure she’d ever see from her wife. Too bad the pup couldn’t stop chewing things up. They both decided it was good for their sanity if they sent her for some puppy training. However, neither knew just how much they’d miss the little bugger. “Mocha will be back before you know it, I promise. Now, get goin’. Be careful with my girl, yeah?” She leaned in the window and gave Rebecca a quick kiss. “I’ll see you tonight, Becca.”
“See you tonight, baby. I love you.”
“I love you.” Cass stood back and watched Rebecca drive off, giving her a quick wave. She checked her watch. She had a good three hours to paint today. It wasn’t long, but Cass would do what she could in that time. She hopped in her truck and cranked up the tunes for her hour’s drive to the location, a grin plastered on her face. This morning was blissful, so today would be a good day. And tonight would be a perfect night of recharging. Now… what was a good lazy night meal? Time to call Ellie.
Rebecca knocked confidently on the office door. Despite her little shower rendezvous with her wife, Rebecca arrived precisely two minutes early for her meeting. She should have used the time to vet the client more thoroughly, but this should be an easy consultation to see how — she checked her notes — Mr. McEnroe wanted to move forward with his business.
Of course, she had the basics, including the company’s profit margins for the last four quarters. But Mr. McEnroe had been less than forthcoming despite needing Rebecca’s help. She’d see how this initial consult went and then do a full audit of the business and the man. She’d learned long ago that investigating the proprietors of a company is just as important as the numbers and business plans. If she wasn’t comfortable with the type of person she’d be working closely with, Rebecca declined the endeavor.
Rebecca raised a brow. That was not a professional way of answering the door. Strike one. She wrapped her hand around the doorknob, took a breath, and let herself in.
“Mr. McEnroe?”
The man sitting behind the large — too large for the space — desk looked up at Rebecca, an arrogant smirk spreading on his lips.
“You’re the consultant?”
Rebecca tilted her head, holding his gaze without a flinch. “I am.”
“In the bedroom or the boardroom?” he snickered, undoubtedly patting himself on the back for the offensive joke.
“Excuse me?” Strike two and three.
“It was a compliment, sweetheart. With a body like that, you have my full attention.” He gestured to the chair in front of the desk. “Take a seat.”
“How did you get my information, Mr. McEnroe?” Rebecca asked, staying close to the door. She didn’t think the man was a threat — just an asshole — but she wasn’t stupid. She’d also decided less than one minute into the meeting not to work with this douchebag.
McEnroe raised his eyes from Rebecca’s cleavage. “A friend. Apparently you… helped him. Now I’m wondering if we were talking about the same kind of help.”
That smirk. Oh, Rebecca wanted to take a flog and whip the pretentious fucker into submission. That reaction surprised Rebecca enough to want to turn around and leave. If only her ego would allow her to. But no, she wouldn’t give the pompous ass the satisfaction of thinking he got to her. She walked, shoulders back, with a confident stride, to his desk and laid a folder before him. She wouldn’t work with him, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t dangle what he’d never have in front of him.
“I’m beginning to understand you a little more, Mr. McEnroe. In that file, you’ll find a preliminary business solution that would have been perfect for getting your company back on track. If you…”
McEnroe pushed the file away. “Yeah, I don’t think anything you show me will be better than what I’ve done with the place, Becky.”
Rebecca’s eye twitched, as did her hand. Her fingers curled into a fist, and she could feel the whip in her palm. “You may call me Mrs. Giles or Mrs. Cuinn-Giles. By the looks of your quarterlies, anything in that folder would supersede the piss poor job you’ve done with this place.” She picked up the folder. “That being said, I’m definitely not the consultant for you.”
McEnroe stood, his cocky attitude still locked in place. “So, bedroom? I bet you’re a little freak in bed.”
Rebecca’s nostrils flared with anger. “I’m married. To a woman. And even if I was the straightest woman on the planet and you were the last man standing… well, I would turn gay just to get away from you. You’re a vile, immature little boy trying to play in the big leagues. Here’s a tip for free. You couldn’t handle me. I would make you run home to your mommy, crying the whole way.” She leaned on the desk, closing the distance between them ever so slightly. “You have no idea how much of a freak I can be.”
Rebecca watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. There was intrigue in his eyes — who wouldn’t be intrigued by a beautiful woman threatening their manhood? But what satisfied Rebecca was the lack of the bravado that had been there just moments before. This was a man who wasn’t used to a woman standing up to him.
“Lose my number, Mr. McEnroe.” Just as you’re going to lose your business.
After that farce of a meeting, all Rebecca wanted was to go home and bask in Cassidy’s optimism and love. But Cassidy was downtown, elbow-deep in paint, making a cancer ward in a children’s hospital a little sunnier with a fun mural. Rebecca wouldn’t take that away from those kids. However, she also didn’t want to be home alone. So, Rebecca made a detour.