Page 64 of Undoing
“You,” Cass revealed. “You encouraged me. You introduced my work to Eve Sumptor. My work is here because of you. Well, and because Eve liked what she saw, I suppose.”
“Me?” Cass nodded, and Rebecca struggled to remember even a morsel of what Cass spoke about. It frustrated her when nothing came to her. “Let’s go in. Maybe seeing your work will trigger something.” She tugged on Cass’s arm, anxious to get inside the gallery.
Cass held open the door for Rebecca, inhaling the smell of art. As much as she loved food — and she really loved food — and no matter how pretty flowers were, this was what Cass loved. The aroma of paint — old and new — on canvas stretched expertly into frames that lent as much to the art as the art itself. Then there were the metal, stone, ivory, wood, and clay sculptures. All of it ignited Cass’s inspiration to create.
“Oh, it’s beautiful in here,” Rebecca said appreciatively. “I don’t think I’ve ever been inside a gallery before.” She glanced up at Cass. “Obviously, I have, but I don’t remember.”
Cass offered her a small smile. “We practically lived in this one when Eve and Lainey were opening here, and I was the featured artist. C’mon…”
“Wait. Please. I want to look around without you guiding me.” Rebecca’s nose wrinkled. “Does that make sense?”
“Yeah.” And Cass meant it. Rebecca wanted to come in here to see if anything incited her memories. Cass wouldn’t get in the way of that, so she stood back and let Rebecca wander. When Cass saw Eve and Lainey in her peripheral, she motioned for them to wait. Lainey nodded silently, taking Eve’s hand and disappearing in the back.
Rebecca strolled, taking in every piece of art that she went by, purposefully not reading who the artist was. There were moving black-and-white photos that elicited strong emotions. There were landscape paintings that made her feel free, practically feeling the wind in her hair. Everything she saw was beautiful and powerful.
Then, she came to a series of paintings that took her breath away. The one she was drawn to more than others stood out in brilliant reds, oranges, and blues. The focus of the painting was a couple holding hands. She felt… hope and an intense love while gazing at it.
“This is yours,” Rebecca announced. Even though she hadn’t looked at the name of the artist yet, it wasn’t a question. It was a feeling.
Cass came up behind Rebecca. “Yes,” she confirmed close to Rebecca’s ear. “Did you remember or see my signature?
“Neither.” Rebecca’s eyes moved to the signature. It was an elegant swish of the paintbrush that Rebecca wouldn’t have expected from the light-hearted woman. “It was more of a… feeling.” Rebecca turned, not expecting Cass to be so close. She whooshed out a breath and debated whether to step back or get closer. In the end, Rebecca stood her ground. “I can see why your work belongs here.”
“I would say you’re biased, but…” Cass felt the pull she always felt with Rebecca. It took all of her strength not to crush Rebecca to her and kiss her senseless.
Rebecca’s laugh was shaky as her pulse raced with the way Cass was looking at her. “Does it make you feel better knowing I still feel that way despite my… condition?”
“Better?” Cass thought about it. The first piece of work that Rebecca saw of Cass’s was the mermaid mural in their house. That had been after they’d been intimate in the pink room. Yet, they were still just beginning to get to know each other. So, did it make her feel better that none of that was a factor in Rebecca’s admiration of Cass’s work? “I think I’d say it cements what I’ve always known. That you’re genuine.”
Rebecca cleared her throat. God, no one had ever looked at her the way Cass did. And had her body ever felt this… turned on? The answer to that was a resounding no. Not even once. Not even in the beginning with Samantha.
“Could we, um,” Rebecca inhaled and immediately regretted it. Every other scent she had experienced today was suddenly overshadowed by the scent of Cass. It was a clean, woody fragrance with a hint of… citrus. Whatever it was, it made Rebecca’s mouth water. If she didn’t move away from Cass right now, Rebecca was going to make a fool of herself.
Cass closed her eyes briefly when Rebecca turned away from her. There was no way Rebecca didn’t feel the electricity between them. But she couldn’t rush things. Not with this Rebecca, who had yet to find her… inner Mistress. Mistress isn’t someone Rebecca created, Cass. She is Rebecca. Always has been. Again, Eve’s words echoed in Cass’s mind.
Cass blinked, focusing back on the here and now. Eve and Lainey had joined them without Cass noticing their approach.
“Oh, hey. Sorry, I was, uh…”
“Daydreaming?” Lainey teased. “Hello, Rebecca.”
“Becca,” Cass said before Rebecca could respond. “This is Eve and Lainey Sumptor.”
“Hi.” This must be the owners of Sumptor Galleries. Friends. And obviously lesbians. The world really had changed quite a lot from what Rebecca remembered. “Your gallery is exquisite.”
“Thank you. We owe a lot of that to you,” Eve revealed.
“Me?” The more Rebecca learned about her life now, the more frustrated she was that she couldn’t remember.
“You helped us find this place, and you’ve been instrumental in the success of quite a few of my businesses.”
“I — don’t remember.”
“We know,” Lainey said softly. “But you will.”
Rebecca scoffed playfully. “Everyone is so sure about that.”