Page 83 of Undoing
“Don’t get too excited,” Rebecca warned. “I remembered that’s what you drank at the diner.”
“Oh. Yeah, um, chocolate milk would be great. It helps my muscles recover faster after a workout.”
Rebecca’s eyes traveled down Cass’s body. Even in her slouched position, Cass was a specimen. “Does the body good,” she muttered as she grabbed a bottle of chocolate milk out of the fridge. She passed it to Cass and then sat across from her at the table. “Would you tell me if you were my Domme?”
Cass twisted the cap off the chocolate milk and chugged half the bottle before answering. The fucking way those words sounded coming out of Rebecca’s mouth got Cass’s libido all kinds of fucked up. Yeah, they had switched roles every once in a while, but being Rebecca’s Domme wasn’t what Cass desired the most. No, she needed Mistress almost as much as she needed Rebecca. Cass was addicted to that fierce confidence. At least, she thought she was. Being with the more tame version of Rebecca these past few days had taught Cass it wasn’t just Mistress she was addicted to. It was every facet of Rebecca.
“Yes,” she answered finally, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“That’s it? No elaboration?” Cass shrugged, and Rebecca sighed. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to get answers about the locked room and drawer full of… stuff today. “Where did we meet?”
Cass lowered her eyes, picking at the label on her bottle. How would Rebecca feel about meeting at the club? Hell, how would Cass explain why they were both there without delving into all kinds of information she wasn’t sure Rebecca was ready for?
“Seriously, Cass?” Rebecca asked, breaking the silence. Again, she saw Cass wince and curious sadness cross her beautiful features and pointed. “That! What is that look that you get when I say your name? Is that not what I call you? Are you lying about not being my Domme, and I’m supposed to be calling you… I don’t know, Master or something?”
This time, Cass winced for a different reason. “Ew. Please don’t ever say that again.” Her entire body shivered with disgust. “I’m not your Master or Domme or keeper or whatever. I’m your wife.” And your occasional sub. “But yes, you call me something different.”
“Something you’re not going to tell me so you don’t ‘influence’ me, right?” Rebecca said sarcastically. “And is that the excuse for not telling me where or how we met?”
“I know you’re frustrated, Becca…”
“You’re damn right I’m frustrated! Do you have any idea what it’s like to wake up one day and be thrust into the future without some kind of manual? I don’t know what has happened in the last two fucking decades, but I do know that I’m missing something! I feel it here.” Rebecca pressed a hand over her heart. “It hurts. Whatever my fucking brain can’t remember is hurting my heart, and I can’t take it anymore. So, please, give me something!”
“Muscle memory,” Cass murmured.
“I can take you,” Cass said instead of repeating herself. “If you want to know where we met, I’ll take you to see if it triggers anything.”
“You will?” When Cass nodded, Rebecca stood. “How long do you need to get ready?”
“Hang on, Becca. We can’t go now.”
“But you said…”
“It’s not open.” Cass got up and walked toward Rebecca, careful not to crowd her. “I will take you tonight if that’s what you want.”
“It is.”
Cass nodded again and hoped to hell she wasn’t making the biggest mistake of her life. “It’s a date,” she said, forcing herself to smile. “What would you like to do until then?”
A date. That made Rebecca a little more giddy than she cared to acknowledge. “Well, I could use some food. I’m actually surprised you lasted this long without mentioning the breakfast I offered.”
“You offered a few things,” Cass cheekily reminded her. “All of which I’m open to. But breakfast will suffice.”
Cass was standing too close for Rebecca to be thinking of those other things. “Great!” she exclaimed, a little overly excited. Bring it down a notch, Rebecca. “I’ll just…” She jerked a thumb behind her, turning on her heel to get started before she did anything else embarrassing. She grabbed the eggs out of the fridge and took them to the counter.
Rebecca recalled seeing mixing bowls earlier when she was searching for the coffee mugs. Finding them again was easy; the hard part was how high up they were. She opened the cupboard, wondering what the odds were that Cass wasn’t watching her. Rebecca got on her tiptoes and stretched as far as she could, and still, her fingertips barely grazed the bowl she needed. She gasped when she felt Cass’s hot body pressed against her back.
“I got it,” Cass murmured in her ear.
“T-thank you.” Good lord. Her body had never felt this before. Whatever happened, whether Rebecca regained her memory or not, she wanted to stay with Cass. She wanted to get to know the woman she had married and explore her relationship with this dynamic woman. If Cass made her feel this way after only a few days and a few touches, Rebecca couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be… intimate with her.
“My pleasure.” Cass stepped back before she did something stupid like grab Rebecca and kiss her senseless. “Do you need help? I mean, I’m a shit cook, but I’m great at chopping and whisking.”
Rebecca smiled. “I think I can manage.”
“Are you sure?”