Page 88 of Undoing
She’s flirting with me again. Cass grinned. “I’ll discuss whatever you want to discuss when you’re feeling better. I love long conversations. You know, the kind that lasts all night long.”
Rebecca raised a brow, appreciating Cass’s boldness. “It’s a good thing I’ve been feeling better every day. A long, probing conversation could be exactly what I need.”
Cass was the first to break when a small groan escaped from somewhere deep within. “I… we… uh…”
Rebecca giggled. Actually giggled. What an odd sound coming from her. Had she ever done that before? Rebecca linked her arm with Cass’s. “Thank you for bringing me here. I may not remember still, but this helped me realize a few things.” She hugged Cass’s arm closer to her. “Let’s go home.”
Cass held the door open for Rebecca, who stumbled slightly as she walked by. “Hey, you okay?”
Rebecca nodded. “The pain is manageable most of the time, but every once in a while, I get a sharp pain that takes me by surprise.”
Cass touched Rebecca’s temple with a fingertip. “Want me to get you some meds?”
“No.” Rebecca inhaled, catching a whiff of Cass’s cologne. Yummy. “I would rather not take any medication tonight. I think I could sleep it off.” She swayed again when another sharp pain hit her.
Cass wrapped her arm around Rebecca and scooped her up. “I’ll agree to no meds as long as it doesn’t get worse, yeah?”
Rebecca didn’t hear a damn word Cass said. She was too busy snuggling Cass’s neck and taking long sniffs of that intoxicating scent.
“Becca? Do you promise to tell me if the pain gets worse?” Cass asked when Rebecca didn’t answer. Her legs were beginning to shake. Not because Rebecca was heavy but because the feel of Rebecca’s breath on her neck was wreaking havoc on her libido.
“Hmm? Oh, um, yes, I promise. I’m okay now if you want to put me down.”
“Nope. This ride goes all the way to the bedroom.” It was Cass who stumbled this time. Her arms tightened around Rebecca until she was sure she wasn’t going to topple over. “I did not mean that the way it sounded.”
“That’s too bad,” Rebecca teased. The power of that playful tease diminished marginally when she yawned. “Sorry.”
Cass chuckled. “It’s been a long day, Becca. You’re allowed to be tired.”
“Can you call me babe?” Rebecca asked sleepily. “I like that.”
“Anything you want, babe,” Cass smiled. Once upstairs, she pushed open the bedroom door with her foot. “Want me to run a bath for you, or do you just want to go to bed?”
Rebecca considered the bath as Cass deposited her onto the bed. While her mind was tired, her body was feeling… restless—almost painful.
“I think a bath might help.” Of course, she wasn’t going to tell Cass how being at the club and thinking of what the two of them did in the Pink Room had her all hot and bothered. No, Rebecca would take a bath, go to bed, and figure the other stuff out in the morning. And by other stuff, she meant these growing feelings she had for Cass. That was only natural, right? Obviously, somewhere deep down, Rebecca knew Cass. Her body definitely knew Cass. Now, if she could just connect all the dots…
“Okay. Sit here, and I’ll go get it started.”
Cass started towards the bathroom, and Rebecca’s anxiety hit the roof. This scenario she remembered. The night she almost died, Samantha left her on the bed after shooting up and disappeared into the bathroom. That’s when all hell broke loose.
“Wait! I – I can do it.”
“I don’t mind…” Cass saw the terror on Rebecca’s face and put two and two together. “Hey, hey.” She kneeled next to Rebecca, taking her trembling hand. “I know where your mind went, Becca, okay? But I’m not Samantha.” Cass placed Rebecca’s hand on her chest over her heart. “Feel that? That’s my heart, baby. It beats for you and only you. I will never hurt you. Please, Becca, you don’t have to remember me to know how much I love you. Just look at my face. Look into my eyes.”
Rebecca did just that. She gazed into Cass’s bi-colored eyes and saw nothing but love and compassion.
“I’m sorry.”
“No need to be. Your emotions are valid, Becca. And I understand where they’re coming from. Why don’t you lay down for a while? If you still need something to take the edge off, come downstairs, and I’ll get the hot tub fired up for you, yeah?”
Rebecca nodded, allowing Cass to take her shoes off. “I do know,” she said suddenly. “I know you’d never hurt me. I don’t know how I know, but I see it. I feel it. I wish I hadn’t freaked out. I ruined your night.”
“You did no such thing.” Cass stood and moved away from Rebecca so as not to intimidate her with her height and proximity. “I’ll leave you to change and get some rest, but I want you to know that I had a beautiful night with you, Becca. Every second I get to spend with you is… heaven.”
Every second I get to spend with you is heaven. Cass lowered her head, her lips grazing over Rebecca’s. The soft touch caused a fire to spread through Rebecca’s body. Rebecca moaned when Cass deepened the kiss. God, she’d never been kissed like this before. She wanted to feel this sensation on every part of her body. Especially her…
Rebecca jerked awake with a gasp. The heat inside her wasn’t just in her dream. She squirmed as the pain continued to intensify. Her hand snaked down the front of her pajama shorts to put pressure on her throbbing clit. This wasn’t just arousal. It was too painful. Rebecca glanced at the dresser. Inside was an array of things that could bring her at least some relief. Rebecca slipped out of bed, determined to do something about this relentless discomfort.