Page 27 of Full Service
“You going to get a side of free crackers then, old man? Make it worth your while?”
My brow furrows at him, and I purse my lips. “I can afford the thick soupy water, but I don’t want to afford it.”
I glance up at the salads and swing my arm outward. “Fifteen dollars for a small salad? Did they harvest the leaves from some holy place in another country? Jesus.”
Everly grins at me and reaches over, clutching the back of my neck. His hands are warm, his fingers strong, and I feel myself melt into him. He should not touch me like this. Who knows what it will do to me below the waist? It’s already a treacherous situation.
“Chill, Dr. Sinclair. You’re starting to sound like my dad.”
“Well, I’m surely old enough to be your father.”
He bites his bottom lip and those blue eyes meet mine. “Yeah, but I sure as fuck don’t want to suck his dick.”
My cheeks flame and my entire body trembles at that. “Keep those thoughts to yourself,” I murmur.
He doesn’t even look ashamed, and thank god he said those words softly enough that no one heard him.
“Okay, I can do that.”
And he does. He keeps those thoughts deep inside of him while we order and while I huff and puff, paying far too much for a minimal amount of food.
He also keeps those thoughts inside when we sit at a booth and he hooks his legs around mine and pretends not to notice that he’s doing it.
But then he makes his intentions very well known by the way he licks his spoon. Like he’s giving it a blow job and purposefully manages to get mayonnaise on the corner of his mouth, chuckling as he wipes it away.
“You are being inappropriate again,” I hiss, and Everly just bats his eyelashes at me.
“I’m just eating. Anything inappropriate is all in your head, Dr. Sinclair.”
I scoff at that because the way he’s eating his french fries has to be illegal in at least forty states.
“I have lived thirty-five years, I know when someone is trying to entice me with food.”
He grins as he licks his way up his straw and sucks it into his mouth.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
His legs tighten around mine, and I nearly combust on the spot. I can imagine them threaded around me as he pushes inside of me, or surrounding me as he sits on my cock.
“Excuse me. I need to use the restroom,” I say, standing up and stalking toward it. I quickly bolt inside the one open stall, trying to steady my breathing. If I keep this up, I’m going to have a stroke. Or a heart attack. Or both.
I glance down at my dick. “You behave.”
The man in the stall next to mine grunts as a loud fart exits his ass and echoes around the bathroom. “Tell me about it, dude. My asshole is exploding. Don’t get the zucchini fries. You won’t get any obedience after that.”
My face blanches, and I pull my tie up around my nose and run out to wash my hands. I don’t even bother to dry them, just scrub and exit all while holding my breath. As soon as I’m free, I realize that my boner has deflated. Seems explosive diarrhea in a public bathroom will do that to someone. Even my horny dick was deterred.
I glance across the restaurant and see Everly smiling at me, laughing. I pull the tie away from my face and stalk toward him.
“Had quite the experience, didn’t you?” Everly asks as I slide into the booth.
“Men are disgusting. I don’t know why I’m gay.”
He chuckles and runs a hand through his hair, my eyes falling to his biceps. Yes, that’s why. He’s so fucking hot.
“Well, I do. I love an older man.”
I roll my eyes, even though my heart flutters in my chest.