Page 7 of Full Service
“You can see yourself out, Mr. Winslow.”
He grins at me and leans forward, holding his hand out for me to shake.
I stare at it and bring my sweaty palm up to press against his.
“Nice to meet you. Officially.” The way he says that last word sounds like sex.
He’s far too tempting, far too much of a lure.
His thumb brushes against the back of my hand and then he releases me, turning around and walking out, leaving me staring after his ass. I even lean across my desk to eye it until it disappears from view, and then I slump in my chair, pressing my forehead against the desk and rolling it back and forth.
I need professional help because this is so out of my wheelhouse.
I don’t know how to cope.
There is a good chance that I may be the most boring person on planet Earth. No one has told me this, but my brain has.
I need a little excitement in my life. Although, any more excitement like the kind I had that night at the strip club can’t be good for my heart or my balls.
They exploded. Literally.
I let myself into my small townhouse and set my keys down in the ceramic bowl my niece made for me last year. They clatter and clank as they settle on the bottom of the dish as I toe off my shoes. The suit coat that I purchased from a menswear store hangs on the rack. I remember the young man that helped me fondly. Blaise. He really brought my wardrobe back to life.
I loosen my tie as I walk toward the fish tank and say hello to Vertebrata. She glances at me with her one eye and hides under a piece of coral, a piece of fish poop trailing behind her.
I see how it is.
Don’t know why I bothered with her, but then again, I’m a sucker for one-eyed fish.
And peachy asses.
“I know. I can’t stand to look at myself either,” I say dryly as I place some pellets in the water and move toward the kitchen. The freezer is stocked full of frozen meals, and I grab one, placing it in the microwave, and then pour myself a glass of wine.
Now is not the time to be modest. I give myself a hefty pour, one that nearly sloshes over the edge, and slurp at it as I lean against the counter.
What a day this has been.
A day of realizations.
I sigh and rub at my nose, feeling the beginning of a headache making an appearance. The strain and stress of knowing my TA was the ass-man who made me cum in my pants is almost too much to bear. I was on the verge of panic attacks all day. I hope this anxiety will dissipate the longer we work together, especially now that I know he’s not going to tell everyone what happened.
To be fair, the lap dance was the most thrilling thing to ever happen to me. I don’t remember the last time I let loose like that.
But then again, I let loose and now the man who helped me accomplish that is a student.
I take another large gulp of wine, feeling my shoulders start to loosen.
Everything will be fine. Everly will behave professionally and so will I.
Even as I think that my dick begins to harden in my pants. To be honest, it was at half-mast all day, but now that I’m alone in my house with no one around to judge me, I feel like perhaps I can loosen up. I can behave in a very disrespectful manner.
Like maybe jacking off to this TA of mine.
It’s a bad idea, I think as I squeeze my dick. I can’t do this because every time I see him, I’ll remember touching myself to the thought of him.
But then again, who will know? Besides me.
My hand slides down the front of my pants, and I clasp the hard, hot length over the fabric.