Page 34 of Avaritia
Theon hummed, claws dragging over the thin fabric of my dress. I frowned, testing the binds on my ankles that I couldn’t see. What was that?
“Squeeze once if you wanted me to chase you.”
“Squeeze once if slick is dripping down your thighs.”
Squeeze. My face burned with embarrassment, but I had no doubt that he already knew. I’d probably been wafting horny pheromones through the whole manor.
“What a greedy little captive you are.” Effortlessly, Theon lifted me with one arm banded around my waist and carried me over to one of the sturdy wooden tables. “Three squeezes if you want me to stop. Now are you going to bend over or do I have to make you bend over?”
I didn’t bend over.
I didn’t squeeze either.
There was a sudden rush behind me, like air whooshing past, and suddenly I was even more caught. Bound around the ankles, around the wrists that were dragged down so my palms were on the table, around my waist.
Theon’s hands dragged up the back of my thighs, pushing my dress up over my hips and freeing my mouth.
“What is that?” I gasped, though I was pretty sure I already knew.
“I have shadows to spare, little captive. Shadows for playing with you. Whatever I expend now, I’m confident you will restore.” His shadows squeezed my wrists and ankles a little tighter, just to show me he could.
Tentacles. It had to be tentacles.
Sexy as fuck, endlessly adaptable shadow tentacles.
The possibilities were endless.
I whimpered my way through a weak, embarrassingly eager orgasm, pussy clenching desperately around nothing.
“You like them,” Theon murmured, sounding surprised. They flexed around me again and I leaned into them, pressing my ass back against his thick, hard cock.
“I fucking love them.”
Theon hesitated for a moment.
“You’re still my prisoner,” he reminded me sternly, though I suspected it was more for his own benefit. Evidently, his takeaway from our lunchtime conversation was that he should double down.
“Mmhm, that’s right. I’ve been your prisoner from the moment I volunteered to come here. You’re a very big, bad duke keeping the poor defenseless little huntress imprisoned in your evil lair.”
“Yes. You are imprisoned here,” he reiterated, clearly debating whether or not I was mocking him.
“And I’ve been a very naughty little prisoner. You should probably punish me.” I giggled at my tragic attempt at dirty talk, bending over further so my breasts pressed against the tabletop.
“I will punish you. I am in control here.”
I grinned against the table. He was adorable. It blew my mind that no one else seemed to realize that, or Theon would have been a proper court celebrity.
“Go on then. Show me what those tentacles can do.”
“Tentacles,” Theon repeated slowly, trying out the word before seemingly deciding he liked it. “They can do anything I like. They’re extensions of me.”
I almost came again. Theon’s nose was pressed to my shoulder, inhaling deeply, a drop of his saliva sliding down my back.
“You’re hungry, Your Grace,” I purred, wanting to make him as weak as he made me. “Let me feed you. I’m your captive. Your meal. Take from me. Use me.”
My clothes were in ribbons, shredded by his claws before I’d even realized he was going to undress me.