Page 116 of Conquered
“Oh, just a schmuck I paid a few hundred dollars. Of course, he didn’t know he was going to die that day but what the hell? You lose one, you… lose one. Right?”
“You were watching. You denotated an explosion.” I already knew the answer. I just wanted to keep him talking.
“Very good. You do pick up quickly, my friend.”
“He killed Josie,” Sara hissed.
“Ah, sweetie,” he mused as he pressed a kiss against her cheek. “One look at you the day I found you at Easton’s house and I knew it was only a matter of time before Josie would no longer be useful. I knew she had to die when she told you the truth.”
“You fucking bastard. I will kill you.” I was surprised at her abilities once again, almost knocking the knife from his hand. I would need to teach her about not fighting with a monster but first things first.
What I was about to do was risky as fuck and something I might regret, but it was the only thing I could do. I whistled shrilly, which caught him completely off guard. The distraction allowed her to push away, but not before he sliced a cut into her neck. She went down and I issued a single shot, catching him in the shoulder.
The knife was tossed free of his hand, the force enough he tripped on some debris, going down hard. I didn’t waste any time, rushing toward him, planting my foot on his chest and pointing the barrel of my gun right between his eyes.
“Someone once told me I shouldn’t consider myself judge and jury, but today, it’s something I need to do.” As I was prepared to fight, I was shocked when she grabbed my arm.
“No. No, baby. You’re not a killer. You’re a brilliant author, an amazing businessman, and the person I’ve fallen head over heels in love with. Don’t do this.”
“I’d listen to her, Mr. Saint. Don’t do it.”
Hearing the odd voice, I glanced over. Suddenly, it would seem we were surrounded by police officers, a detective all three of us knew standing with his hands in his pockets. I was surprised he had a look of amusement on his face.
“Put the gun down, Easton. It’s all over,” the detective continued.
I glared at him and he laughed.
“Look, we know he’s the Angel of Death, doctoring photos to make it look like you did the crimes. We found evidence convicting him of the two recent crimes and those from the past. We’re completely aware of his threats to you and your family and we have surveillance from Senator Barker’s house where Mr. Shelton was stupid enough to commit a cold-blooded murder. I assure you that he’s going away for a very long time. But don’t make me need to arrest you instead.”
I returned my gaze to the man I’d once considered a friend, feeling entirely different than I thought I would.
I wanted to live.
Not die here today.
In fact, I had more to live for than I ever had in my entire life. So I dropped my weapon, backing away.
I took her into my arms, walking her several feet away from the ugliness. “Are you alright? Oh, God, are you okay?” I gingerly lifted her chin, thanking God he’d barely nicked her.
“Don’t worry about me. I told you I was tough.” She threw her arms around me and for a few blissful seconds, I indulged in the kiss of a lifetime.
But something sparked my mind about what the detective had just said.
After breaking the kiss, I cupped her face. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
I motioned my brothers to follow me and when we were a safe distance away from prying ears, I glanced from one to the other. “So he’s the Angel of Death, huh?”
“It seemed the least Styx and I could do so you could have a new life,” Creed said as he shrugged.
“Uh-huh. What am I required to give you in return?”
Styx pulled out his sunglasses, donning them before being the one to answer. “A lifetime of enjoying yourself. And maybe a couple nieces and nephews.”
The three of us laughed and I turned to study her beautiful face. There was so much love in her eyes and in her heart. I made another promise to my mother this time as well as to myself and my lovely fawn that I would stop at nothing to make her the happiest woman in the world.