Page 51 of Since Day One
I didn’t feel anything except ease and comfort as Gunnar slid the drawer closed and walked toward me once more, offering what was in his hand. I glanced at it and then at him and smiled. Another one of his button-ups. A clean one. Taking it from his hand, I paused, wondering if I should leave the room even though there was a part of me that didn’t want to.
I wanted him to see me.
It would be okay for him to see me, right? Love and desire weren’t always like what it was for my parents. Vulnerability wouldn’t always lead to torture and agony, right? Sally had said she was proud of me before the video feed cut off. She had told me she was proud, and I could pretend for a moment that she meant concerning Gunnar.
I shrugged the coat off my shoulders; Gunnar was still, only his eyes tracked me across the room, the shadows carving out the hard angles of his face. I moved to the recliner, draping the coat across the arm. Setting the button-up on top, my fingers trembled as I gripped the hemline of my sweater, tugging it from my pants. Once it was loose, I took another deep breath and pulled it over my head. I dared to cast a glance. He watched me, hunger dripping from his gaze as I stood in front of him with nothing but my bra on top and a pair of pants.
Just a simple black balconette bra, but he didn’t look away. He also didn’t move to come closer; he was clearly enjoying this show, his hunter eyes boring deeper into me from afar. Adding the sweater to the pile, I unbuckled my jeans and slid them with a wriggle to my ankles. I heard his sharp inhalation. Chancing another glance at him revealed he was knotting his jaw as I stepped out of them fully and folded them on top of the sweater, before bending and also adding my socks. In nothing but underwear, I grabbed the button-up and pulled it over my head, letting it drown me like before.
Gunnar smiled softly, his chest rising and falling rhythmically as I rolled the sleeves up and walked toward him. He still didn’t move. Stopping in front of him, I finished with the second sleeve; my eyes met his. I wanted to swim in the look he was giving me. I wanted to forever get lost in this moment.
And then he pulled me to him and kissed me like a man given his final dying wish.
His large arms enveloped me, tightly wrapping around my waist as he bent me backward a little, pressing as deeply as he could into the kiss. Silky, hot lips begging for more. Tossing my hands around his neck, he took that as an invite and thrust his tongue between my teeth and almost down my throat. Briefly, his wet taste danced around my mouth before he released me and walked around the left side of the bed.
My lungs expanded and collapsed rapidly, taken aback by the sudden, aggressive kiss, broken too soon. His hazel eyes met mine, and he cocked that mischievous brow, shattering the spell as he tucked himself beneath the sheets. He patted the mattress next to him, but it took me a moment to trust my legs to move. His look was heavy-lidded and knowing as he waited for me to climb in on the other side. Once I slipped under the covers, without hesitation, I rolled immediately toward him and shoved my butt back allowing him to cocoon me in his embrace.
I fell asleep to his tender kisses tasting the nape of my neck as his warm scent enveloped me.
Chapter 19
We were up and out of the house as soon as the sun cracked the horizon. Horses needed work, and there was also the fact that if we weren’t, people would soon notice, and that would certainly raise suspicion. I wasn’t ready to involve others in whatever was happening between us. We hadn’t even discussed what “it” was yet.
Leaning against the railing in the arena, I waited as Gunnar tacked up the first horse of the day. There wasn’t much said between us this morning, though there had been plenty of kissing. And my mind kept playing it over and over like reruns on TV. He was so respectful, not trying for anything more than some tongue along with the kisses. Yet, I knew it wasn’t just for me that had him taking his time.
This was as much something new to him as it was for me. The sappy romantic at heart came out as he playfully made this the best morning of my life. We had enjoyed breakfast together first, fresh bacon and eggs, and he even made a pot of coffee before we crept down the stairs together. I smiled to myself, giggling softly as my mind replayed him sneaking around like we were teenagers trying not to get caught.
“What are you thinking about?” Gunnar asked, startling me from my thoughts. He was right next to me, leaned against the rails,watching me curiously.
“Nothing.” I giggled, and he raised his brows.
“That doesn’t seem like ‘nothing,’ Princess.”
Another girlish giggle escaped my mouth again. “We literally snuck out of your own house this morning.” I pulled my lips between my teeth, and he shook his head.
“Which we will have to do every morning, or you’ll be the next target for more than just Ruger,” he replied, quickly leaning forward and placing a simple kiss against my lips.
“But nothing happened,” I groaned.
“Stuff sort of happened.”
“But not the stuff he thinks happened.”
“I know that. You know that. But he will never believe that, especially if he learns more stuff is happening now.” Gunnar’s voice was muffled speaking against my mouth.
“That’s a lot of stuff.” I giggled, pushing at his chest, surprising myself with how giggly I was this morning. So, I quickly pulled the grin from my face.
Gunnar looked at me startled. “What was that?”
“I’m giggling. Like all the time,” I grumbled, trying to remain serious, and Gunnar grinned.
“How is that good? Someone will notice,” I said, scowling at him as the garage door rattled open and in walked Rob and Carsen, ready for the day. Gunnar glared at them as they suddenly began making smoochy sounds and drawing hearts in the air.
He shook his head, leaning his forehead against his arms for a moment before pushing off of the rail. “Sorry, Princess,” he mouthed before turning around and swinging himself up onto the buckskin he was riding.
“Will you two shut the hell up?” Gunnar growled as they mounted their horses while making cow eyes at us.