Page 68 of Since Day One
“Gunnar, I need—“ I started but immediately froze as I realized he was not on the couch but standing by the doorway talking to someone I didn’t know. And not just anyone, but a woman who was entirely too beautiful. Not Emily, but all the same. Long hair that shone like the sun at noon, and it was thick, curling down her back in perfection.
Her outfit rivaled even those of Jesse’s—a tight, black bodysuit with a plunging neckline that highlighted cleavage I could only dream about. Her jeans were the perfect bell-bottoms that paired so well with the long plaid coat hanging to her thighs. Thick, pouty lips set off by perfect skin and stunning almond-shaped eyes that shone the most incredible shade of amber brown.
Gunnar leaned up against the doorframe with his back to me, completely unaware that I was in the room. The woman’s gaze was locked onto Gunnar’s eyes as well, oblivious to the fact that I was standing there. My arms rose, crossing in front of my chest to hide myself away as I silently slithered back into the bathroom, trying not to make too large of movements and draw attention.
Whatever they were discussing was being done in really hushed tones, and no level of curiosity would get me to walk closer. Gingerly, I pushed the door shut, making sure not to release the doorknob until it was ready to silently slip back into place.
Then I walked to the toilet and sat down on the lid to wait. I didn’t know what else to do. I had no clothes and nowhere to go except back to the bunkhouse, if I could somehow slip out of here without Gunnar and whoever the female was noticing me. Which would be impossible unless they disappeared into the bedroom seeing as there wasn’t much space to hide.
Starting to feel chilled, I continued to wait, trying to avoid letting my mind drift to dark corners. There was no reason to assume that this woman was some secret lover of Gunnar’s, especially after his ex showed up and he didn’t hesitate to push her away. Although, if he had another lover, I technically had no right or claim to him. So, why was this hurting so much?
Shaking my head, I told myself no. This was nothing but a misunderstanding, and I owed him a chance to explain. A rapid knock sounded on the bathroom door, and my eyes lifted toward the white wood.
“Willow?” Gunnar said through the frame.
“I don’t have any clean clothes,” I quickly said, and heard him chuckle.
“I’m pretty sure a towel works, Princess. I have something for you, so come on out,” he spoke with a giddiness in his voice.
Standing up quickly from the toilet, I hustled to the door and threw it open, glancing around the living room before stepping out into the hallway. There was no sign of the blonde-haired woman, but there was a large package sitting on the couch. Gunnar grinned like a cat who ate the canary as I looked at it suspiciously.
“What is that?” I asked. Gunnar clasped his hands behind his body and began walking backward toward the package.
“Jesse has a friend whose husband works at this certain shop. Anyway, she owed Jesse a favor, and now I owe Jesse a favor since she cashed hers in for me,” Gunnar said as we slowly continued toward the large box. It was blank, plain gray, and nothing gave away the secret of its contents.
He stopped beside the box and gestured at it. “You got something for me?” I breathed slowly, wondering what he wanted in return.
“Yeah,” he drawled, smiling like crazy, the dimples so deep in his cheeks I was worried they would become permanent. He looked so excited, I thought any minute he would start jumping up and down like a little kid.
“And what do you want for it?” I asked, and the smile immediately fell.
“Nothing. Why the hell would you think I wanted—“ He stopped and sighed. “Never mind. I know why. Princess, I got you this simply because I want to give you a gift. No strings attached, though I certainly wouldn’t turn down a kiss or two.”
I waited to see if he was lying, but he just waited patiently. “Oh. Then you’re not going to think it’s weird that I’m actually super excited to see what it is?” I sheepishly asked, and he shook his head, the grin returning.
“Go on.” He gestured again, so I sat down in front of the box and gently lifted the lid. And gasped.
“No way.” I was shocked, staring at the beautiful gray crown on the cowboy hat that sat in the box. It was almost an exact replica of the one that Marissa had destroyed. Wide brim, shorter crown with the same flat crease.
I looked at Gunnar. “This is really mine?” I asked, and he nodded giddily. Gently lifting it from the hat box that he had disguised as a regular box, I ran a hand over the smooth felt. Looking inside, I found the one thing that was different. It had his initials stitched along the right side of the band and mine on the left.
“Go on, try it on,” he said, watching closely. My cheeks hurt from smiling as I placed it upon my head. It fit absolutely perfectly. I gasped in glee and looked at him in disbelief.
“How?” I asked, and he winked.
“I have my ways,” he answered and then widened his eyes. “Wait here, I have one more thing for you.” Gunnar jogged out of the living room and into his bedroom. I heard him shuffle through some things but barely paid attention as I ran a hand over my hat and stared at it. All mine. This hat, everything about this moment was absolutely perfect. I didn’t even need to ask him who that woman was, since obviously she’d been the friend who brought the hat.
Gunnar returned to the room holding something behind his back. I replaced the hat on my head and turned to look at him. He was grinning from ear to ear as he stopped in front of the couch, hiding whatever was in his hands.
“I was going to wait and give this to you later, but I was thinking it would be perfect to wear to the play this weekend, and I couldn’t keep the surprise any longer,” he said and then brought his hands in front of him.
This wasn’t possible, I thought, as I stared at the beautiful coat he was holding. The exact coat I’d commented on the day we met, with the soft wool lining and beautiful print with the thick buttons and flared sleeves that were purposely longer than usual. I felt tears well up in my eyes.
Presents were not something that I felt were a gesture of love, not after Alex had done nothing but try to buy my affection and my parents’ devotion. But these gifts, these were something personal not just to me, but to Gunnar as well.
“That’s the coat,” I whispered, and he nodded. “But I haven’t talked about that specific one since the day we met.”
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the day we met,” he tenderly replied, and I slowly rose from the couch.