Page 26 of Cowboy
“No,” she reached out and laid one hand on his chest, “don’t go. I want this. I’m just, I don’t know. It’s been a while.”
“You’re sure?” He watched her with what she felt was concern in his eyes. She fell a little harder in that moment.
“I’m sure.” Ava took a deep breath and dropped her top. “Now come here.” She grabbed the waistband of his jeans and tugged him closer to her, when he got close enough, she stretched up and kissed him again, eager to let the heady feeling his kisses brought take away her hesitance and embarrassment.
It didn’t take long until she forgot her embarrassment and the desire hazing her mind drove her to become more aggressive. She ran her hands up and down his torso, tugging him closer so his chest hair tickled her nipples and only served to make her more eager for him.
Cowboy brought his hands up along her torso, wrapping around her and seeming content to slide along her back. She wanted more.
So much more.
But she didn’t know how to ask for it. Hank had never allowed her to be so forward, and had belittled her when she’d tried, telling her it wasn’t fitting for a woman of God to be so into sex. Or like it so much.
She pushed thoughts of Hank and what he’d said to her from her mind. He wasn’t here, and never would be again. She was moving on and Cowboy seemed to like her just the way she was.
Something changed. Cowboy noticed the instant her touch became less sure.
“What is it Angel?”
She shook her head. “Nothing that matters.”
“If it’s messing with your head, it matters. It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, though. We’ll get there.” He smoothed her hair away from her face, and watched her face for signs of whatever was bothering her. He couldn’t help but marvel that this woman, who was special in ways he still hadn’t explored, wanted him.
She shook her head again. “I’m not going into it, not now. Maybe later, but I have things I want now, and talk isn’t one of them.” She tugged him close again, and stretched up so her mouth met his.
Cowboy didn’t hesitate to kiss her. He loved her taste. The way she seemed to come alive in his arms. She moved against him, her tits rubbing against his chest in a way that made his dick hard.
She seemed to need to take charge here, and he didn’t want to take that from her. Instead, he kissed, touched, and encouraged her to take what she wanted.
Slowly, she grew bolder, dipping her fingers below his waistband, then popping the button on his jeans. He covered her hand with his, stopping her progress before she found his hard cock.
“Before things go any farther, I have to ask you something.”
“What?” Her voice had grown husky and breathless with desire.
“I hope to God you’ve got condoms, or I'm going to have to stop right now and go get some. We go much farther, and I won’t care. I won’t do that to you.”
Ava didn’t say anything at first, just turned and pulled open the drawer on the table beside the bed, revealing a brand-new value package of condoms.
“I bought them earlier this week when I decided I wanted to see where this was going between us.” Ava circled one of her own nipples with the tip of her middle finger.
He watched the pink tip pucker and draw tight, and bit back a groan. He wanted to taste her there so badly, but he was letting her set the pace.
“Good. Now that’s out of the way, you can do whatever you want to me. I’m putty in your hands.” He released her hand, still on his waistband, and held his hands wide.
“Putty? No, that’s soft and squishy and from what I can tell, you’re anything but soft and squishy.” She unbuttoned his jeans and dipped her fingers beneath the elastic of his boxer briefs. “No, not soft at all.” She pushed at his jeans, shoving them off his hips as she leaned close and teased one of his nipples with her tongue a moment before suckling a moment.
Cowboy groaned his head falling back as he fisted his hands and reined in the urge to take over and show her all the things that could bring them both pleasure.
No. There would be plenty of time for that later. Now he was letting her set a pace she was comfortable with. While she hadn’t said much, he got the feeling she’d never been allowed to do that before.
He shoved at his jeans until they fell to the floor, then stepped out of them. Ava slid her hands down his sides, skimming over his skivvies, then back up again. She moved around him, her hands on his hips turning her with him, then a firm hand on his chest pushed him backwards until the back of his legs hit the edge of the bed.
“Sit.” Ava’s tone was firm and commanding.
Cowboy did as she told him, liking the light in her eyes as he followed her commands.