Page 29 of Cowboy
She blinked, as if not sure how to take him or how to respond.
"I was thinking I need to take a shower before I get ready for work and that maybe you'd like to join me."
She lowered her eyes in what from anyone else he would take as being coy or flirting, but he'd learned that from Ava it was another gesture of her uncertainty.
He'd like to get five minutes alone with her ex. Five minutes was all it would take to readjust his views on how to treat a woman. especially one as precious as Ava.
“Are you sure you’re not sore, you said it had been a while. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’m fine.” She blushed and Cowboy wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or desire, but he wasn’t going to push the issue. If she said she was fine, he would take her word for it.
“I can think of lots of ways to make a shower fun.” He loosened his hold on her as she stretched then rolled for the edge of the bed to get up. Without her there to lure him into staying, he threw back the covers and stood. “What time do you need to leave so you’re not late?”
She gave him a time, then went into the attached bathroom, not seeming to notice she had not a stitch on. He looked around for his clothes, went to the front room for his t-shirt, then left them all draped over the chair next to his boots before joining her in the shower.
Cowboy found his mind drifting more and more. Thinking both about the night before with Ava and looking forward to seeing her again tonight.
Before he’d left her this morning, they’d made plans for dinner then back to her place tonight. He could only imagine what she had in mind. Those imaginings were not good for his concentration. The upside was that the assembly he was working on didn’t take a lot of detailed focus, and his musings didn’t hinder getting things done.
“Cowboy!” Deke’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. His best friend’s tone hinted that this might not be the first time he’d called his name.
“You need something?” He turned and glared at his VP. The last thing he wanted right now was the other man to realize his mind had been on Ava again. He didn’t want to hear the teasing that would be sure to follow.
“Miles has been trying to reach you all morning. He needs some decisions about tomorrow. Says you’re not responding to texts.”
Cowboy hadn’t even noticed his phone buzzing. He’d been so lost in what he’d been doing and his thoughts. He pulled out his phone and found several texts from Miles, and one from Ava. Ignoring that Deke was watching him, he went to Ava’s message first.
Ava: Have a good day. I’ll be thinking about you. Until tonight.
He typed out a quick reply and hit send, then navigated to Miles messages. Sure enough, there were several questions that Cowboy typed out answers to and sent back to him. When he was done with all the texting, he looked up to find Deke still watching him, his head tilted to one side and one brow lifted.
“What?” Cowboy demanded. Something smart mouthed or snarky was going to come out of Deke’s mouth, he had no doubt.
“I didn’t know questions about a run would put that stupid grin on your face.”
“It wasn’t just questions from Miles waiting for me. I had other messages too.”
“From that hot little number from the bar last week? You've seen her a couple times since then, haven’t you?”
“I have.” At least his brother wasn’t calling her a piece of ass this time. He could handle hot little number. It wasn’t so demeaning. But if Deke got too flippant, Cowboy might have to teach him some manners. “And I’m seeing her again tonight. I may even end up bringing her next weekend.” Cowboy watched his friend, wanting to see how he would react.
Deke’s brows shot up, then he gave Cowboy a long blink before speaking, “You’re going to bring this chick to the club BBQ? She looked a little wild, but I didn’t take her for a groupie.”
Cowboy pinned him with a venomous look. “Ava is no groupie. She’d never been on a bike until this week.” He’d stepped in it now. Jumping to her defense like that would clue Deke in that there was something special about Ava. The surprised look on his brother’s face made that more than clear. Now the ribbing would start.
“You’re going to bring a woman who’s new to the world to the BBQ?”
“Maybe. She said she was interested, but I need to get some details from Miles so she can work out the scheduling.” That reminded him and he pulled out his phone and texted Miles again, asking what day the BBQ would be on the next weekend. He’d told Ava he’d find out Saturday, but if he could find out today, that would give her an extra day.
“You almost done with this rig?” Deke jerked his chin toward the bike Cowboy had been working on.
“Getting close. And it’s a good thing. The buyer will be here tomorrow, and I’d like to take it out for a test drive this afternoon to make sure there are no issues.”
“Good plan. Want a partner?”
“For the test drive? I’d appreciate it. It’s been a while since one broke down on the ride, but it’s always a pain in the ass when you have to wait for rescue. At least with you along I’ll have someone to wait with.”
Deke shook his head. “What time you want to leave?”