Page 31 of Blood Moon
Ten minutes later, I pulled up in front of what used to be Midnight. The contractor was there waiting.
“You must be Mike. It’s good to finally meet you,” I said as I offered my hand. Mike took it and shook heartily. The human was short and stocky. His years of working outdoors had weathered his face, making him appear older than his file indicated.
“Yeah, Viktor? It’s great to meet you. I hate that your property was destroyed, but I’m glad to have the work. I’ve been checking it out while I waited for you. I don’t think it will be as bad as you explained.” He walked closer to the building and I followed.
“You think you can rebuild it?” I already knew that he could. There was a reason I’d called him. He was well known in the city for doing historically accurate repairs and remodels.
“I can. I mean, there’s some structural damage from whatever blew up here, but I can do it. The job won’t be cheap, though. I took a look at the proposal you sent over. Those are some high end materials.” Mike seemed hesitant to agree to the designs I sent him.
“Well, if you’re not comfortable with the design, I could always get someone else to finish after you rebuild the structure,” I offered, knowing that the statement would make him more determined to get the job done and stay under budget. Besides, I already knew that I would pay whatever it took to bring Delilah’s designs to life. It would be worth it to see her face when she realized that Midnight was hers. I hadn’t told anyone that I planned to sign it over to her once it was repaired. Vinny would be pissed. It was going to be fantastic.
“Oh, no, that wasn’t what I meant. It’s going to be hard to stay under budget with these materials, that’s all. I can definitely make it happen though.” It was as if my words flipped a switch in him and confidence took over.
“Good. Was there anything else you needed from me? I have an extremely busy day, and would like to get to my next meeting.” I hated brushing him off, but I needed to get to Strain before he had a chance to come after Delilah again.
“I think we’re set. You want construction to start today, right? What do you want me to do with the personal effects we find in the rubble?” There were clearly things in the building that had meant something to Delilah, and I intended to replace everything that was damaged.
“Yes, start today. Keep those things aside for me to examine. There were some valuable things in my apartment and office, and I’m sure the other tenant had personal mementos as well. I’d like to salvage whatever we can.” Mike nodded, and I turned to walk away. It was a relief to lean on my psychology studies instead of resorting to charm every time someone didn’t do what I wanted. The contractor was easy enough to read and manipulate.
Now to track Strain down and have a few words with him. He would leave Delilah alone one way or another. I wasn’t about to let her go. I dialed his office, hoping I could convince them to tell me where he was.
“Look, he’s going to want to talk to me. Please, just call him and tell him Viktor Maxwell wants a meeting. I’ll even be generous and let him pick the location. He can call me with the details himself. Thank you.”
I hung up the phone and decided to start looking for Delilah myself. I trusted Jones, but since he hadn’t gotten back with me yet, I was certain he wasn’t able to locate her.
I headed back to Second Street, determined to track her down. It had been decades since I’d had to use any of my tracking skills. I opted to park the car near one of the restaurants that I owned on that end of town and continue on foot. She couldn’t have gone far, right?
Since she jumped out at Third Street, I would start at Second and see if there was any indication of which way she went. Tracking had always been Strain’s strong suit, but with any luck, I would figure out where she had gone before one of his men got to her.
Chapter 31
After jumping out of Viktor’s car, I ran to Anna’s house. We’d been best friends growing up. I hadn’t seen her in months, but knew that she still lived in the same apartment on Ninth Street. For the first few blocks, I ran like I was being chased. I kept looking behind myself to see if Viktor had decided to follow me.
I couldn’t say how many people I knocked over while I was racing down the street. I honestly didn’t care at that point. I needed to get away. Once I was sure he wasn’t behind me, I slowed down. I needed time to think.
My emotions were threatening to take over, and I didn’t want to be sitting on the side of the road crying. What would I do if Eli killed Viktor? Or if Viktor killed Eli? The pain of those thoughts was too much for me. I couldn’t take it. It might have been easier to explain the whole thing to Viktor and talk him out of his meeting, but I was terrified. Not of him, but of his reaction. What if he didn’t want me anymore when he found out that I wanted them both?
My phone vibrated. One glance showed a text. I ignored it because I assumed it was Viktor. I couldn’t deal with him right now. He was being controlling and overbearing.
With tears falling, I made it to Anna’s building. I buzzed her apartment, but it looked like she wasn’t home. Great. Now I would have to find somewhere to hide. It wasn’t like I could just call Viktor to pick me up. He was probably so angry. This was a mess.
When I unlocked my phone to text Anna, I realized that the text was from Eli, not Viktor. Are you okay?
I shook my head. I wasn’t, and I knew that I probably wouldn’t ever be again. I’m not. Had a fight with Viktor. How did you know?
Then I shot Anna a quick text. Hey, I know it’s been a while, but I’m outside your building. When will you be home? I waited a minute for her response.
I’m at work until 8. You okay? I can leave now if you need me. I laughed as tears filled my eyes.
I’m fine. I had the afternoon off and just wanted to see you. Don’t leave work. I’ll get with you later. I was a horrible friend, and I knew it. Work had gotten in the way and I didn’t even realize it until I needed something. I promised myself I’d do better.
I sat down on her step and gave in to the tears that were trying to fall. I had no idea what to do. Just then, my phone went off.
Where are you? Why did you run off like that? I knew without looking that it was from Viktor.
I needed some time to think. You’re mad, aren’t you? I braced myself for the answer, but nothing came for a few minutes. When my phone vibrated again, the message was from Eli.