Page 36 of Blood Lost
“I want to. He was my best friend for so long. We grew up more like brothers. We called each other’s parents ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ and we were together more than apart. But he’s the leader of the hunters now. I honestly don’t know. If it were just my life on the line, I would say yes without a doubt. But with Delilah and you guys involved, I can’t take that chance.” I ran a hand through my hair again, trying to figure out what had brought Kayden to me.
“We’ll figure it all out. Don’t worry. If you trust him, I trust him.” I couldn’t express how much Eli’s words meant to me. I wanted to tell him that, but I wasn’t sure that I even trusted myself. Kayden knew where we were now. Sure, he didn’t know that Delilah was with us, and nothing we found on his system showed that he knew who she was. But I wasn’t prepared to risk her just because my old friend came back and said it was all going to be okay.
Eli and I walked silently for a while until we made it back to the bunker’s entrance. I knew it was well hidden, but the thought of Kayden following us made me paranoid. Vampires had eyesight that rivaled wolves, especially in the dark. And our hearing was just as good. I knew that if he’d followed us, I would know it. I had to believe that. I watched behind us as Eli put the code in to open the door. I was secretly expecting Kayden and his men to jump from the bushes and attack us the whole time. I didn’t relax until we were safely inside the bunker with the doors locked again.
“He didn’t give us any more than we already knew.” I fumed, irritated at myself that I couldn’t get Kayden to talk. Eli laughed. “What’s so funny?”
“That you think he didn’t give us anything. It’s right in front of you. He handed us the one thing he cares about more than the hunters.” He paused and raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged, then he finished his thought. “It’s you. He came here, hunted you down to make sure you were okay. He told you that if you need him, he’ll be there. If that’s not a weakness, I don’t know what is.”
“I’m not going to use him like that.” It didn’t matter to me that Eli was right. I didn’t want him to be. I didn’t want to believe that I would betray my friend like that. Inside, I knew I would.
“That’s not what I’m saying. Look, I’d be the same way for my sister. She’s my weakness. Well, besides Delilah. I’m not saying we use it against him unless he pushes the issue by taking her in. I’m just saying that he did give us new info.” He walked over to the computers and checked his searches. Eli insisted that he would find something that would connect the Powder operation to Delilah.
“Any luck?” I asked before heading into the kitchen for a drink. Eli was sitting in the chair when I got back, typing frantically. “Should I take that as a no?” I glanced at the screen while he was typing, but I had no idea what any of it meant.
“Narrowing the search parameters of the program. Nothing concrete yet. I got a list of flunkies that we can capture and interrogate, but nothing on the boss. I need a name. Why can’t I find him?” Eli slapped the desk and paced the room. Frustration rolled off him.
“What can we do? You’ve got searches going. Vik says his men are looking. I don’t have anyone qualified to help. I feel like I’m not doing anything here.” I knew that my little pity party wasn’t exactly warranted, but I couldn’t help feeling like I was doing less work than the other two. How would I ever convince Vik that I was good enough if I couldn’t help out?
“I have an idea. Take your phone off airplane mode. Kayden already knows where you are. Maybe he’ll call you or reach out somehow, and we can get a lead that way.” Eli’s suggestion was ridiculous, but it might just work.
“Okay. I’ll do it. Do you think he’ll reach out?” I didn’t wait for an answer. I walked to my room and retrieved my phone from the dresser. After switching airplane mode off, I waited a minute to see if anything would happen. Silence.
“Give it time. You just saw him. He may not be back at their base yet. You should get some rest. It’s your turn to distract Delilah tomorrow. And you know how that will end up.” He smirked at me, then walked back to the computers and sat down again. I glanced back as I walked away and he was typing again but much less frantically. His confidence made me feel like this might actually work out.
I took a quick shower then collapsed naked on the bed. I had almost passed out when my phone made a noise. A new message. But it couldn’t be Kayden, right? I reached for the phone and opened the app.
Are you sure that you’re okay? I have a bad feeling about you being in trouble. Sure enough, Kayden had texted me. I wondered how I would get him to talk. There was no good way to ask him about anything without showing our hand. That wasn’t my decision to make.
I’m fine. Just need to find out who’s drugging vamps. Can’t get anywhere because I don’t have connections. Frustrated that I couldn’t help my friend. I hoped that he took that as enough of a response. I wasn’t sure I could cover up what we were doing here if he pushed the issue.
Is someone drugging vamps? With what? How do you know this? Level with me, and I might be able to help. Part of me wanted to tell him everything. I could completely unload and work through it with him the way Eli can with Vik. But I knew better. We were on opposite sides here, and there was no way he would go against his Hunter training and regulations to help us.
I know someone who was drugged and did things they wouldn’t normally do. I’m trying to find out how and why. It looks like Powder was used, but I have no idea how it’s being transmitted. Would that be enough detail, or had I said too much?
Dec, this is some really dangerous stuff. You need to watch your back. I don’t want you to get hurt. That drug is no joke. And the guys who make it are not the type of guys you want to mess with. Most of them kill for fun. Promise me you’ll be careful, and I’ll try to get you a name.
I didn’t expect Kayden actually to help me. If he could get us the name of the kingpin, maybe we’d be able to find the connection to Delilah. Then from there, we’d be able to protect her. Thanks, man. If we could find the kingpin, we’d be able to help my friend out. I felt like I was riding a thin line between my friend and my love. I didn’t want either of them to get hurt. But Kayden could take care of himself. Delilah needed me.
I’m on it. I’ll let you know if I find something. Be safe, my friend, I thought to myself. I wanted to text him more but decided it wasn’t a good idea.
Part of me wanted to tell Eli, but I figured I’d just have to repeat the whole conversation over breakfast anyway. There was no reason to say it all twice. I might as well wait. I made sure the phone was plugged in, then collapsed on the bed, and passed out.
Chapter 43
Last night, I hadn’t planned to sleep in Vik’s room, but his crazy sex wore me out. He was already up and out of the room before I even woke up. Damn them anyway! All of this plotting without me has to stop! I can’t live like this. I refuse to be coddled like a child. I threw on my clothes and stomped into the living room to give them a piece of my mind. The room was empty. There’s no way they would leave me alone.
I walked to my room to make sure Vik wasn’t in there for some reason. It was empty too. “Okay, I guess I’ll just make my rounds,” I spoke out loud but not to anyone. My voice sounded strange and echoed. Dec’s room was empty, as was the kitchen. Eli’s and the garage were the only places I hadn’t checked. I crept over to Eli’s door and turned the knob. The second I pushed the door open, something exploded and threw me across the room. My head was spinning. I brushed my hair out of my face and my hand was coated in blood.
A wave of dizziness came over me as I tried to stand. Fire from the explosion spread from Eli’s room toward Vik’s across the living area. I shook off nausea and forced my feet toward the garage. I needed to get out of here. I had to find my guys. I tried to scream for them but found that I couldn’t speak. I walked cautiously into the garage. The SUV was gone. How was this possible? My guys would never leave me. But somehow, they did. I was alone. Something was wrong here. I couldn’t explain it, but this felt wrong.
Before I could step outside, a group of masked men came in and grabbed me. I was gagged, tied up, and thrown in the back of a truck. I tried to fight until one of them hit me with the butt of a gun. It didn’t knock me out, but it hurt enough that I stopped fighting. I closed my eyes and waited for whatever was coming next.
“Delilah! Myshka! Wake up!” Vik shook me. I groaned but didn’t respond. “Eli! Declan! Something is wrong with her. Hurry!” He shook me again, but I still couldn’t respond.
“What happened?” Eli asked as he ran into the room. Declan was close behind him. I could hear their footsteps even though I couldn’t see them.