Page 13 of Wolf Moon
“You kept James alive? And that’s why you took Red?” I’m astounded by this revelation. If what he’s saying is true, what does that mean for James now that they’re both here?
“I did, and yes, that is correct. There’s a little more to it than that, but that is the basic gist of it all,” Trevan says. This man is way too confident for his own good. Especially since Red is already annoyed at him.
“Then I’ll welcome you into our home. But I will warn you, one wrong move, and one of us will take you out. Being Red’s father won’t save you here,” I threaten.
I smirk at the look of fear that crosses his expression before he schools it again. Red notices it too, and we exchange a look. “How is James?” she asks, rushing to the couch where he’s been since his injury.
“It doesn’t look good. We’re not sure what else to do,” Grammy says, walking out of the kitchen to wrap her arms around Red.
We all turn to Trevan, somehow expecting him to have the answers. “What are you looking at me for? I can’t heal him. I don’t have that power.”
Red’s face lights up. “But I do! Right? I just don’t know what color that is.” She turns to her father and stares at him, waiting for the answer to her unspoken question.
He sighs before he responds. “White. Please don’t kill yourself saving his life. He wouldn’t want that.”
Dropping to her knees next to James, Red sticks her tongue out at the Fae man. Then she turns her attention back to her unconscious mate. As I’m watching, a faint white glow starts to come out of her hands.
“What is that?” Luca asks, stepping toward Red. I wrap my arm around his waist to stop him, pulling him back against my chest.
“Let her do this. The Fae is right there if things start to go wrong. If he can’t be useful, I’ll help you tear him in half,” I threaten. Luca seems satisfied with my suggestion and relaxes against me. It should be strange to hold him this way, but something about it feels right, especially with Red only a few feet away.
“It’s up to her to figure this out. Like I said, I don’t have that power, so I can’t help her. The only thing I can do is pull her away if she starts to use too much of it,” Trevan states. He doesn’t look concerned, but there’s something in his voice that makes him appear uncertain.
My chest aches, and I know it’s coming through the bond. If she’s unsure, then this won’t work. Guys, we need to show our girl how proud we are of her and how confident we are that she can do this. I send the command over our bond, blocking her from hearing it.
A moment later, I feel Orym and Luca pushing emotions at Red, and I join them.
I’m anxious and terrified that I can’t save James. I have no idea what to do. What if I make it worse? Panic grips me, and I start to freeze up. Then, as if they’re reading my mind, my guys send their love and confidence along our bond. It hasn’t been that long since I’ve felt them this way, but it feels like it’s been forever.
Tears stream down my face as I soak up their emotions and use them to bolster myself for what I have to do. I can’t afford to be scared. I have to clear my mind and focus on healing James. Stopping those magic tendrils from getting to his heart is my number one concern right now.
As the white glow coming from my hands gets brighter, James starts to thrash. “Hold him down, please,” I bark at Ry and Luca. I pour my magic into him, begging him to heal, praying that this works and I’m not too late.
The more magic I push into him, the more it seems to hurt him. I’m ready to back off, but Trevan steps forward. “It’s working, keep going.”
I close my eyes and focus on pushing as much healing magic into James as I can. My legs buckle, but strong arms wrap around me, and a hard chest holds me up. Orym’s fresh cedar scent fills my nose. I lean back against him and continue to give everything I have to saving James’ life.
After a few more minutes, I know I can’t keep this up. I’m getting weak and the world is spinning. “It’s okay, Red, you can stop now. It worked,” Ry’s voice cuts through the pain in my head.
I open my eyes to see that he’s right. All that’s left of James’ injury is a small scar on his calf. The black streaks that had covered his leg and were climbing toward his heart are gone. I did it. With that thought, I collapse and the world goes dark.
I have no idea how long I was out, but I hear voices, and everything feels like it’s a dream. “Is she okay?”
“Yes, she’s fine. She just needs to rest. Using that much power at once is taxing for any Fae, but more so for one who isn’t as experienced. Since she’d never used that particular type of magic before, it was more difficult for her. I’m certain that she will wake when she’s recovered, just like James will.” I know that voice, but my brain doesn’t want to process it.
“If they both don’t wake up soon, I’m going to take you outside and enjoy every single punch that it takes to knock you out,” Ry says. Oh, shit. Ry is going to kill Trevan if I don’t wake up. That’s who he’s arguing with.
I groan as I fight my way back to the light. The darkness calls to me, making me want to sleep. But I need to save my father from my mate. I slowly open one eye, looking from Ry to Trevan and back before closing it again. “Stop fighting. I’m tired.” It comes out whiney, and I hate that, but it works. They both instantly stop arguing and focus on me.
“Are you okay, Red? What can we do for you?” Ry asks. I smile at him being so sweet. It’s not like my big, bad wolf. He’s usually gruff and hateful, but not with me.
“I’ll be fine. How’s James?” I ask, finally forcing both eyes open. I’m lying in our bed, with Ry and Trevan standing guard.
“Luca and Orym are watching him,” Ry says.
“I hate to ask, but will you carry me out there? I need to see him, but I just don’t have the strength right now.” I smile at him, knowing that my love can’t deny me anything. He scoops me up without another word and carries me to the living room where James is sitting up on the couch, talking to Luca.