Page 2 of Wolf Moon
“Look, I know you’re pissed, child, and I understand. But this was the only way,” he says.
“The only way for what?” James asks, trying to keep me from tearing this man’s head off. It’s working, but barely.
“This place is safe. You can learn to control your magic here without hurting anyone or being noticed by Amber. She can’t see you here,” Trevan explains.
“If you want me to trust you, I’m going to need some answers,” I insist, snarling at him. I know that I shouldn’t trust him, but part of me already does. It’s as if I know him and am certain that he wouldn’t hurt us. But I can’t know that. Because I don’t know him. I might have spent some time here as a child, but that doesn’t mean I know this man, this Fae, who claims to be helping.
“I will tell you what I can,” he answers carefully. “Please know that while I cannot lie to you, there are some questions I cannot answer. It’s for your own safety, and that of your mates.”
“Fine, whatever. Let’s start with the obvious. Who the fuck are you?” I’m glad that Grammy isn’t here to slap me in the back of the head for being rude. I don’t care at this point. I want answers, then I want to go home and save James.
“I am Trevan Graypond, and I am the King of the Fae in this forest,” he answers simply.
“Well, Your Majesty, what exactly is your interest in me?” His eyes go wide at my second question, and I can tell that he doesn’t want to answer it. Just admit that you're my father and we can move forward.
“I only desire to help you, and see you succeed.” The response is not the complete truth, and I know it. He’s hiding something from me.
“That was a very non-specific answer. Why should I trust you?” I push further.
I watch as he fights against answering the question. It’s as if the words want to come out, but he’s trying to hold them inside. “I can’t answer that. You shouldn’t ask things like that. Those questions are dangerous.” The words rush from him, and I feel like he’s forced himself to speak them instead of the answer he wants to give.
I stare at him, taking in his appearance for the first time. His hair is the same red as mine, but his skin is pale and shimmers a little. His clothing is bright, covered in so many colors that it’s hard to focus on any single one. If he wore different clothes, he might look normal. I get the impression that he wouldn’t care for that thought, so I keep it to myself.
“It’s dangerous to ask why I should trust you? That seems odd,” I respond, watching his face closely. I want to dislike him, but somehow, I can’t.
“I cannot lie to you, but there are some things I should not tell you. Please understand, I have good reasons for the things I do. My goal is to protect you. My desire is to see you happy. Beyond that, I cannot explain. As for trust, I believe that should be earned,” he states plainly.
I continue to stare at him, trying to decipher the hidden meaning to his words. There’s more to this man than meets the eye, but I can’t quite figure him out. “And how do you plan to protect me and see me happy?” I can’t help asking, even if he won’t answer.
“I’m going to teach you how to use your Fae magic, child.”
“How do you know about that?” I don’t even mean to ask, but the question is out before I can stop myself.
He smiles and my heart warms. I can’t understand the connection I have to this man. Maybe it’s just because he’s Fae and I’m half. I don’t know. But something inside of me is pulling me to him. I know he’s not another mate, but there is a connection.
“Oh, child. Fae can sense each other. Of course, I know your family, so I am aware of your powers.” His expression changes the moment the words leave his lips. He’s given me something that he didn’t intend to.
“You know my family? You knew my mother? And my father is alive? Please, you have to tell me about them.” I grab his arms and hold him still when he tries to flee. I will force the truth from him if I have to.
Trevan shakes his head. “I can’t. You don’t understand. It’s not safe to have this conversation here.”
“Then where is it safe? Because she deserves to know whatever you know,” James says, reminding me that he’s been here with me this whole time. The idea that we aren't safe is enough for me to table this conversation until later.
“There isn’t a safe place here for that. I promise I will tell you what I can, but not right now. We need to move, before the guards arrive. Come to the palace with me, and I’ll teach you how to use your magic.”
“What about James?” I ask. I need to figure out how to heal his body and get him back into it.
“I can keep him safe in the palace until his body is healed. Please, we must go,” Trevan urges. I exchange a look with James, and he nods.
“Let’s go,” I agree, taking James’ hand and following our Fae captor. I know that it’s not his intent, but Trevan is holding us against our will, which makes him our captor. It doesn’t matter if he’s doing it for benevolent reasons or not. Kidnapping is kidnapping.
Hopefully this time goes a little better than the last. I try to push away my worry for James and my other mates as we head to the Fae palace.
I don’t want to leave James and Grammy, especially with Red missing. But with the call that Amber escaped, I don’t have a choice. We have to find her, and hope that she isn’t the one who took Red. I can’t imagine what Amber has planned, but I know it’s nothing good.
Once the protection team is in place, and Grammy assures us that James is as stable as possible, Orym, Luca, and I head out to meet the search teams. Just outside the door, Luca stops us.