Page 21 of Wolf Moon
“As soon as Grammy and Trevan get here, we’ll get started. I wonder when they’re coming,” Garnet says, staring at the tree line near the cabin.
“Probably soon. I know that Grammy gets up with the sun. I feel like your father is probably the same way,” Ryland responds. I noticed some chemistry between our elder wolf and the Fae king last night, but I’m not mentioning that either. What they do in the privacy of Grammy’s cabin is their business. I shake that thought away, because who wants to imagine their father-in-law screwing the pack grandma? Not me.
“There’s no sense in us discussing things until they get here. I didn’t mean to stop your conversation,” I offer. Part of me hopes they’ll return to their topic, and I’ll learn what they were talking about.
“It was nothing, really. Just that neither of us wants the other to have to deal with Amber. You didn’t interrupt anything,” Garnet assures me.
Before I can respond, we hear footsteps coming up the path. “I’m glad to see Grammy was right about how early you all wake. I would have been terribly upset to walk all this way to find you still in bed.” Trevan’s voice is loud and I wonder if he’s using magic to project it to us.
They come through the trees and I notice how closely they’re walking. They may have even been holding hands. Interesting, but I’m still not mentioning it.
“We’ve been up for a while. I’m not sure if Luca and James are or not. But we’ll get everyone together and have our meeting. I’m sure you’re anxious to get on with all of this,” Ryland answers.
“Well, not too anxious. I can’t stay indefinitely, so I would appreciate moving things along. But I’m happy to be here as long as I’m needed,” Trevan says, glancing at Grammy, who blushes. I knew it. Those two have something going on.
“Let’s go inside and I’ll get the others,” Garnet replies as she stands up. I open the door for everyone and follow them inside.
Luca and James are finishing up setting breakfast on the table. “That smells amazing,” I say.
“We can eat, then discuss the plan,” Ryland says.
It seems odd to me that Grammy and Trevan are acting so comfortable with each other. If I didn’t know better, I would think my grandmother-figure had taken a lover. That would be way too weird, though, so I’m pushing that thought away.
We’re supposed to be figuring out the details of capturing one of Amber’s followers, but instead, we’re chatting and having a family breakfast. I’m not upset about it; I would just prefer to get this over with. Just as we finish eating, there’s a loud noise like a tree falling outside.
“What the hell?” I ask, jumping up and racing to the door. My guys are right behind me, with Grammy and my father following fast. I throw the door open and my jaw drops at what I see.
My aunt, Amber, stands next to the rather large oak she knocked down to get our attention. “Oh, good, you’re home. We need to have a word, dear niece.”
I roll my eyes at her and step outside. Everyone follows, even though I motion for them to stay back. “What do you want, Amber? Did you come to surrender?” I know there’s no chance of that, but I can’t stop myself from asking.
She laughs, clutching her stomach and doubling over as if that’s the funniest thing she’s ever heard. “Oh, no. I’m not giving up until I have your powers flowing through me. I came to see how you’re doing. I haven’t heard from you in a while and figured you were hiding while you tremble in fear.”
I shake my head at her. “I’m not scared of you. We’re ready to end this now.”
“It’s not quite time yet, dear girl. We need to wait a few days until the Wolf Moon. That is the exact moment when I’ll kill you and take your powers. Until then, everything will end in a stalemate, I’m afraid. I can’t let you harm any of my people, and your mangy wolves are doing a pretty good job of protecting themselves.” She scoffs as she speaks, clearly upset that she’s not getting more test subjects.
“Why don’t you just let your prisoners go and surrender now? We don’t actually have to fight to the death. There’s no reason why you can’t leave here and live your life.”
Amber’s expression turns from disgusted to shocked in a moment’s notice. When I follow her gaze, I realize that she’s just noticed Trevan standing behind me. “You—what are you doing here?”
He steps forward and blocks me from her. “I’m here to help my daughter defeat you. It’s about time you paid for the pain you’ve caused.”
She growls at him in response. “The pain I’ve caused? What about the pain you caused? Treating me like I was less important. Ruby didn’t hang the moon. She wasn’t even the best witch in our coven. That would be me. But you couldn’t recognize that, could you? No, you just had to throw yourself at her feet and become her slave.” She shudders in disgust.
“That’s not what happened, and you know it. You should try being honest with yourself, Amber. It’ll go a long way toward getting you the peace you deserve,” he spits back.
Amber takes a step forward and raises her hand in front of her face, palm up. There’s some sort of pink powder in her hand, and I realize a moment too late what she’s about to do. She exhales and the powder floats along the wind, heading straight for my father. I try to push him out of the way, but I’m not fast enough. He blinks and shakes his head, appearing to be in a trance.
“What did you do to him?” I demand, holding him still as he tries to walk toward her.
“You might as well let him go, dear. He’s mine now,” Amber insists. Fuck, that had to be some sort of love potion or mind control. We have to stay back so she can’t hit us with it too.
Ry and Luca step forward and take Trevan from me, then Orym and James are at my back. Grammy helps get Trevan into the cabin where they can keep him safe and try to break the spell.
“You won’t win this, Amber. I will fight you every step of the way. And I know I can defeat you. I’ve figured out my Fae powers, and I’m gaining better control of my witch powers every day. You will pay for what you’ve done to my family. It’s not a matter of if, but when. You wanna wait until the Wolf Moon, that’s fine by me. I’ll see you then.”