Page 39 of Wolf Moon
“It’s not like that, and you both know it. My sister needs comfort, and I’m going to give it to her,” he insists, hugging me tighter. “Look, Red, if this is what James wants, and you’re okay with it; then I’ll do it. But not today. I need to know for sure that he’s considered what this means.”
I nod against his chest. “I completely agree. Thank you.”
“You could make him wait until after the confrontation with Amber. The Wolf Moon isn’t too far away. That would give him time to think about it and be sure. And you could add the caveat that you’ll only do it if he comes back home with us instead of abandoning Red when she needs him.” Ry’s suggestion makes sense, and I wonder if it’s a viable compromise.
Dec releases me and takes a step back. “That’s perfect.” Just as he’s about to say more, the elevator doors open again. This time, Luca and James walk in.
“Did you seriously come up here to get them to talk me out of this?” James accuses his brother. I can’t stop the laugh that bubbles up, and everyone stares at me.
“James, your brother has a compromise for you. Just hear him out,” I say between giggles. I don’t know why I’m laughing, but I can’t stop.
Dec clears his throat and suddenly whatever was funny isn’t anymore. “I will turn you, but not until after the Wolf Moon. And only if you go home with your mate and stand by her side for what’s coming.”
“That defeats the whole purpose, Dec. I need to be stronger now, so that I can help her.”
For a minute, no one makes a sound. I think James is about to punch Dec, but he doesn’t. Instead, Dec pulls his brother in for a hug. “I understand your concern, little brother, but I won’t do it. And none of the others will either. If this is truly what you want, then you’ll have to wait until after Amber is dealt with. Red told me about the deadline, and she agrees that this is the best compromise.”
The pain written on James’ face is palpable. So much so that I wonder if our bond is back. I can nearly feel what he’s feeling. That’s when I realize how much I missed that connection. We’re more than just Red’s mates, we’re family.
“If there’s no way to talk you into doing it now, then I guess I have no choice but to wait,” James concedes.
“And to go home with us,” Red reminds him of that part of the deal. He has to come home, and wait until after the Wolf Moon, or Dec won’t turn him.
I understand why he wants to be changed. I just wish he could see his value as more than having super powers or not. Not that wolf shifting is a super power, but that seems to be his opinion. Personally, I don’t think we’re that different. I was born with the ability to become a wolf to defend and protect my pack. He studied to become an EMT to save people when they get injured. We’re basically the same guy.
The look on his face when Red tells him that he has to come home with us is priceless. He’d purposefully blocked that part out, apparently. “Wait, what?” he asks.
We all laugh this time, taking our cue from Red’s reaction to James nearly catching her hugging his brother. “It was part of the deal. Take it or leave it. Your family needs you.” Dec stares at him. “Yes, we’re family, but they need you right now. Red can’t fight Amber without you, so go.”
James stiffens, but doesn’t argue. “Fine. I’ll go, even though I think this is a huge mistake.” He turns to the rest of us. “I’m guessing that’s why you came here? To take me back.” When I nod, he starts toward the elevator.
“I guess we’re going now. We’ll keep you updated,” I say to Dec before following James onto the elevator. Orym, Luca, and Red rush to catch up to us. The ride downstairs is silent and I could cut the tension with a knife. It’s obvious that James is pissed, but he’s not trying to fight about it.
I exchange a glance with Orym and Luca, silently letting them know that I wanted James in the back seat sandwiched between them on the ride back. I don’t want to give him a chance to run off again. I know that I can’t stop him once we’re home, but maybe by then he’ll be calmer.
The ride home is quick and uncomfortably quiet. James sits between myself and Luca, glaring at each of us for not trusting him. I understand, but I’m with Ryland. He agreed to come home, he should stick with that. There’s no sense in taking chances.
As soon as we get to the forest, I sense Garnet’s fear. She’s scared that James will take off again, and this time we won’t find him. They need to talk this out on their own, without the rest of us involved. His issue is with her anyway. If he can’t trust her enough to love him for who he is, that’s a James problem.
We walk back to the cabin, stopping to talk to most of the wolves we meet along the way. I’m relieved to hear that there haven’t been any more attacks or sightings of Amber since we left. I split off to check on the shifters who are going through training. Learning to fight is important, especially when we’re about to go up against a coven of witches who want us all dead.
The outdoor training course is filled with wolves in various spots. They’re working together to make it across obstacles, and I’m impressed with their teamwork. “We’ve paired off for most of the course, sir.” The wolf who speaks is one of the few Ryland trusts to handle training.
“That’s perfect, Aaron. How are the younger ones taking to it?” I’m not expecting them to fight, but I want the small ones to be able to defend themselves if necessary.
“Everyone is working hard to master all the expected skills. The little ones are struggling, but this is all new to them. They do great with the climbing and running away parts, not so much with the fighting methods parts. But we’re all working on it.”
I’m pleased with the update, and relieved that the entire territory is taking this threat seriously. “Stick with the pairs for everything. Make sure that little ones are paired with older ones for travel and trail runs. And be sure that they know to stick together. Bigger groups are preferred, but no one walks through the woods alone. Understood?”
He nods his agreement before running off to share what I’ve said with the others. In all fairness, the order should have come from Ryland as our alpha, but they all know he’s selected me as his second. I walk the entire length of the training course before leisurely walking back toward home. I’m breaking my own directive and I know it, but I’m not worried about myself. I’m worried about everyone else.
I can’t bear to lose anyone else. We’ve all lost too much already. I walk up to the cabin to find Luca and Ryland standing outside talking to Trevan and Grammy. Garnet and James must have gone inside. I exchange a glance with Ryland and understand exactly what’s going on. They’re trying to encourage them repairing the bond.