Page 45 of Wolf Moon
“Grammy had some things to say to me about my behavior. I thought about it on my way back, and she’s right. I was an ass. Please forgive me. I don’t want to be anywhere but by your side,” James says. I can feel the other guys staring at us.
“We can talk about this in private, if you’d like,” I offer. He shakes his head.
“This affects them as much as it does us. They deserve to know that I can’t handle my own intrusive thoughts, and that I let Amber manipulate me into leaving. She played on my insecurities, and it’s not an excuse. Only an explanation. I take full responsibility for my actions. I am going to call Dec and see if I can convince him to turn me sooner. But I know that my place is here, with you. If you’ll still have me,” he explains nervously.
I pull him into my arms and hug him tightly. Somehow, this day is turning out pretty good, even if it’s a little sad. “Of course, I’ll still have you. I love all of you, and need you to be with me through this. I also need to take a bit of time to process everything. I don’t want to be alone for that, though.”
“What did you have in mind?” Orym asks, wrapping his arms around me and James. It’s exactly what I need, even if I didn’t realize before.
“I hate to admit when Ry’s right about something, but I need to grieve Vincent. I’d like to take some time this evening to do that. If that’s okay with you all. I need a clear head to face Amber, and I’m not sure I can get there on my own,” I admit.
Luca joins our group hug next. “We can watch Vincent’s favorite movie and tell stories about him. And if you need to cry, you have so many shoulders to choose from.”
I nod, realizing that Luca’s idea is perfect. “Thank you.” I look over at Ry, who seems hesitant to join us. “Ry? Is that something you can do with me?”
His eyes meet mine, and I see the tears he’s holding back. My heart breaks for the decision he had to make, and the guilt he must feel over it. Luca and I each hold out a hand for Ry to come to us, and he moves slowly toward us. When he’s close enough, Luca grabs him and engulfs him in the group hug. “We’ll get through this together. You did what you had to, and there’s no shame in that. Guilt will be there, no matter what we say or do. We don’t blame you for what happened.” I’m shocked at how mature Luca sounds. He’s usually the least serious one here.
We stay like that for another moment, then my stomach growls. Everyone laughs at the timing of it. “Sorry, I guess I’m hungry after all. It smells so good.”
We sit down to eat, chatting and keeping the conversation light. I can’t help wondering if this is the last time we’ll get to do this before I have to face my aunt.
Once dinner is done and we’ve cleaned up, the five of us settle in the living room to watch Vincent’s favorite movie. I would rather watch almost anything than this over-the-top spy movie, but I understand Garnet’s insistence. This was the one that Vincent was obsessed with when they were growing up. He fancied himself a ladies’ man like the lead actor.
Instead of complaining, I settle in and snuggle with Garnet until she decides that she needs attention from one of the others. She doesn’t say a word through the movie, but her silent tears tell me that she’s not as okay as she wanted us to believe.
I’m glad that she’s taking this time to grieve for her brother, even if he wasn’t actually related to her. It’s natural to feel emotional about a loss like this, especially since not too long ago, she believed that he was her brother. I still think she should have taken time to mourn Gunnar, too, but she insists that she doesn’t need to.
I won’t push her, but I will be right here to support her in any way I can, even if that means watching a movie I don’t enjoy. Having my arms wrapped around the woman I love is enough to make it worthwhile for me. When she rests her head on my shoulder, I rub my hand up and down her back slowly, letting her know that I’m here for her.
A few minutes later, she shifts and snuggles up to Luca. I don’t expect her to need the rest of us, since he’s been her best friend for as long as I can remember. I shouldn’t feel jealous of their relationship, because I know that she’s as much mine as she is his, but I do. I wish that she could confide in me the way she does him.
Maybe after a while, we’ll get there. But for now, I tell myself to be happy that her best friend can be there for her when she needs him. When a knock sounds against the door, I jump to answer it, so that no one else has to miss the movie. They all seem more interested in it than I am.
I open the door a little and see Trevan and Grammy outside. I step outside, ushering Grammy in. “They’re watching Vincent’s favorite movie. Garnet needed some time to reflect.” She nods at me as she enters and heads straight for the couch.
I step outside with Trevan. “What’s going on? We didn’t expect you guys tonight.”
He gives me an apologetic look. “They’ve found some more hybrid attempts. Grammy thought that you all should know. I wanted to wait until tomorrow.”
“Oh, shit. How bad is it?” I ask, hoping that this news doesn’t ruin Garnet’s plans for tonight.
“It’s worse than the other one,” he admits. “I can’t get that image out of my head. I know Ryland will want to know.”
When Orym asks for Ryland and me to meet him outside, we exchange a glance, then head out the door. Luca is taking care of Garnet, and Grammy is here now too. As soon as we’re out the door, I know it’s bad.
“What happened?” Ryland asks before I have a chance.
“You should come with me. It’s bad, but you have to know,” Trevan answers.
“We’re leaving without telling Garnet?” I ask, gesturing to the cabin, where the woman we love is mourning the loss of her brother.
“I’ll let her know we have to run a quick errand,” Ryland says. We follow Trevan to the training center, and it’s eerily familiar. It feels like we just did this. Because we did. With Vincent.
The smell is worse when the door swings open and two of the shifters who were here earlier usher us inside. Without a word, I know what we’re about to see. Bile rises in my throat, and I want to run away from the scene ahead of us. I won’t, because I have to prove I’m here to stay this time.