Page 55 of Wolf Moon
I nod. “They’re resting again. We need to get things together for James. There are things we didn’t discuss before.”
“I’ve already spoken with Eli. He has a team bringing a small refrigerator and a delivery of blood. And I’ve set up twice weekly deliveries to make sure he has plenty of blood to drink,” Orym explains.
“You’ve been busy,” I say.
He laughs. “It wasn’t nearly as stressful as you and Ryland trying to convince Garnet that this isn’t her fault.”
After sleeping for a few more hours, I wake with the sun shining in my face. I’m surprised to see Ry still sleeping, but he went through a lot yesterday. I check to make sure he’s okay before I climb out of bed and head for the shower. I feel grimy and can’t take it anymore.
I don’t bother to lock the door, because there’s no reason to. If Amber really wanted in here, a lock wouldn’t stop her. As for my mates, I wouldn’t object to them joining me. I don’t pose the invitation, though, because I know that none of them would take me up on it right now. And if they did, it wouldn’t be so we could have shower sex.
I strip down and step into the spray of hot water, standing there with my eyes closed for a moment. The warmth of the stream heats my body. I hadn’t even realized that I was cold until the heat starts to rise inside of me. Surrendering to the sensation, I sigh and lean against the wall for support.
Exhaustion still threatens to drop me to the floor, but I refuse to give in. I let myself sleep long enough, and I have to build up my tolerance to using my magic without rest. I’ll never defeat Amber if I don’t.
If I stand still too much longer, I’m going to fall asleep again, and I don’t want that. I force my eyes open and wash myself. Once my body is clean, I feel more awake and start on my hair. I take my time rinsing the conditioner out and combing through the tangles. By the time I’m finished, the water is getting cold.
I shiver as I turn it off and wrap one towel around my body and a second one around my hair. My vision goes dark and suddenly I’m in the forest again. It’s dark, and I’m watching those same witches around the fire. I thought these visions had stopped when we realized it was Amber coming after me. Looks like I was wrong. This time, I’m determined to pay attention and learn everything I can about their ritual. I’m seeing this for a reason. It has to mean something. But what?
The figures are in dark cloaks with hoods pulled up to hide their faces. This time the light from the fire is reflecting off the cloaks enough that I can tell they’re red. I can’t quite make out what they’re chanting, but this time that part doesn’t seem as important as the symbols they’re drawing in the dirt and the air. How are they drawing in the air like that? It has to be some sort of magic, but I’ve never seen witches use that.
Could these figures be Fae instead of witches? Have I been looking at this completely wrong the whole time? That would explain so much. If these people are Fae, they could be speaking a completely different language that I’ve never heard before. That’s why I can’t understand what they’re chanting.
It’s also why they can see me. I know that I’m not really here, and they shouldn’t be able to see me. But when I did this before, at the training center, my father could see me and interact with me. I wonder if that’s why these people could see me before.
“Excuse me,” I whisper. I hate to interrupt the ritual because I have no idea what they’re doing, but I need to know if I’m right.
They all freeze and their heads turn toward me. The hoods remain in place, but I hear a voice answer quietly. “You aren’t supposed to be here. How are you here?”
“I don’t really know. I was hoping you could tell me. Are you Fae?” It’s insensitive and rude, but I ask anyway.
“We are the Fae elders. You must have our blood or you wouldn’t be able to find this place. It’s hidden from all but our direct relations. Who are you?” one of them asks.
“My name is Garnet. I’m Trevan’s daughter,” I say with more confidence than I feel. I hope it’s the right choice to tell them who I really am.
“Ah, the half-blood child has found her way. We were beginning to think you’d never make it,” another says.
“Wait, you knew about me?” I ask, curiosity shoving fear to the side.
“We tried to talk to you before when you were here, but you got scared and ran away,” a third one explains.
“I was terrified the first few times I came here. Then I met my father and learned about my powers. I guess that was how I finally figured out you’re Fae and I didn’t have to be afraid,” I respond.
“Some would argue that you should be more afraid because of who we are. I, for one, am relieved that you would not agree,” the first who spoke says.
“You know who I am now. Who are each of you?” I ask, feeling bolder now.
“We are friends. That is all we can tell you right now. We must get back to our ritual. The Wolf Moon approaches, and you’re going to need all the help you can get.” They turn back toward the fire, letting me know our conversation is done.
“I don’t know how to get home,” I admit. The one who spoke first walks around the circle and takes my hands in theirs.
“Keep this with you. It will help protect you and ensure that you can return to us when you need to. We can’t intervene much, but we’re doing what we can. You must defeat her, otherwise, our people will be in grave danger.” Their words emphasize exactly what I already knew. When they let go of my hands, I look down to see a beautiful moonstone pendant set in silver. The threads of silver surround the stone, appearing like a tree of life.
I wake up alone. Hearing the shower, I figure that’s where Red is. I give her some time to herself. I know that she’s processing things and might appreciate some space. But when she doesn’t come out of the bathroom after the water has been off for a while, I get concerned. Pain lances through me as I stand and walk the few steps to the bathroom door. If it’s locked, I’ll have to call for Orym or Luca to help me. I’m still too weak to break it down myself.