Page 57 of Wolf Moon
“Your mates were concerned about you because you went into a vision. When we arrived, you started doing this,” Trevan gestures to the symbols on the walls. “And I explained that these were for protection and should not be removed or covered up.”
“I met the Fae elders. Kind of. I have no idea who they are, but I saw and talked to them. They claim to be trying to help me. I don’t know if I can trust them, but one of them gave me this.” I hold up the moonstone pendant.
My father looks impressed. “That is a lovely boon, for sure, daughter. Indeed, they must be trying to ensure your victory against Amber. This should give you an edge.”
“I don’t understand anything that’s going on,” I say as Ry pulls me into his arms and sets me on his lap.
“Obviously, these Fae elders decided they needed to talk to you, and they pulled you into some sort of alternate dimension. Then they somehow told you how to help protect us with these symbols. Once James gets back, we’ll have to start talking about exactly how we want to approach this fight with Amber,” Orym explains quietly.
Luca looks at me, obviously feeling guilty about something. “I’m sorry, Red. I kept getting rid of the symbols when you drew them at Gunnar’s house. I’m sure you felt like you were going crazy. If I had known they were for protection, I wouldn’t have done it.”
Grammy steps over and grabs his arm. “Don’t blame yourself, boy. That was my fault. I asked you to cover them because I wasn’t sure what they were. I didn’t want Gunnar to get upset because she was writing on the walls. It was stupid. I should have found someone who could tell me what we were dealing with when it happened at Midnight.”
“What? This happened at Midnight? I didn’t dream that?” I’d let myself believe that night was a crazy dream. I pushed away the tense moments with Luca, and the vision I’d so clearly remembered. And now I learn that all of it was true. I had nearly convinced myself that none of it had actually happened.
“Well, I think we should leave the past where it is and move forward. I’m certain we’ve all learned a valuable lesson here. If you’re not sure what something says, you should consult an expert.” Trevan gestures at himself and grins. I can’t help laughing at how ridiculous he’s being.
“And just how were we supposed to know these were Fae protection runes?” I ask, squinting my eyes at him.
“Well, that is a good point. I guess there’s no way you could have known. But now you do,” he responds. I roll my eyes at him.
We have a few hours before James is set to return. I wonder how he’s doing, but don’t want to bother him to find out. Hopefully Dec will be in touch if there are any setbacks.
“I need to get out of this room for a while,” Ry says, sliding me off his lap and pushing to stand. I jump up at his side and wrap an arm around his waist. I don’t know how weak he’s still feeling, but he doesn’t look like he’s back at a hundred percent yet.
“We should go sit outside for a while. The sunlight will do you some good,” Grammy suggests. I agree with her, and I’d like some of that sun myself. Orym and Luca take Ry from me and help him to the porch with Trevan leading the way.
I don’t mind being left alone with Grammy, though I wonder if she maneuvered it this way on purpose. “You’re going to be fine, child. I promise. You can do this. With your mates by your side, you’ll be unstoppable.”
Her words touch me. “How can you have so much confidence in me?” I ask, moving toward the door.
“Because I’ve watched you grow up. I’m the one who’s been here every day to see how you’ve matured and changed. You’ve really come into your powers, and I know you’ll be able to defeat Amber.” Her support bolsters my own confidence a bit.
“I hope you’re right. We only have one chance at this, and I’m so scared I’m going to fail. I don’t want anyone to suffer because I couldn’t figure out how to fight against her. I know that I have to be ready to kill her before she can kill me, but I really wish there was a non-violent way to end this.” I wonder if I should admit my fears out loud, but Grammy raised me. She has a right to know what I’m thinking.
“Fear is not the enemy, Red. Embrace the fear. Use it to make you more cautious. But don’t let it rule you. Don’t ever give in to the fear. Fight against it. You are more powerful than she is,” Grammy insists.
She follows me out the door onto the porch where Luca, Orym, Ry, and my father are chatting in the sunlight. “I won’t give up, Grammy. I have too much to fight for.”
Grammy pulls me into a huge hug, holding me there.
Calm Before the Storm
Guilt eats at me for removing the protection symbols every time Red drew them. It doesn’t matter that Grammy told me to, or that I did it to keep her from getting in trouble with Gunnar. I should have found a way to learn what they were before I touched them.
“I think we should let James know what’s going on. If these symbols are protecting us from Amber, then he should probably be surrounded by them too,” I say to Ryland, Orym, and Trevan. Glancing around, I see that Grammy and Red have come outside too but aren’t quite close enough to hear our conversation.
“I agree, but he has to be able to be around people and control his urges. I’ve heard that’s hard for new vamps,” Orym replies.
Trevan looks at us for a moment before he speaks. “There is a magical option. It’s a spell that can be tattooed on the skin and prevents vampires from being able to feed off a being without permission. If you warn your packs that it’s coming, I can do it from here and cover everyone.”
“How is that possible?” I ask, but Ryland already has his phone out, starting the text chain. Within a few minutes, everyone will be aware of the new ‘ink’ coming their way.
“You’re going to take away James’ ability to prove he can control himself. Why would you do that?” Red steps closer and glares at her father.