Page 26 of Taking It Off
“I just need a private spot to shift, then I’ll hitch a ride in your phone. Once we’re inside the precinct, I can come out. It won’t matter if they make you lock it up or not. Either way, I’ll be good to finish the job,” I say, without realizing that I haven’t told them about the guild or the assignment to kill Franklin.
“You take all of this very seriously,” he replies. I nod and head toward the bathroom. I might as well see if I can shift there instead of having to go home. The bathroom is empty, so I shift, send a quick but cryptic text to let them know I’m going into Jer’s phone, and float back to the table where I left them.
Will texts Jer, and I know that’s my signal to get out of the phone. I try not to think about how this entire plan makes them all accomplices. I can’t afford to get distracted by the risks my guys are taking to help me with this job. I have to focus on getting this done and getting out of here.
I’m annoyed that Jeremy wants to be there when it happens. I’ve tried to explain to him that it’s better if he doesn’t see it. There’s no arguing with him, though. His mind is made up, and I’m sticking to the plan.
I hang over his shoulder as we move to the interview room where he’ll get to talk to his father. Of course, there will be officers in the room to ensure Jeremy’s safety, and that he doesn’t pass anything to the prisoner. The moment we walk into the small space, I know I have a problem.
Franklin’s hands are cuffed. There’s no way he’s going to be able to rip out his own throat if he’s chained like that. Fuck. Now what am I going to do? I spent so much time prepping this plan, and it’s an amazing one if I can pull it off.
I stay in my place on Jeremy’s shoulder as he takes his seat. From that vantage point, I scan the room. Two guards, one stands by the door, and the other is in position behind Franklin. Both men stand with one hand on their gun. It’s an intimidating picture, and for a moment, I reconsider my plan.
I should just wait until Franklin is in his cell alone and take him out then. But I can’t do that. I agreed to do this Jeremy’s way, with his help. I can’t change things now when I don’t have the ability to explain what I’m thinking.
In my research, I read about how strong wolf shifters are, especially alphas. I wonder if I can manipulate Franklin into breaking the cuffs that hold his hands. And now I’ve turned my problem into a challenge. Much better.
I take a deep breath, then slide across the table. Franklin flinches when I enter him, and I push away the idea of how dirty that sounds. I’ve never attempted to control someone from the inside, but with all the research I’ve done, I think I can do it.
“Are you okay? You look annoyed,” Jeremy begins the conversation that should keep his dad distracted while I work.
“Just a cold chill. What do you want?”
“Gee, Dad, aren’t you glad to see your only son?” Sarcasm drips from my lover’s voice, and pain stabs through my heart. I hadn’t expected Franklin to be so cold and distant toward his son.
“Jeremiah, I don’t have time for games. Now, either tell me why you’re here, or leave so I can get back to building my defense,” Franklin responds.
“Okay, then. I just wanted to tell you that we’re not going to your trial. Mom and I will not support you through this. You deserve to be punished for what you’ve done, and I hope you get the worst possible sentence.”
He pauses, and I settle into Franklin, stretching myself into the areas I need to control. I straighten his fingers, then curl them into fists. I can see through his eyes, and Jeremy’s reaction tells me that his father is freaking out a little from not being in full control.
“I have one question for you, though. I know you won’t answer, but I’m asking anyway. Why did you do all of this? Was it just for the money?”
I uncurl and curl Franklin’s fingers again, noting that the officers on guard duty don’t budge during this conversation. “You’re ridiculous, son. I’ve done nothing wrong.”
“I expected that response,” Jeremy says, nodding to me. It’s time. I take control of Franklin’s hands, forcing them to shift into elongated claws. They almost look like his shift has gone wrong somehow. I wonder if it’s because he’s fighting my control.
Jeremy stands up, moving back against the wall. “What are you doing, Dad?”
I don’t think I can control his words, so I don’t try to. Instead, I jerk the cuffs, snapping them in half. Then I force Franklin to stand up, facing his son. I can see his expression in the two-way mirror on the wall. He’s terrified for probably the first time in his life. And the last.
Franklin fights harder against my control, and the guards pull their weapons, training them on him. “Prisoner! Sit down and put your hands on the table.”
Before they can shoot or even think to taze him, I force his clawed hand up and grip his Adam’s apple. The claws dig into the skin, blood pours from the wounds. I see the tears falling from Jeremy’s eyes as I force Franklin to rip his own throat out. I remain standing as he falls to the floor.
Jeremy stares at the body, then looks around the room. I know he’s looking for me, but I’m pixelated, so there’s nothing to see. I make my way back over to his shoulder, making sure to tap him so he knows I’m there.
From here, everything goes crazy. Franklin is clearly dead, and there are three witnesses to say it was self-inflicted. Add that to the cameras that were recording the whole thing, and I should be safe. They question Jeremy for two more hours before letting him call the guys to come get him.
Will and Luke show up to escort Jeremy home, even though they were hanging out across the street for this exact moment. I warned them that there would be lots of questions, even if the cops watched it happen this way.
I can’t help feeling guilty for putting Jer through all of this, even if it was his idea. Before I can shift back to human, I get a notification that my payment went through. I guess that means the guild isn’t upset that I used my guys to help with this one. I know their stance on partnerships, and I’d hoped they would understand my reasoning. It’s not like I’m going to involve my guys in the future. I work better alone, anyway.
A few minutes later, we’re back in the apartment ordering lunch. “Are you sure you can eat after watching all that?” Luke asks Jeremy.
“I think I’m okay. It was surreal to watch. Dad was so scared and confused. He had no idea why he did the partial shift, or why he couldn’t control his hands. The whole thing was kinda like watching a B horror film.”
“Cheesy and overrated?” Will offers.