Page 8 of Taking It Off
I’ll never admit that to anyone else, but there’s no reason to hide it from myself. If I give myself over to this emotion, will I lose the parts that make me who I am? I know there’s a chance that loving the three of them and letting them love me will make me stronger, but what if that’s not what happens?
As much as I don’t want to let them go, I don’t want to put them at risk, either. My job is dangerous. That’s a great excuse, but is it really that dangerous? No one, besides the guild, has ever figured out who I am and what I do. Why am I so worried about that now?
And if I’m really being honest with myself, wouldn’t it be better to have the power of the guild behind me, if something did happen? Sure, I don’t have a way to contact them, but if they really do see everything, they’ll just know when I need backup.
I look at the clock. Almost eight hours left before I have to make this decision. I don’t have to figure this out right now. But really, the decision is made, isn’t it? There’s only one logical choice. All that’s left is to seal it.
I lift the black paper to my lips. Am I really going to eat this paper? If I want to join this guild, I have to. Here goes nothing. I take a bite of the paper, and it melts on my tongue. How did they make the paper taste fruity and metallic? It almost tastes like fruit salad that’s been soaked in blood. That’s weird, but it doesn’t stop me from eating the rest of the sheet.
As soon as it’s gone, my eyes are drawn to my alarm clock again. A single black business card stands against it. What the fuck is it now? I walk over and pick up the card, turning it over in my hand.
I flip the card over and over, but there’s nothing else on it. I know that the mission won’t be against my code. I wonder if he’s part of the trafficking ring I’ve been chasing. Maybe he’s higher up than the last target. There’s only one way to find out. I prick my finger with the corner of the card and let a drop of blood fall onto the small black rectangle.
The single drop of blood spreads across the black paper, disintegrating it. Well, shit. How do I get the details of the mission? Wait. A haze washes over me, clouding my vision. I shake my head to clear it and realize that I know exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. That is a really cool trick. I wonder how they manage it but have no idea. It’s also a relief to know that no one actually broke into my home to deliver the invitation.
I take a minute in front of my vanity mirror in the bathroom to inspect myself. I don’t look different. Do I feel different? Not really, other than the details of the job popping into my head that way. It’s kinda similar to what happens when I connect to a computer.
I don’t want to dwell on the guild right now. I need to get ready for my date with the guys. But I have a little time to research first. I return to my hidden room and investigate Donovan. He’s a well-respected vampire who owns Donovan Industries. It’s obvious to me that his business is a front for his illegal activities. I don’t bother to check out articles that mention his family; they aren’t part of this. Instead, I dig into his kinks. Apparently subservient women are what get him off. As usual, I can pretend.
I need to get him on my books. As soon as the thought pops into my head, a new appointment request dings in my dark web calendar. Could it be that easy? I open my calendar and see that Donovan himself has requested a cam call. I guess it can be that easy. Looks like I’ll be meeting him tonight. With any luck, I’ll get everything I need and be able to end this quickly.
This job will be a little different from my others, because there was no request for documents or information. Donovan has to die, and I am the one chosen to handle it. Pride fills me, and I wonder for a moment if I’m actually a little sick and twisted. I love being the one who doles out the punishment to the men who are so similar to my father. It’s thrilling to end their lives after I confirm that they are guilty of the illegal endeavors that created my fortune.
Yeah, I’m more than a little sick and twisted. But the world is a better place for what I do, and who says a person should do work they don’t enjoy?
I realize that I’m running late now, but I can’t be upset about it. I have a new mission, and I’m excited to see what’s next with the guild. I check my texts to see if I got a response about what to wear while I showered, put on makeup, and fix my hair.
Jeans are fine. We’re going casual tonight. That tells me that Jeremy won the decision, and we’re having pizza. Good.
Dinner ends up being exactly what I need to reset after everything that’s happened the past few days. I’m not usually a fan of bowling, but this place does have amazing pizza. The guys get really cute when they compete, too, so that helps. I find myself playing down my abilities, though, and that bothers me. But after a couple of hours, I feel recharged and happy about spending time with my guys.
Until the check comes, and the guys argue about who’s gonna pay. That’s when I hear something that makes me rethink everything. Please tell me Jeremy did not just say what I think he did.
“Wait, what did you just say?” I ask, hoping I heard wrong.
“I said, ‘Luke Donovan, you son-of-a-bitch, you can’t keep showing off by paying for everything.’ Why?” Jeremy responds.
No. No, no, no. Fuck. My next mark could be related to Luke. I can’t let my shock register, or they’ll figure out my secret. And I can’t refuse the job now, because the guild is different than a dark web contract. Trying to back out now would be signing my own death warrant.
“I just didn’t know Luke’s last name,” I laugh it off as if it’s not the reason I’ve started to sweat. “You know, you guys don’t have to fight over the check. I can cover it.” I hand my card to the waitress before anyone can stop me.
My heart races and sweat drips down my spine. What am I going to do? That’s a stupid question. I have no choice here. I’m going to kill Donovan, that’s what I’m going to do. Then I’ll worry about if he’s related to one of the guys I’m falling for, because if I know before, I may not be able to go through with it. And that could get ugly for everyone. It doesn’t matter who he’s related to anyway; Donovan has to die. If not, I’ll be the one killed. And I’m not ready for that.
With the check issue finally settled, we head back to their apartment. “Will you come up with us for a bit, Em?” Luke asks.
Why does his question make me nervous? Did he somehow figure out that I’m an assassin for hire? How am I gonna explain all of this? I can’t worry about these questions right now. Worst case, I’ll excuse myself to the bathroom and shift to get away. But then I’ll have to relocate and start over. I really don’t want that.
“Sure,” I respond with a smile. “Is everything okay?”
Will wraps an arm around me as we head to the elevator. “Nothing to stress over. We just wanna talk to you about something.”
His words make my heart jump. I don’t want anyone else to profess their love for me, even if Will doesn’t realize I heard him. It’s not like I can stop them from saying whatever they want, though, so I’ll just have to deal with it. This night just keeps getting more and more challenging.