Page 36 of Ruled
And that was all he would say, apparently. Drake picked up a document and began to read.
Earlier on there’d been a meeting of his officers and some humans from sec-force, out in her living room. She’d also heard sounds as if some machinery was being deposited on her floors and used. If she didn’t get well soon there’d be an absolute mess in here.
“Nothing else you want to divulge?”
“Hmm?” He looked up, turning a page. “There is one thing the astronomers have said to me. My astronomers.”
“Mauleons have those?”
His mouth twitched. “They study the Overwatch satellites and saw one come down, six months ago. It fell from the sky, burned up. The orbits of the others are deteriorating. Within twenty years, or less for a few, they’ll be gone. All of them.”
Her mouth fell open. “We’ll be able to launch ships again. Spaceships.”
“Yes.” He read some more. “It’s something we can aim to educate people about, in the coming years.”
We. She still wasn’t used to this. He assumed so much. Yet he’d just given her secret information her own government did not seem aware of.
“Don’t spread this to anyone yet, Drake.”
It might cause riots.
“I hadn’t planned to.” He lowered his gaze to the page.
So casual about this, to just go on reading. She shook her head, watching him read—his broad nose, those claws gripping the edges of the papers. And, oh, that gorgeous long hair, when he let it loose from its ties. And she wanted to maybe leave him and go where?
Tired, she closed her eyes.
By the time she woke, it was evening and she found Drake was in bed with her. He rolled over and brought her into his side, sniffed her shoulder, licked her once, and began to purr.
Well, it sounded like a purr.
He’d decided not to punish her, or had forgotten to. Lucky for him.
Strangely content, she closed her eyes again.
Chapter Fourteen