Page 47 of Possessive
I eyed the box of knives. I could snatch a couple of them out there before Gianni could move a muscle. I could slice open his throat while he was still thinking about doing the same to me. His blood could coat my hand the way his cum had, thick and hot. I could watch the light fade from his dark eyes as his life slipped away. I could press my hand against his chest and feel the last of his heartbeats, before he fell still.
My hand twitched.
"If you're a distraction, I'm happy to be distracted," Gianni said softly. He was looking at me with half-lidded eyes, as though completely aware of the thoughts churning in my mind.
Of course he was. He acted silly at times, but it was a cover for the man underneath. He was clever, observant and read people the way Reuben read books. He hadn't lived as long as he had without knowing exactly what was going on with the people around him.
I folded my hands over each other. "I'm not a distraction. I'm just a woman trying to reclaim her life from a fucking monster."
I kept my voice low, but loud enough for everyone in the car to hear. Damon in particular. I spent enough time laying blame on myself, I didn't need it from him.
"I didn't ask for what happened to me." No matter how deserved I felt it was, my punishment could have been less extreme. Less traumatising.
"No one said you did," Damon said coolly. "I don't want the boss or Gianni getting killed because they're too busy thinking with their cocks." He glared at a driver who tried to change lanes without indicating.
"Them or you?" I retorted.
Damon didn't respond.
Yeah, that was what I thought.
Gianni chuckled and even Reuben snorted softly. Neither seemed worried about any feelings Damon or his cock had for me.
I sank back into my seat and closed my eyes. During my darkest days back in the cage, right after Kurt left, I pictured what life outside would be like. I knew better than to picture rainbows and unicorns or any of that bullshit. I pictured my family hating me and wanting nothing to do with me. I imagined them turning their backs on me. Maybe not Asher or Rose, but the rest. They'd give me pitying looks and shake their heads.
All of those thoughts were bleak, but realistic to my troubled mind. My mother used to tell me never to dream beyond what we can actually achieve. She expected all of us to achieve a great deal, and never make excuses when we didn't succeed. If we worked hard enough, we didn't need to have frivolous dreams. Everything was within reach, we just had to believe in our abilities. When we fucked up, it was always our fault. Everything was a lesson in doing better the next time.
Never in a million years would I have expected to end up here. The sky above me was bluer than I remembered. Food tasted better. Being touched wasn't as terrifying as I'd become accustomed to. But everything was so much more fucking complicated than I would have dreamt. It was hard to believe any man would care about me, or want me, much less three of them.
Damon was right, they could get killed if they let me distract them. He'd never forgive me and I'd never forgive myself. Maybe I should walk away while I still could. Before I fucked up their lives as well as my own. For their sakes, because I cared about them. Because I'd caused enough damage in the past that I didn't want to pay for any more.
Could I walk away? It would take some time and planning. But one thing I knew for sure. I wasn't going anywhere until I knew Kurt was dead. I needed these three men and their resources to make sure he, and anyone working for him, was gone for good.
I chewed my lip and toyed with my options. The first of those was seeing if the man the twins were watching was Kurt.
"Asshole is in there." Hunter leaned closer to a streetlight and jerked his head towards the house at the end of the street.
A light was on, but I couldn't make out anyone inside.
From the outside, the house looked no different to any other in the area. Small, single story, driveway big enough for one car. The bushes at the front were neatly trimmed, as was a short section of grass between the house and the road.
"We didn't get close enough to confirm whether or not it's him," Parker said.
"That's right," Hunter said. "When the notification popped up, we picked him up from near the airport. He matches the description of the asshole on the security camera."
"So he could be anyone?" Damon asked.
"He could be, but my spidey senses tell me otherwise," Hunter said. "And the fact he tried to throw us off his tail three times on the way here. If that doesn't say guilty as shit, nothing else would."
"Sounds guilty as shit to me," Gianni agreed. "I see he didn't manage to lose you."
Parker grinned. "You have to be smarter than this guy to outsmart us."