Page 87 of Spiral
But all I can think about is Georgia. I haven’t been able to catch a single glimpse of her and, for a moment, I worry that maybe she isn’t in the crowd at all.
“30 seconds left for one team to secure the title of NCAA Champions,” the announcer booms, momentarily pulling me back into reality.
The sweet scent of dew against the turf invades my senses, reminding me of the sugary vanilla perfume that Georgia always wears. The bright sunlight shimmering through my helmet reminds me of the golden highlights in her hair that glimmer through her bouncing curls as she walks. The thunderous cheers from the fans, obliterating my every sense with their chaos, remind me of the pure peace and contentment I feel when I’m alone with her. My muscles now are tense, stiffened, ready to be hit with the weight of a 300-pound linebacker. But with Georgia, I feel so light and relaxed that I’m convinced I could float into the air if her delicate body wasn’t pressed against my own.
“Call the cadence, dumbass!”
Watson’s command snaps me back into the game, where my team waits in position for me to start the play.
This is it, Anderson.
“Green 43! Green 43! Set! Hike!”
Win this for Georgia.
52 | Georgia
“HOLY SHIT, HOLY shit, holy shit–”
Eleanor repeats the words beneath her breath, clenching onto my wrist in suspense as Henry breaches the Vipers’ defense line.
“Come on, Henry…”
My jaw is clenched tight as he nears the end zone. Various players clad it neon green are at his heels, reaching out in a desperate attempt to keep Henry from scoring the winning touchdown.
“Quarterback Henry Anderson is only a few yards from the NCAA Championship! Will he make it there, folks?”
The turf shimmers with a golden hue under the evening sunlight, and my heart races in anticipation as Henry seamlessly glides across it. Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly notice Todd Watson’s number trailing by the sideline, keeping up pace with Henry’s sprint. I may be imagining it, but I swear, in that exact same moment, Henry notices him, too.
“Number 83, Henry Anderson, is just a few seconds from making the TU Titans the NCAA Champ– wait a minute, folks, Captain Henry Anderson has just passed the ball to receiver Todd Watson at the 10-yard line!”
“What is he doing?!” Eleanor screeches, her mouth agape as Todd flawlessly catches the ball in his palm and turns towards the nearby end zone.
A gentle smirk curls at the edge of my lips.
He's being the captain.
The crowd around us bursts into thunderous cheers as Todd scores the winning touchdown. Fans and players alike jump up and down in pure excitement, hollering and hugging one another.
“The Texas University Titans have just become this year’s NCAA Champions right here in their home, Mason Field!”
“Come on, Georgie,” Eleanor urges, gripping onto my bicep and pulling me through the stands. “Let’s get you on that field.”
The turf is moist and scraggly from the game as we make our way towards the Titans, who are all huddled in excitement around Todd. A deep and genuine smile is etched into his flushed cheeks as his team celebrates their win and, no matter how much I despise him, I can’t help but smile myself.
“There’s my good luck charm,” Henry rasps, wrapping his muscular arms around my waist and spinning me around.
“Wait a minute,” he continues, one brow raised in confusion. “Is this the jersey I gave you?”
He wraps a fist around the crisp “83” plastered across my chest, a look of amusement in his eyes.
“Yes,” I reply, sheepishly.
Why is it so embarrassing to admit how much I like him? Well… love him.
“I could’ve sworn you burned this thing ages ago. I thought I’d never see it again.”
He laughs heartily in that sweet, boyish way. His cheeks are sweaty and bright red, emphasized by his dimpled smile. His straight, white teeth glimmer in the low light of the setting sun, with slightly curled pieces of damp hair falling gently onto his forehead.