Page 96 of Spiral
“I chose Pride and Prejudice this time around. A classic romance. It reminds me of us,” Georgia coos in a sing-songy voice, her green eyes glistening in the blinding sunlight.
“I’m sure your readers will love it,” I assure her. “How’s Dr. Randie doing?”
“Great! Texas University just approved an increase in the budget for the Tribune. She says my literature column was a huge help in that. I knew people would like it!”
She pauses, an uneasy expression forming between her brows.
“Henry, is everything alright? You seem… off.”
“Y-Yeah. I’m sorry, gorgeous. I just can’t stop thinking about my meeting with Coach today.”
“He texted you last night, right?”
“Yes. And it was ominous, as usual.”
She smiles at me, her warm, glowing, flawless smile, and my muscles instantly relax.
“I’m sure it’ll go well,” Georgia affirms, her voice calming and gentle. “I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
Coach is silent as I enter his office, his permanent sun-damaged scowl on full display. I sit, hesitantly, in a firm leather chair opposite his desk as my heart pounds out of my chest.
Is he kicking me off the team? Surely he would’ve done that sooner. But maybe not? Does he want me to work with another English major? Georgia would hate that–
“Well, Anderson,” Coach grunts, interrupting my racing thoughts. “The team has cast their vote and so have I. This season, you will remain team captain for the fightin’ TU Titans football team.”
My eyes widen in shock as I stare at Coach Bryer, his grave expression highlighted by the sunlight pouring through his office windows.
“Are you serious?”
Over the past six months, I’d convinced myself wholeheartedly that I’d be kicked from my spot as captain after having the entire team boycott the NCAA Championships. In my eyes, it didn’t even matter that we’d won – I figured Coach Bryer would never forgive me for standing up against him. But here he is, his tanned elbows placed firmly on his desk as he clasps his wrinkled hands, informing me that I’ll be captain for another year.
“Son, what you did takes courage,” he explains gruffly, his accent drawing out every vowel. “Even if you pissed me off ‘til the sun don’t shine, that team out there clearly listens to you. Respects you–”
“Coach, I–”
“Let me finish, boy.” He clears his throat, settling his eyes on me sternly before continuing. “I saw you pass that winning touchdown to Watson, even after he went against you. You cared more about the team that day than yourself. More about another Texas University student than your place as a Titan.”
His icy blue eyes glimmer for just a moment, his stoic expression transforming into a proud smile.
“Anderson… that’s what makes a captain.”