Page 70 of Rough Ride
Crysta looked confused, but Eli wasn’t. He knew exactly what Mitch was suggesting.
“No,” Eli said.
Mitch gave him a narrow-eyed glance.
“What?” Crysta asked.
“Our local law enforcement official is trying to suggest that Jerry tried to lure you out there to get shot.”
Her eyes widened, then they narrowed when she looked at Mitch. “Oh, for pity’s sake, the man was thanking me. He wasn’t trying to shoot me.”
“But he could be working with someone,” Mitch said.
“What for? He loves that land.”
“Killing you doesn’t mean that St. John would lose the ranch. It means that he would get it all.”
“So, your brilliant plan is that these two lured me out to shoot me and take the ranch.” She gave Eli a glance. “You suck at shooting.”
He had to fight a smile. It wasn’t the time or place to laugh about something like that, but damned if she didn’t make him proud.
“I can’t buy the land, Mitch. You forget, it would go up on a chopping block for charity. That would make it very easy for me to lose it. And since Crysta has already said that she’ll sell to me, that seems stupid.”
“Okay. From now on, don’t go out with less than a group of four,” Mitch suggested.
Before Eli could agree and insist that she never leave the house again, the doctor pushed through the doors and walked towards them.
“Jerry looks good. It was touch and go for a while, but he’s stabilized. Does he have any family?”
Eli shook his head. “I think he should have someone here when he wakes, though.”
“I can stay, boss.” It was Danny who had quietly slipped in. “I’d like to stay, in fact.”
Eli studied him for a second then nodded. He looked at Crysta, who looked like she was about to collapse.
“Okay. You call if he wakes up.”
“And don’t let Mitch in to talk to him unless we’re here,” Crysta said.
He could have kissed her. She was ready to take on Mitch just for suggesting that Jerry wanted to hurt her. She was strong and loyal. Was it any wonder he loved her?
He couldn’t imagine his life without her. As they walked side by side down the corridor, he glanced at her. Today, he had almost lost her. She could have been the target just like Mitch suggested. And then it would be over. He would lose everything if she were gone.
Eli knew what needed to be done. He would lose everything material, but he would keep her safe.
That’s all that mattered.
Eli had been quiet since they got back. Hell, since they’d left the hospital he’d barely said two words. She knew he was mad at her, but she didn’t engage. She had no energy to fight.
It truly wasn’t her fault, but she felt it was. She should have known better than to be out in the open. It was stupid, she knew that. Worse, she felt she let Eli and Jerry down, and to an extent, her Uncle Joe.
When they had arrived home, she had gone upstairs and showered. It was crazy, but she was sure she could smell gunpowder. And…she just needed to be clean.
Now that she made her way downstairs, she wondered where Eli was. She wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation, but she knew it was coming. Her father had taught her to face things head on.
She stepped into his library and found him sitting in front of the big window.