Page 19 of Harmless Secrets
“And, what I meant was I didn’t want to put your family in any more danger.”
“What makes you think they’ll link you and me?”
She realized that on this one point, he was correct. He continued driving, making sure to double back a few times.
“I really appreciate this,” she said. “We’ll find a new place soon.”
He didn’t say anything for a few minutes as he continued to drive. Then, he glanced up in the rearview mirror to check on Bridget. She also looked and found her daughter asleep.
“Let’s get one thing straight. You and Bridget will not be out of my sight until I know that both of you are safe. There is no discussion. I will take care of both of you, but if you refuse, you go alone. You will not walk off with my daughter.”
The rain started to fall about five minutes from the apartment. Devon turned on the windshield wipers as he tried to come to terms with what just happened.
He had been sitting out on the street, keeping an eye on the house, and he’d seen a movement. It had taken a moment or two for him to figure out exactly what he was seeing. They’d been dressed from head to toe in black, appearing almost out of nowhere.
When he’d finally realized what he was seeing, he’d slipped out of his SUV and headed to the front door. The fact that she was already getting out of the house told him she had been prepared for it.
Of course she was prepared for it. She was the daughter of a master spy and former MI-6.
“You seethe very well in silence,” she said, enough condemnation to make him grind his teeth.
He stopped at a light and looked in the mirror to check on Bridget. She was fast asleep. Fury still poured through him as he tried to calm himself down. How many times had his daughter been in danger?
He tightened his hands on the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. It was that or lose complete control. When he felt he was calm enough, he decided to start asking questions.
“How often have you had to do that?”
She didn’t answer right away. He hadn’t been able to hide all the anger that now boiled in his gut. He knew Ali was calculating just how much to tell him.
“You mean run?” she asked.
He nodded.
“This makes the third time. It is the first time for Bridget though. I had to run from England after my father’s funeral. Then, to America after her birth, so she doesn’t really remember that of course. I don’t understand it at all.”
“We’ll figure it out when we get back to the apartment.”
“I can’t go there.”
He ignored her as the light turned green and he pressed the gas. No way was he going to accept that. If he put her in a hotel, she could disappear forever and he would never find her. With her background, there was a very good chance she had multiple identities in who knew how many countries. She would dissolve into the population and Devon would lose his daughter.
“You will come with me to the apartment.”
“Devon, I can’t put Dee in danger. She’s pregnant and has a baby. I would never forgive myself if she were hurt.”
Again she surprised him. Of course, she was a mother now, so that might be the reason. Still, it eased some of his anger—for the moment. Thinking of his sister before her own safety was more than he expected.
“First of all, you don’t know my sister that well. She can beat the crap out of a lot of people—even pregnant. Second, you haven’t met my brother-in-law. He’ll take care of her. Plus, I need his advice about this. Like Dee said, he’s a former bounty hunter. He knows how to help people disappear.”
“I don’t need his help. I was fine until you showed up on my doorstep.”
He turned into the parking garage and pulled into his spot. They were going to have to cut their vacation short. There was no way around it. Or he could take Ali and Bridget away and book a flight for Dee, Micah and Alana.
She checked her gun, undoing the safety, then slipped out of the car. No conversing, no questions—just cold and methodical. She kept the gun out as she surveyed the area. He stepped out of the car and did the same.
It was stupid, but he was turned on by it. There was something sexy about the lethal way she walked around the car. She nodded at him, and he popped the trunk. She headed to the backseat and leaned in to get Bridget.