Page 26 of Harmless Secrets
She motioned with her head to the table. Alicia followed her and sat across the table from her.
“Well, my father tried to have me killed. Devon too.”
Alicia blinked. For a second, the words didn’t compute, when they did, she opened her mouth once, then closed it.
Dee laughed. “Yeah, everyone has that same reaction.”
Alicia sat down. “Your father tried to kill you?”
She nodded and rested her hand on her belly. “I overheard him having a man tortured, then killed. We didn’t know it, but Dad was Mafia.”
“You had no idea your father was in the Mob?”
“I take that back. We had an idea he was connected. I mean, a lot of our friends had fathers involved in some way.” She shrugged. “Devon was always gone to some nerd camp, and I had…well, we were teenagers. What were you doing at seventeen?”
“My father had me along with him on a job in…” She paused trying to remember where they had been. “Thailand. I liked Thailand.”
“Wait, your father took you on jobs when you were in high school?”
“Yes. After my mother was killed, he didn’t like leaving me with anyone. I went along.”
There was a look of horror on Dee’s face.
“What?” Alicia asked.
“I can’t imagine going on spy jobs at that age.”
She shrugged. “It was good training. I learned a lot.”
“You did this from the time you were twelve?”
“Part of the reason was safety. The other part was learning from my father. He knew they would pull him from the field very soon and I needed to learn from the best.”
Dee studied her for a moment, then shook her head. “Anyway, I was hiding in my dad’s office. I wasn’t hiding to begin with, but I wasn’t supposed to be there. Heard my dad, then hid in the closet.” Dee shuddered. “So, I went to the FBI. Dad ended up finding me though and I went on the run for years.”
Alicia worked through all the information. “That was when Devon was at the CIA camp.”
Dee snorted. “I guess we can call it that. So, tell me more about your father.”
Alicia sighed. “He was all I had in the world after my mum died.”
“You were close?”
She thought back to their time together, then further back, before her mother had been killed, before the paranoia had set in. She remembered the three of them, a unit. They had been careful and she was sure there were measures her parents took to ensure her safety. Still, it had been a normal childhood. There were vacations and fun times at holidays, then everything had been destroyed in a matter of seconds.
“We were. My mum was killed by a terrorist bomb. Not really directed at her. Just wrong place, wrong time. Dad never really got over it.”
Dee nodded.
“And then, I went into the business. I know that he watched out for me, but did not meddle. He believed that I should make it on my own.”
“And you did too.”
She nodded. “I was getting rather good…then it just sort of went to shit.”
“But you have Bridget.”
She thought about her daughter and smiled. “Yes. I have her.”