Page 29 of Harmless Secrets
“You actually learned that from your very short tenure with the CIA?” Alicia asked before she could stop herself.
“I left on my own. I decided to leave.”
She didn’t know what was making her so reckless, but she didn’t care. “I’m sure most women would fall for that, but remember, I’m MI-6.”
“Used to be.”
“Yes, well, I didn’t make that decision, now did I?”
He stepped so close his chest brushed her breasts. Irritation and surprisingly, arousal, sparked through her blood. “Is that the truth? I guess you call it a decision, I call it someone in your organization taking matters into his own hands.”
She opened her mouth, but Dee interrupted them. “Hey.”
“What?” they both said at the same time.
“You two need to cool it before the kids hear.”
That brought her back to earth. She couldn’t believe she’d lost her temper like that. Well, not as an adult and definitely not in front of Bridget.
“Sorry. I should have controlled myself better.”
“Sorry,” Devon mumbled. He picked up the last of the bags and followed Micah out the door.
Alicia shoved a hand through her hair. “How embarrassing.”
Dee laughed. “No. Micah and I argue a lot. It’s all that sexual chemistry.”
Alicia blinked in response. The woman said the oddest things. “There is no sexual chemistry.”
Dee gave her a look of pity. “Oh, honey, there is a lot of chemistry, sexual and otherwise. Tell me this. How do you feel right now?”
Dee nodded.
“What do you mean?”
“Your body, how does it feel?”
“Well, kind of hot.”
She threw her hands in the air. “It was just an argument.”
“Can you tell me that there was a point you didn’t know whether you wanted to slap him or kiss him?”
That was a little too close to what she had been feeling. What the hell was going on with her? She had been losing control of everything in her life, and now she was getting hot about a man she had no business messing with—especially considering the situation.
“I plead the fifth.”
With that, Alicia turned and walked off, ignoring Dee’s laughter and praying she wasn’t right. Getting tangled up with Devon Stryker was something she’d barely survived the first time around.
Devon was still irritated as he stepped off the elevator. The woman was always trying to dismiss him. At one time, he might have let her do it. Now, though, his daughter was involved.
That was a lie. Even if Bridget had never been born, the moment Devon saw Ali again, he would have hunted her down.
“You might as well just let it go,” Micah said. He’d been talking in that calm “I know better than you” tone since they’d left the parking garage. If he didn’t shut the hell up, there was a good chance he would punch him. Then, there was a good chance Devon would get his ass kicked—a very big chance.