Page 33 of Harmless Secrets
Dee smacked him on the arm. Micah just chuckled and helped his wife out of her seat. They moved further back in the plane leaving him and Ali alone.
“There’s something you’re not telling me,” she said.
Devon hated that she was so perceptive. It made it hard to keep things he would rather she not know from her.
“I told you everything.”
She gave him a look that told him she knew he was lying, but she let it go.
“When we get there, Evan will be picking us up. I usually hire a driver because the flight is such a bitch, and with Dee and Micah, plus the kid, it’s just easier. But in this situation, I didn’t want to take the chance. We filed a flight plan, but other than that, we didn’t raise any red flags. Also, we are going to go with the idea that Dee needs some more rest or has an appointment. I think Evan will spread the word at the club. It is a microcosm and Oahu is like one big town. Annoying sometimes, but it will work for this. I still highly doubt they’ve made the connection, but I would rather be safe than sorry.”
She nodded. “And after we land?”
“What do you mean?”
“Where will we be staying? Do you have a hotel or maybe a rental that you could suggest?”
“I have a five bedroom house, so that will be where we stay.”
When she didn’t instantly agree, he narrowed his eyes. “You will be staying with me. It has high security, and it’s better to be on your own home turf if we’re attacked. Plus, I have an out in the back.”
“What do you mean?”
“My house backs up to Kaneohe Bay. While it leaves us a little exposed, it also gives us another way to get Bridget out of there.”
She sighed. “I just feel odd.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, depending on someone else, and just going along with what you say.”
Blunt. And it was one of the things he liked about her.
“I thought this was the agreement. Why are you freaking out over staying somewhere safe until we get a handle on this?”
“I just told you. I’ve been making decisions for both of us since she was born.”
“Well, whose fault is that?” he asked, irritated with her again. Why couldn’t she just give in every now and then?
“I don’t know. Maybe it was the wanker who left me a note the next day.”
He opened his mouth to argue, but she shook her head.
“I can’t do this right now. I’m tired and angry about the situation. We are never going to resolve that argument. We both know it.”
“Okay. But we will be having a discussion about this later when everything gets settled.”
She hesitated, then nodded.
“Get some rest,” he said.
“I was going to check on Bridget.”
“I’ll do it. You’re going to need your strength because I have a feeling that little girl is going to need you more than she needs me after we land.”
She didn’t say anything for a moment, then a small smile curved her lips. “You’re right. Thanks.”
An emotion he couldn’t define moved through him. She looked so damned thankful for that one small gesture. All of a sudden, he felt awkward. She was smiling at him, and he didn’t know what to say.