Page 36 of Harmless Secrets
“I appreciate it, but we don’t need the help.”
Devon resumed making his way to the front door, ignoring the nagging voice in his head. It wouldn’t hurt having the man there to help out, but he just couldn’t do it. He didn’t want another man around Ali at the moment. It was stupid, but every time they encountered a man—even ones like Evan and Micah—he had to deal with his need to beat the hell out of them.
He didn’t know how to deal with the jealousy. It was new and annoying. Since his time in high school, he’d never really been a man who got jealous. Women were important to him; he respected them and enjoyed them. He never understood the emotion. It seemed like a waste of energy, but at the moment, thinking of the young fire dancer hanging around Ali made him want to tear off the man’s arms and beat him over the head with them.
“Okay, but let me know if you change your mind.” Evan tossed Devon a knowing look. “And for your peace of mind, I’ll let you know he doesn’t poach.”
Devon stepped out the front door and snorted to cover his embarrassment. Evan was a little too close for comfort.
The older man said nothing as he walked to the SUV, but Devon got a glimpse of the knowing smile curving his lips. Evan and Micah could get on a man’s nerves. Now that they were both happily married and producing offspring, they always thought they knew best. It was more than a little aggravating. Evan went around to the back to get the bags as Ali stepped out and helped Bridget down. They walked quietly up to the house.
Evan sat the bags down. “I better be getting home. I have some making up to do with May before she heads to Dupree’s and makes Chris cry.” He turned to Ali and Bridget. “E Komo mai.”
“Thank you.”
He nodded toward Devon and walked back to the SUV.
They watched him drive away and Ali said, “You don’t lack for characters in your life, that’s for sure.”
He followed them into the house, shutting the door and setting the alarm. Bridget said something and Ali leaned down so she could whisper in her ear. Ali nodded and turned to Devon.
“Where’s your bathroom?”
“Down the hall on the left.”
She nodded and walked down the hall with Bridget. When she returned, he noted the dark smudges beneath her eyes. He was sure he didn’t look much better, but he hated seeing her like that. It was a stupid thought, one that spoke of a connection they didn’t have. It didn’t quell the overwhelming need to give her comfort.
“Is she okay?” he asked.
Ali nodded. “She’s fine. A little overwhelmed, but I think that has more to do with the fact that she just had her first plane ride—that she can remember at least—and the fact that we are in Hawaii.”
She turned around, looking at his living area. It hit him; he had no idea on what to do next. The only women he had in his house had been his sister and her best friend May. He hadn’t felt the need to bring a woman back to the house because he hadn’t had a date in months. For some reason, in his own mind, he had been waiting for this woman. It was insane, but for some reason, it was one idea that he kept coming back to.
He was still pissed, but some of that had faded. Now, the need he had always had for her rushed through him. One night, almost five years earlier, and he still wanted her. In fact, he knew without a doubt that even without the situation—including Bridget—he would have done just the same.
“You’re making me nervous,” Ali said, breaking into his thoughts.
He glanced at her. She had one arm across her chest, her hand clutched her other arm. It was an awkward look for a woman who always looked so self-possessed. He knew she rarely showed any kind of vulnerability to anyone.
“Sorry. Just, now that I have you here, I don’t know what to do with you.”
For a long moment, she didn’t say anything. Then, slowly, her lips curved into a seductive smile. “You didn’t have a problem with that before.”
All the air between them seemed to thicken and the breath evaporated in his lungs. The sultriness of her tone shot straight to his gut. It was as if all the years they had been apart dissolved. Heat surged, his stomach tightened, and his cock twitched. Just like that, he wanted to strip her down and fuck her until they were too tired to talk.
Her face flushed and her gaze darted away. “I apologize. I don’t know why I said that.”
Again, he was surprised by her. Seeing her so unsure of herself touched something in him. It was there that night in Vegas and it was there now. She presented herself as an independent woman who had a backbone of steel. But just like when they first met, he sensed a vulnerability beneath that hard-edged surface. It made him want her even more.
He wanted nothing more than to be her soft place to fall, but he knew they had issues. Mainly someone was trying to kill her and their daughter. But, when they were through with it all, he would be there. He wasn’t quite sure what he wanted but he knew he wanted Bridget in his life…and something more with Ali.
He smiled and stepped closer. He lifted his hand—hoping that she didn’t see the way it shook—and brushed her hair back from her face. “No, don’t be sorry.”
Even he heard the way his voice deepened over the words. Standing this close her, Devon caught her unique scent. He breathed it in and his head spun. His heart hammered against his chest as he leaned closer. Just a taste, it was all he needed.
“Devon,” she said, but he barely heard his name. It filtered over his flesh and sunk down into his soul. Something teased his senses. After a long moment, he realized it was her. What scared the hell out of him was the thought that it would always be her. Just her.
He was less than an inch away, so close he could feel her sweet breath on his lips. The moment before he could close the space between them, Bridget came bouncing back into the room.