Page 50 of Harmless Secrets
“I was in a trainee program.”
“I remember hearing about that. It was scrapped not too long after you disappeared. I think they thought that car wreck was a result of your computer hacking.”
“Eli says you’re pretty good.”
“I’m one of the best. But, I don’t think I found anything when I was there. I can start to do some snooping.”
“That would be good,” Conner said. Then he turned to Ali. “I know what you and Sean say, but I want you to be prepared that your father might have done something that caused his death.”
“You want me to accept that my father was a traitor and then tried to cover it up? That is never going to happen.”
Conner opened his mouth but she stopped him. “Conner, I respect you, but you didn’t know my father, did you?”
“No. I knew the name but that was it.”
“He stood for honor. He believed in what he was doing, but he didn’t do anything outside the bounds of his duty to the crown. He might have ticked off those above him in the chain, but he did not compromise. Nothing you can say will ever make me think that the man I knew was a traitor. Excuse me.”
She shoved away from the table and walked out the door to the lanai.
Kaheaku shook his head. “Without any kind of proof, she’ll never believe you.”
“Was he a man who would do something for money?”
“No. The truth is, they were loaded, and probably still are. There’s a reason she could hide so well. Hughes’ father held patents on some kind of gadget they used during World War II, and I know Ali’s mom came from an old money background. He’s the one who taught me where to keep my money so I would be safe from anyone tracking me. Alicia probably has access to it.”
“But if he were a traitor, the crown could freeze his assets,” Conner said.
Kaheaku smiled. “If they could find them, but I am pretty sure they won’t be able to even now. So, money wouldn’t be the object. Truth is, the only reason Hughes would turn traitor was to protect what he saw as his most valuable asset.”
“And that would be?” Conner asked.
“Alicia. He adored her. Without a doubt, her father would kill anyone if he thought they were a danger to her.”
Ali stood on the dock and listened as the waves lapped gently against the wooden planks. Her anger had finally faded, but she was still irritated. She had spoken the truth. There was nothing in this world that would ever convince her that her father had sold out. Even if they had a picture of him handing off a classified file, she knew it would be doctored. Her father cut a lot of corners, but one thing he would never do was turn his back on his country.
She heard a creak of wood behind her and knew who was there.
“You were never good at stealth mode,” Alicia said.
Sean stepped up beside her. “I wasn’t trying.”
She smiled and looked at her father’s protégé. “Sure. So what have you been up to?”
“I’m doing some private security work here and there. Especially with Lassiter.”
The name sent a little shock of alarm racing along her flesh. She didn’t like the man, never had. He was former CIA and always thought the interrogation techniques they used on accused terrorists didn’t go far enough.
Also, her father had hated the man. That was enough for her. Her father’s instincts were never wrong.
“Sean, Lassiter’s dirty.
He shrugged. “Not on the jobs I work.
She sighed. “You always did know how to get into trouble. Are you working alone?”
He shook his head. “No. Got some friends I work with from time to time.”
“Don’t tell me you and Randy Young are working together?”