Page 68 of Harmless Secrets
“Girls are both asleep in bed,” he whispered.
Devon released a breath he didn’t know he had been holding.
“What’s going on?” Micah asked.
“Ali found out who put this all in motion and then decided to run off to Waikiki to confront her.”
“Well, you know how to pick them. Need me?”
He knew his brother-in-law would come without a second thought. Devon would trust Micah with his life, but he needed his brother-in-law to protect something much more important.
“I’ve got Conner with me. I’d rather you be there to protect Bridget. I’m not sure what they know about her.”
“You got it.”
He hung up the phone as Conner took off down H-3.
“Do you know where you’re going?”
“I know that her cousin doesn’t know the area and she was somewhere in Waikiki. It’s late, but she isn’t going to meet her at the hotel. At least this way we can keep an eye out for your car.”
He nodded. The fact that she had stolen his car while he’d been sitting in the office discussing what they should do still pissed him off. She’d turned the tracker on his car and now she was speeding off to meet the woman who had killed her father.
“What about her phone? It’s a long shot, but you never know.”
He had gotten her a new phone when they left Seattle and it was on his plan. He punched in the number and it didn’t come up right away. Then…it beeped. It showed her already on H-1 nearing Honolulu.
“You were right,” he said. “Go into Waikiki.”
Conner listened to his directions and said nothing else for a few minutes.
“You need to keep your temper so you don’t cause any problems,” he said finally.
He glanced at Conner then looked ahead. “I will, but when I get her alone after this, we’re going to have a serious talk.”
With each mile they covered, Devon’s irritation grew. He could not believe the woman actually left him to handle it on her own. Running off in the middle of the night to face the woman who killed her father and put a hit out on Ali and Bridget.
Conner shook his head. “Being pissed now is going to make you stupid.”
“I’m mad and I can use that. I know how to control it.”
Conner said nothing as he made his way off H-1 and followed Devon’s instructions to the park. They rolled to a stop behind his car. There was another car there, a rental. The GPS for her phone was still moving. He held it up and showed Conner. They both pulled out their guns and carefully got out of the car.
Alicia saw the light just when she was about to give up. Just as her cousin had said, she was sitting in a pavilion with a small overhead light above her head. As she approached her from the side, Alicia searched the landscape. She no longer trusted the bitch she considered her sister. Nothing stood out to her, but that didn’t mean anything. She didn’t know the terrain well. She just hoped her senses would be as sharp as they once were.
“There’s no need to try and be quiet. I know you’re out there.”
Bloody hell. With a sigh, she stepped up on the cement and faced her cousin. Lord, she really didn’t look good. Only a few years older, Millicent didn’t age that well. Her hair was threaded with gray hair and was a mess. In fact, she looked like she hadn’t washed it in days. While she was still in shape, her face showed the years. She looked at least ten years older than she was. She was also holding a pistol with a silencer.
Ali said nothing when faced with her cousin.
Always allow the bastard to do the talking. They always like to brag of their exploits, Ali girl.
It was hard to deal with the emotions now swamping her, but she bit her lip. She wanted to scream at the girl she had known. The one who had been her confidant, her best friend, and the person she told everything to. Until…her father’s death. Something had told her to keep the truth from her. Maybe Ali has sensed the cold calculating bitch that lay beneath the façade.
“Oh, if you could see your expression,” Millicent said, amusement dancing in her voice. “You look so hurt. What’s the matter, Alicia, did you think we were friends?”
“No. We were family.”