Page 72 of Harmless Secrets
Relief rushed through him. “When can I see her?”
“Right now.”
He didn’t give either Conner or the detective a backwards glance. The doctor handed him off to a nurse, who led him back to a room. He stepped into the room and for the first time in many years, sent a prayer of thanks to the heavens. The rest of his fear seemed to thaw when he saw her. He couldn’t believe how close they had come to losing her.
When he realized he was grinding his teeth, he forced himself to quit.
“Are you going to keep standing over there glaring at me?” she asked, her voice barely heard over the beeping of the machines. Her eyes were still closed, and she was as pale as the white sheets. It angered him all over again.
“If I want to.”
She chuckled, then winced. He walked over to her bedside. “Are you in pain?”
“Not much. They just gave me some meds, and they are going to let me go.”
“I think you should stay.”
She finally opened her eyes. They were blurry with pain and meds. “I don’t want to be here. The doctor said I will be fine and since I won’t be alone tonight, I could go home.”
He opened his mouth but the nurse came in. “I hear you’re going home.”
Ali nodded.
“I don’t agree, but what do I know,” the nurse said.
“I’m on your side,” Devon murmured.
She winked at him as she started to pull out the IV. “It was only a flesh wound, but the doc did say you need to rest. I assume you will be her caregiver.”
“I’ll be?—”
“Yes,” he said interrupting Ali. He knew she was going to try and put distance between them, but he wasn’t going to allow that. Not now.
“Good. Make sure she gets sleep, but not too much. If she’s throwing up at all, make sure you take her to the closest ER. That could be signs of a concussion, although we don’t think she has one.”
He nodded.
“Excuse me, I’m right here,” Ali said, her voice as petulant as a five-year-old refused a treat.
The nurse shook her head. “You let Mr. Stryker take care of you. I heard you’re a mother, but you don’t want to end up back here, do you? A few days of rest and you’ll be all better.”
Ali sighed in defeat and closed her eyes. The nurse winked at him again.
“My daughter loves your newest version of Stryker Force.”
He smiled grateful she had at least gotten Ali to accept he would watch over her. “She doesn’t have the newest one. It isn’t out yet, but I can send her a prototype of it.”
The nurse smiled. “She would love it.”
He got her information and then turned to Ali. She was the one glaring at him now.
“I guess we need to get something for you to wear home. I’ll get you a pair of scrubs.”
He turned before she could argue with him again. He was finding out that sometimes it was just best to roll right over Ali. Otherwise, she would just argue with him until he went deaf.
Then, he stopped for a second. Home. That sounded fucking wonderful. And, once he let her rest and they sorted out the investigation, she would just have to accept it was her home too now.
Alicia blinked when they turned into this driveway and found it flooded in lights. As soon as they parked, the door slammed open and Dee came running out.