Page 14 of Dust to Dust
"I'm going to start throwing them."
"Bravo, bravo, Mila." I clapped my hands, "You have finally stepped out of the light and come into the darkness. Welcome, welcome, it's a much better place to be."
"What do we do now?" Mila leaned forward; she looked like a little mouse trying to nibble on the cheese.
Rubbing my finger over my empty plate, I collected all the remnants of the chocolate from the pancake. Popping my finger into my mouth, I sucked it clean, "There is one thing I have become a master at Mila." Leaning forward, I whisper in her ear, "I'm good at killing, even when it means killing myself. So I'll teach you how to kill yourself and become a ghost. First, we're going to play the role of the broken little dolls the King men want us to be. Well the men are basking in the glory, boasting about their conquest; we're going to be gluing ourselves back together. I pulled back to look into her hazel eyes, "Then, when they least expect it, we will strike again. We will keep striking until we hit them dead."
Chapter 12
Ihave an idea. Ghost suggested as I lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. The cream color was starting to piss me off.
What are you pondering, Ghost?I'd engaged her to get my mind off being trapped in a cream shell.
Since we don't have a plan yet—
Who said I don't have a plan?I snapped
Well, you haven't shared it with me yet.
I stretched long on the bed like a cat waking from a great slumber.Maybe I want to keep you in suspense, lock you in your cage again to suffer.
You're lying. Ghosthissed confidently.You need me. I'm the only thing keeping you sane enough to function. She laughed to herself. The gleeful sound echoed in my head.I am the only anchor keeping you grounded and crazy enough to stay docked at the idea of revenge against the Kings. I feed a part of you you need to survive.
My forehead wrinkled,Look at you being all confident.And correct, but I would not admit that to her.
Ghost agreed.Didn't you say we needed to be confident instead of cocky? Maybe you should be taking a page from my book?
I hummed.Both my students were starting to get wiser. Dare I suggest wiser than me?Of course not.I was the master, but I'd let them keep believing that.
It had been hours since Mila left when the door to my room finally began to open again. Titan walked in looking like the smug prince who slew the dragon. But this fairytale was reversed because instead of freeing the princess from the castle, he trapped her in one.
His blonde hair was perfectly tussled, his five o'clock shadow was trimmed to precision, making his jaw look so masculine it could melt the panties off you. Wearing sweat pants and a tight grey shirt, Titan looked all too comfortable entering the lion's den. Just because I had a pussy didn't mean I didn't have claws.
Just like Mila, Titan carried a tray of food. I assumed it was dinner, "Am I an invalid who needs to brought food?" Crossing my legs and arms as I sat against the padded headboard of the bed, "You gonna spoon feed me too, baby?" I goaded.
The door closed. Titan set the food tray on the bedside table, "I'll spoon feed you something else, wifey."
My eyes narrowed as Titan sat on the bed like the cat that got the cream. Then again, he did call me his wife and I was a prize. I held up my hand, "Is it official?" I wiggled my ringer finger with the tattoo on it.
Titan looked proud, but he seemed genuinely happy under his intense demeanor. He beamed joyfully, like the boy he used to be when he met me in my treehouse. "We still need to consummate it." He added with a flare of hope. Men always thought sex fixed everything. As evil as Titan was, he never pushed himself upon me or forced me. Although I claimed to be acting and told myself I had to sleep with him for my plan, it was all lies. I slept with Titan because I needed to. Not because I had to. I craved his body and the way it made me surrender control. Though, I'd never admit that to anyone. Not even to Ghost.
I faked annoyance, "You got all I'll ever give you on that island."
"You don't even believe that lie, babygirl." Titan leaned forward and tucked a loose piece of my black hair behind my ear. His eyes seemed to linger on the color of my hair. I wondered what he preferred, the blonde or the black. "Since I know you like tattoos, I thought I'd give us a matching set." He slipped his hand away and motioned to the tattoo on his ringer finger, a mark he got years ago when he thought Elsa was dead.
I flipped my hand, pretending to admire and examine the tattoo on my finger. "I'll just remove it."
Titan didn't like that. His happiness faltered, "I'll tattoo it back again," He growled.
"I'll cut off my finger then." I quipped.
"You've got a lot of other places I can mark, babygirl," He leaned forward, his blonde hair shining like a golden sword, "Try. Me." He dared, his nostrils flared.
Part of me, maybe it was Ghost, or perhaps it was just Nova, wanted to try him. I wanted to push him, test him and see how hard he would try to break me. Crush me into smaller pieces so small that not even all the glue in the world could glue me back together.
Who would we become then?Ghost asked,Would Nova be in a cage with me? Would you make yourself new again?
I'm not sure, Ghost. I'll have to get back to you on that. It depends if we survive in the end. After all, a little piece of Elsa survived. Can you imagine what a tiny part of Nova would be like if she survived, and three people would be in our mind? Actually, that's quite an exciting idea. Could you imagine the mischief we could get into?