Page 24 of Dust to Dust
My grey eyes narrow like the scope of a sniper rifle. Today was March 31st, and whatever the brotherhood was planning, it was going down tomorrow. Damian wasn't waiting, though. He was going to make his move early.Fuck! I'll be too late.I failed with Titan. That was a hard pill I was willing to swallow. But I accepted it, knowing I'd at least get to live in hell with the man who put me there. Titan and I would suffer the sins of our past together. There was no way in heaven or hell I would let Lucas King walk away without punishment.
Turning my back to the men, I glared at pan scramble, which now was burnt.
Stay calm, Nova,Ghost urged. We'llfind a way to get to Lucas.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I pinched the bridge of my nose.Shut up!I hissed. Was it too much to ask for a moment of silence?
You can't accept the fact that you need help!Ghost sneered.
Under the heavy scent of burning pan scramble, I caught a new fragrance. A smell I came to accept could never be bottled. Titan approached and pressed his chest against my back.
Breathing deeply, I could feel the stove's heat close to my bare stomach. I continued to shove around my pan scramble, but Ghost kept thinking about Damian's words not giving me what I asked for. With Ghost in my mind and Titan against my back, it felt like my walls were caving.
I am calm.I lied as I scrapped a large chunk of burnt crust off the pan.
Really, Nova? Because Damian is correct, this living on edge feels like purgatory.Ghost cried.Once you kill Lucas, I want our future to be different. I want to try to be happy.
"Shut up! Shut! Up!"I screamed.What the fuck do you want me to do? What more can I try to do to appease you Ghost? I gave you peace, yet you refuse to go away. You're driving me insane, always lingering and taunting me, probing and probing. You are the spoiler of the peace you are trying to seek!
Arms grabbed me, pulling my exposed skin away from the burning stove as they hugged me in a heated grip. I could feel his muscles tense like a suit of armor protecting me from the most dangerous creature on this planet.
"I've got you, babygirl,"Titan whispered as he kissed the side of my head. His lips were too chastised and caring. Ghost purred in my head. I hated and loved that his voice calmed my inner demons. Titan was my doubled edge sword. The reason I had such darkness inside and the only guiding light that could contain it.
"Damian spoke of his own accord," Titan said. "He cares for you."
I laughed as I struggled and fought his embrace, but Titan didn't loosen his arms. He held on tighter like a straight jacket. "I'm here. Every single time you fall. I. Am. Here." He declared. New emotions churned within me as tears washed over my eyes. I was happy my face was buried
in his chest because I was too stubborn to show him I was human enough to cry. “But you’re not always there to catch me,” I whispered.
The sound of his next inhale was filled with pain. “If I knew you were alive, I would have moved heaven and hell to find you. You’re my wife now. No one threatens what is mine. I’ll banish every demon that lurks too close.” He tipped my head and kissed my lips, “I love you.”
When I was silent, he voiced it again, “I love you.”
That’s when I saw it, my chance to escape and drink my revenge. Titan was going to give me everything I ever wanted.
I twisted in his arms and looked up into his blue eyes. He waited with bated breath for my response. It wasn’t going to be what he expected because where is the fun in that?
“Then prove it.” I dropped my walls and let him see my want and pain. A new hope lingered in my eye. “Let me kill your father.”
Chapter 18
Titan just stared at me. I had dropped my walls, but he erected his own in response. Finally, he spoke as his hands rested more gently on my hips, "I can't let you do that." His voice softened as his eyes roamed my face.
Was he worried about my conscience? "I've killed before."
Titan didn't like that, but sometimes the truth hurt. His jaw tensed, as did his fingertips on my waist. I pushed more, hoping to break some of his defenses. "I'm not Elsa. I've seen blood, and I'm owed blood. Tell me the truth, Titan. What is your secret club planning? What are you planning?"
His tongue swiped over his lips as he fought his mind for a rational response. "My brothers and I have suffered, Nova. We have been treated like hunting dogs, trained to kill and lead. Our lives have been pawns in someone else's game. No more." He glanced over his shoulder. I hadn't noticed that Dash and Mila slipped out. I was so consumed with Titan that I forgot to check my surroundings. "We're breaking the chains that hold us down. Taking power into our own hands and with that power, we will build a better future."
"A better future for whom?" I questioned.
Titan grinned. He pulled my hips closer to his, “For the brotherhood. Through them my family will be protected." His right hand slipped from my waist. Grabbing my left hand, his index finger ran over my new tattoo, acting as my wedding ring.
He was refusing me! "Then you're no better than Lucas, the man who controlled you."
Titan shook his head, "That's where you're wrong. I can't confess lies to you and promise you my new oath will be free of blood and sins."