Page 2 of Diamond Don
I would certainly have appreciated having more time to prepare before tonight. A job as big and ambitious as this one should not be taken lightly.
Unfortunately, I had to rush beyond belief to prepare for this evening’s gala.
The stronzo insisted this heist had to be executed at the opening night for the Flame of Mir’s first public exhibition since its discovery a decade ago.
I’m not ashamed to say I pride myself on being the best in my field. I didn’t attain my reputation in the criminal underworld’s most prestigious circles by foolishly rushing into heists—especially not high-profile ones like tonight’s event. But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
So, I strived to do the best job I could under the circumstances and prepared to sneak into the gala as one of the guests. With such high stakes and A.J.’s life hanging in the balance, I could hardly afford to be picky about my labor conditions.
Luckily, tonight’s party led to the prestigious downtown museum temporarily deactivating many of its state-of-the-art security devices. God forbid some self-important socialite drunkenly trips one of the alarms while looking for the powder room.
I’m thrilled that the museum’s powers-that-be decided to turn off their very effective and hard-to-evade laser detection system around the Flame of Mir. It is a highly appreciated gesture, considering that, as a rule of thumb, I always try to avoid doing acrobatics in a long gown and four-inch heels.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall when the arrogant fools realize what their careless hubris cost them. By all accounts, the Flame of Mir is priceless.
As subtly as I can, I reach inside my bejeweled evening bag to flick on the switch of my Security Bypass Unit—or SBU, as A.J. and I fondly call it—wirelessly interfacing it with the museum’s security systems control hub.
Courtesy of A.J.’s unrivaled genius, I have the most ingenious little device at my disposal. It is no giant red diamond, but it is priceless as well.
The SBU should take control of the pesky little cameras around the gemstone, shifting them into a looped playback while disrupting the motion sensors’ signal.
Impatiently, I fight the urge to fidget or pace until the device vibrates twice, indicating that the little gadget has successfully connected to the museum’s security network. The wonders of the modern age never cease to amaze me. I’ll be long gone by the time they even realize what happened.
Free to work my magic unnoticed, I waste no time picking the exhibition area’s entrance lock. Child’s play.
I hasten to slip through the doorway, barely contained anticipation coursing through my veins to the beat of my restless heart. A fluttery, empty feeling in the pit of my stomach distracts me for a moment, and I don’t think I can blame it on the champagne.
Almost reverently, I dare to approach the secured pedestal that houses the Flame of Mir, quietly navigating the dimly lit room.
Up close, the precious stone is even more exquisite than I expected. And to think that all its fiery beauty will soon belong to the stronzo…He isn’t worthy of such splendor. The blood-red jewel glows under the faint overhead light. The diamond’s brilliance is almost irresistibly mesmerizing.
I like to think I have very few weaknesses. As it happens, incomprehensibly expensive glittering jewels are one of them. But I can’t let myself lose focus. I have a job to do.
My heart races even faster while I meticulously pick the lock mechanism separating me from the diamond, each calculated movement bringing me closer to freeing the priceless piece from its confinement.
With a barely audible click, it yields.
While holding my breath, I lift the glass enclosure, my hands somehow steady.
I allow myself a moment to admire the Flame of Mir’s unparalleled beauty, pausing to take in its incandescent carmine glow fully. If only we could be together forever, my love…
Unfortunately, time is one of the many luxuries I currently lack, so I carefully grab the stone.
The diamond’s cool and hard feel in my hands is almost surreal. So many have gone to incredible lengths to possess it, but at this moment, the jewel is as good as mine.
The realization is exhilarating, reminding me of why I chose this line of work many years ago. There is nothing like this feeling—knowing the world is mine for the taking. It is almost intoxicating.
It is a very welcome sentiment in my current circumstances. I didn’t embark on this unwise adventure of my own accord, but I am still not helpless or powerless. And I never will be again.
I secure my prize in the concealed pocket of my dress, and its weight against my chest reassures me. A wonderful surge of triumph courses through my body as I get closer and closer to succeeding in tonight’s bold endeavor.
I make my way to the exit before quietly stepping out. Gently, I close the door behind me before inspecting the large room.
No one saw my daring escape.
Somewhat relieved, I relax a little. After taking another deep, calming breath, I move towards the garden doors and stroll outside, where the expensively clad men and women attending tonight’s gala enjoy the party. I school my expression into a relaxed smile before forcing myself to stroll among them.
It is the home stretch now—I got this.