Page 62 of Diamond Don
I grab the closest one off the bookshelf for a closer look. Nik is front-and-center, flanked by two other men, his arms wrapped around their shoulders. A slight smile curves his gorgeous lips, and his dark brown eyes sparkle with humor and affection.
I promptly recognize Dmitri at his right side, mid-laughter. His beautiful, pale, blue eyes squint with unconcealed delight.
I take too long to realize Maxim is the third man. He was even more striking than the low-resolution, grainy surveillance footage displayed. His deep blue eyes were hypnotizing. Even in the photograph, they shine with mocking amusement and undisguised intelligence. I can’t help feeling like I’d have liked him a good deal.
Behind me, Nik’s office door unexpectedly opens. The sound startles me, and I almost drop the picture frame. I place it back where I found it instead before turning around. My gaze locks with Nik’s, and he raises an eyebrow at me.
“Honey, you’re home,” I say, giving him my most sugary smile. Behind him, Dmitri chuckles under his breath.
“What are you doing out of bed?” Nik asks me. “I sure hope you aren’t disregarding medical advice just to snoop around my office.”
“What can I say? You’re too intriguing and irresistible. I couldn’t help myself,” I say. Dmitri laughs even louder.
Nik squints his eyes at me, clearly not sharing his protégé’s appreciation for my wit. “You should be in bed. Resting. As the doctor ordered.”
“I’m more than happy to go back to bed if you agree to join me there. But I can’t promise we’ll be doing much resting.” I wink at him.
Nik’s only response is an aggravated sigh as he ruffles through a stack of papers atop his desk, no longer bothering to spare me a glance. His feigned displeasure doesn’t bother or concern me in the slightest. After last night, nothing will convince me I can’t thaw his Siberian icy heart.
“Hiya, Kat,” Dmitri says, smiling at me.
“Hello, Dmitri. You look nice today,” I say. He cuts a striking figure in his light gray suit and white dress shirt. His outfit’s colors compliment his dark blond hair, beautifully bringing out the light blue color of his eyes. The way the broad expanse of his shoulders fills out the finely tailored jacket doesn’t hurt, either.
Dmitri smiles at me, and had I been a couple of years younger, my heart would have skipped a beat.
“Thank you,” he says. “And you look nice every day. More than nice, actually.”
I laugh in response to his raspy flirtations as Nik forcefully puts his coffee mug on his desk.
Dmitri and I ignore him.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be, Dmitri?” Nik asks, irritation dripping from every well-enunciated word.
“Not really, Nik,” Dmitri says with a sigh. “I’m done for the day. But it seems like you have a lot going on right now. Here’s an idea, Kat—since Nik here is too busy to keep you company, why don’t you lead the way to your room? I’ll make sure you don’t get too lonely while you rest.” Somehow, he manages to make his words sound both innocent and full of innuendo.
Nik stands up so abruptly that his chair falls backward. “That’s it,” he mutters through gritted teeth. “You’re done. Get out.”
I swivel to face him, petulantly crossing my arms over my chest. “You said I wasn’t your prisoner. You said I could have friends over.”
Nik’s eyes burn with undisguised passion. “Not this insolent fool. And most certainly not in your bedroom.”
I study him while mentally weighing my options for my answer. With a sigh, I shrug my shoulders, turning to Dmitri. “Oh, well, Dmitri. You heard the boss-man. We’ll have to take a raincheck on that.”
“Kat,” Nik interjects, an unmistakable warning ringing in his tone.
With my back turned to Nik, I wink at Dmitri and he smirks at me.
“I guess I better bounce, Kat,” he says with a sigh of his own. “But I’ll see you around.” He winks at me.
“Yeah, I hope I’ll see you soon,” I say, fishing around my jeans pocket with my index finger. After pulling out the candy, I offer it to Dmitri. “Life Saver?”
Nik comes around his desk at once and grabs my arm, forcing me to face him. “If you’re looking for trouble, you’ve found it,” he says, staring intensely into my eyes as his breath touches my lips.
“Don’t worry, Kat,” Dmitri says. “He doesn’t really mean it. He knows that I’m all bark and no bite as far as you’re concerned. You see, my heart’s taken.”
Intrigued, I give him a curious look, even while my attention remains focused on Nik, mesmerized by the pull his fiery intensity has over me.
Before I can ask Dmitri any questions about his mysterious love life, Nik narrows his eyes at me. “Dmitri, I believe I’ve told you to get lost. I won’t say it again. As for you, Kat, if you’re well enough to go looking for trouble, you’re well enough to get to work. Get dressed. Put on something nice. We are going out.”