Page 82 of Diamond Don
“My opinion of you is irrelevant. Like I said, I’m here to keep you out of trouble, not to like you or chitchat with you.”
“It’s okay, Vlad. You can say it. You won’t hurt my feelings. I’m not crazy about you either.” I wink at him.
“Do not call me Vlad.”
“No problem.” I sigh again.
We sit in silence for a while. The man is stonewalling me, but I’m not ready to give up yet. After all, I’m still not entirely convinced that Nik should be solely focusing on McGuire as the only suspect in Maxim’s murder. I need all the information I can get. Vladmir was there that night and has likely been a part of their circle for a long time. He has to know something of value.
Besides, I’m interested in hearing someone else’s opinion of Maxim. Nik is definitely not the most unbiased source regarding the deceased man.
After a long moment of uncomfortable silence, I realize Vladmir is far too stoic and straightforward to fall for my usual bullshit. With his type, a direct approach is usually much more fruitful.
“Okay, very well. I’ll cut the crap,” I say. “You see, whether you care to admit it or not, you and I have much in common.”
Vladmir looks at me as if I’m completely out of my mind. I don’t let it annoy me too much.
“No, it’s true. Really. For starters, we share the same demanding boss,” I add. “You know why I’m here. Nik believes I can help him catch McGuire. He’s completely certain McGuire is behind Maxim’s murder. Surely you have some thoughts on that.”
Vladmir shrugs noncommittally. He sips his drink. “It’s not my place to question Nikolai’s decisions.”
Like a dog with a bone, I’m not so easily dissuaded. “Right. You’re just here to follow orders. I get it. But there’s no way you don’t have an opinion of your own on this whole thing. Do you think McGuire did it?”
Grinding his teeth, he says, “Even you have to realize this is not the time or the place for this conversation.”
“Oh, come on. Don’t give me that. No one can hear us over this commotion.” I scoff, gesturing to the rowdy guests nearby.
Vladmir must realize I won’t leave him alone until he gives me an answer. He surely knows he can’t escape me without disobeying his direct orders.
“It’s good enough for me that Nikolai thinks McGuire did it,” he mutters, looking back over his shoulders.
“Well, you’re very loyal to him, I’ll give you that.”
As I sip on my martini, I realize this is likely all he will give me on the subject. But just because he won’t openly say anything that shows he disagrees with Nik’s judgment, it doesn’t mean he won’t share other things.
“What about Maxim?” I ask, no pretense of subtlety.
Annoyance oozes out of him. “What about him?”
“You knew him well, right? I obviously didn’t. I just want to hear someone else’s opinion of the man. Understandably, Nik speaks of Maxim as if he were a martyred saint. I’m sure he had many qualities, but I’d be interested in hearing a more nuanced perspective on who he really was.”
Once again, Vladmir remains silent for a long while. This man takes brooding to a whole new level. Eventually, though, he quietly says, “I want to make something clear. I won’t speak ill of the dead.”
Interesting. “Of course not,” I say.
“I’ll tell you this much. Maxim was many things. A saint wasn’t one of them.”
“Are you referring to the incident with McGuire’s daughter?” I ask, glancing over my shoulders this time to ensure no one’s heard me.
“Watch your mouth,” he says. “Just let the son of a bitch rest in peace, will you? And leave me the fuck alone while you’re at it.”
“Son of a bitch, huh? I’m guessing there wasn’t any love lost between the two of you. What’s the story? I’m sure it’s a good one.”
“Just mind your fucking business and leave me the fuck alone.”
“What’s the matter, Vlad? I’m not getting too close to some touchy subject, am I? Boy, I’d hate to be you. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be so loyal to a man willing to put your life on the line to avenge someone you hated.”
I’m not too scared to provoke him a little. My hope is that his reaction will be telling enough, revealing whether I’m close to the truth or not. And maybe even some juicy details of what’s behind the bad blood between him and Maxim.