Page 63 of Taken
“Why are you in my room instead of Parker’s?” I pressed. “Shouldn’t you be over there watching him like a hawk?”
“I’ve actually been watching you both like a hawk.” Jacob smirked. “But when Parker’s passed out, I usually make my way over here. Just to check in.”
“And the hospital’s been allowing that?” I quirked an eyebrow. “You just ping-ponging between two rooms? No questions asked?”
“I may have told a fib or two to make sure I could come and go as I please.”
“What kind of fib?”
“I may have told them that Parker is my brother by blood… and that you’re his fiancé.”
“Don’t worry about it. I made sure none of the guys from the fire station overheard me,” he assured me. “I just wanted to make sure everything was going well with the recovery and all for both of you.”
“I probably would’ve done the same thing, if I were in your shoes,” I quietly admitted. “No harm, no foul, right?”
“No harm, no foul.” Jacob nodded as he spoke. “All right. Let me call for the doctor and then we’ll get you over to see Parker.”
“Nicholas…” Parker offered me a bright smile as I slowly stepped into the room. It was hard to maneuver around with the I.V. machine still attached to my arm, even as I bent to gently kiss Parker’s forehead. I held his hand as I leaned back up from him, not wanting to let go anytime soon.
"You’re awake,” he continued, a look of awe now crossing his face. “I knew you could do it. If anyone could, I knew it’d be you.”
I wanted to say something in response but instead, the cast around Parker’s leg suddenly caught my eye. “Fuck. Does it hurt?”
“Not as long as I take my pills on time.” Parker shrugged. “You know what’s crazy? I didn’t even feel it when it happened. Apparently, I was just so focused on pulling you out of the fire that a broken leg didn’t even register. Isn’t that wild?”
“Yeah, that does sound pretty wild,” I murmured. “How long is it going to take for it to heal?”
“The doctor says I have to stay completely off it for the next six weeks but it was a clean break so it should be good as new once it’s done healing, overall. Although, I’ll be getting regular check-ups after the initial six weeks, too, just to follow up on the healing progress. And there’s a chance I’ll still need some physical therapy, but we’ll have to wait and see.”
“That’s good. That’s lucky.”
Parker chuckled as he wiggled his cast. “Yep. Lucky me.”
“Does your job have PTO? For injuries or sick leave?” I gingerly pressed. “Because if you needed a place to heal, you could always just… stay with me. At least until you’re good to go.”
“Are you sure you’re up for taking care of me while I’m in recovery mode?” Parker sounded unsure. “It’s one thing when we can go hiking and get out of the house and make out wherever we want… it’s another thing when it’s you just taking care of me all day.”
“I want to take care of you, Parker.” I smiled down at him. “All day.”
“Hmm…” Parker hummed, thinking it over. “It would be a load off Jacob. Seriously. He’s pretty much been living at the hospital ever since we both came in.”
“It would be considerate, giving Jacob a break…”
“And a lot of my stuff is already at your place so it wouldn’t be a big deal when it comes to making sure I have enough clothes and shoes…”
“You have taken up considerable space in my bedroom closet…”
“And there’s the fact that I’m completely in love with you,” Parker murmured, his confession low and quiet.
“What was that last one? Sorry, I don’t think I heard you correctly?—”
“I’m in love with you, Nicholas,” he repeated. “I love you. I love you so fucking much that I ran into a burning building after you because I didn’t know how to accept a world without you in it, a life without you in it. And I know that probably sounds fucking nuts because we haven’t known each other that long but I just?—”
“I love you, too, Parker,” I cut him off, unable to stop myself grinning from ear to ear. “Fuck, Parker. I love you so much, too. I’ve been wanting to say that for days, but I didn’t want to freak you out with it?—”
“You could literally never freak me out with anything.” It was Parker’s turn to cut me off. “I mean, maybe if you were a serial killer, but even then I’m already in love with you so I guess I’ll just be complicit in your murderous rampage?—”