Page 21 of Trapped By Pirates
Finally, we reached the throne room. The Airveiller ushered me inside before the Avarien royals. I busied myself with analyzing these rulers of the sky. King Izakaya and Queen Rekani Rhòdhaire were resplendent. Blessed searot. They had the faces of gods. The profundity of their beauty left me speechless and squirming in place.
"Princess Raeshelle, what an honor."
King Izakaya's smile chilled me to my toes. An ayèn of his age and prominence should never be allowed to look at a youngling, dim-witted princess like that. I felt myself flushing at his keen, watchful stare. I curtsied low before the king.
"Thank you, King Izakaya. The honor truly is mine."
I turned to Queen Rekani and greeted her with the same reverence. The queen left the king's side, rushing forward to embrace me. I held her, squeezing her with the same excitement. My hearts were beating in my chest but I smiled sweetly despite it all.
"Princess Raeshelle," Queen Rekani cooed, her eyes glittering with glee. "Welcome to our home, darling. It is so good to have you. You're as I expected. As beautiful as all of Azizi."
I blushed. Before I could answer, the queen's embrace was replaced by that of the chatty princess. Princess Alessayi spoke so much, so fast. All I could do was smile and nod.
We go through the pleasantries of royals before I pulled out the capsules and officially offered them to King Izakaya. I kept my smile on my face, but inside I was dying.
The king said something, but I didn't hear it. A crack split my chest, causing a gaping hole within me. I felt a rush of tears daring to spill in front of the Rhòdhaire's as they chattered excitedly about El'Tide. I would not cry.
I would not cry.
Not here.
Not now.
I completely disassociated from the moment, turning it all off, going through motions I prayed I never remembered, until a thought crystalized in my mind, the fleeting thing sharp and jarring.
"King Rhòdhaire," I blurted out.
King Izakaya blinked at me, waiting for me to continue.
"Have you not two princes?"
I gestured to the brooding prince floating behind the queen and princess. His inquisitive eyes analyzed me like I was a piece of freshly skinned fish. His handsome face contorted into a sneer, his eyes flashing at my observation.
"I see one. Where is the other?"
The king's lips pressed into a thin line.
"Payè instructed me to be sure you would all be present."
"I have two princes. I can assure both High Prince Ishaèli and High Prince Yakobba will be present for El'Tide."
The name rang in my mind, already taking root. I wanted to meet the prince with the gall to skip my arrival. Who was he? And why did the sound of his name twist my hearts with desire?
Chapter 13
To Rob the Seas
"This better be rotting good, Ashthorn."
Nyala ground her teeth. She looked ready to skin me alive. She sat across from me in the booth, arms crossed, wings twitching in agitation.
"It was time for you to wake up," I waved her away with a fork. "Stop whining." I wiped my mouth and took a swig of skywine before looking at my mates.
"I have a job for you."