Page 8 of Trapped By Pirates
Chapter 5
Trapped By Fate
Eyes glued to the enchanting underwater towers rooted to oceanic rock below, I followed King Bakari to the palace bridge distractedly. I fought against the tightening knots twisting in my stomach. More than several cycles had passed since the last time the king brought me to the bridge. We had to swim beyond the palace proper, far past the courtyard into an open waterway that bled out to a drop off.
The Pearl Palace was rooted atop ancient rock protruding from the seabed that rose high like a mountain while all life was encircled around its base. The bridge was the only connection to the entry of the waterway and the Azizien city that lied below.
My entire life, I'd been forbidden from going beyond the palace proper, let alone all the way to the edge of the bridge, unless given permission and under heavy watch by my Seaveillers. I rarely got to see the rest of the sea.
My mind raced with possibilities. What could the king possibly be bringing me here for? What did this have to do with my coming riseday? I wanted to ask him, but I opted for a change of topic, lest I trigger his ire and his brooding temper.
"Azizi is so beautiful. The city beams with its towers of crystal. And look how the shell lamps glow! I love how the light illuminates the city."
King Bakari grunted in agreement, nodding at the bustling life below and beyond.
"A magical world our kingdom is. I couldn't be more proud to be her king."
My hearts swelled with pride at the sentiment. Then immediately constricted. If I didn't go through the Azizien Rite like Queen Audriana, all of this would be poisoned by the Taint and die.
I swam after the king through tall water lilies littered around the base of the sea mountain, upholding the palace. King Bakari swam to the edge of the bridge, found a vacant shellchair, and sat. I swam up beside him and plopped into the shellchair next to his, watching a myriad of fish pods swimming toward their reefs. It took a moment for me to realize what we were actually here to look at. I pressed my lips into a thin line.
"Beyond the city of crystal towers and coral rooftops. After the fish clusters, dolfini and shrark pods, turtu and karraba coves, and stingspray weeds. Past the Boneyard, and beyond the monseriö infested sea, lies..."
"The Atlanthyst Trench," I quipped.
"The Atlanthyst Trench is significant to Azizi because?"
"It is where our hierranks, the Saerels, first gave us the Atlanthyst Stone and commanded us to use its power to heal the waters of the Azizi kingdom, and the waters of the Mistwind Seas."
"And if we do not uphold the generational rituals of the Azizien Rite?"
My shoulders cowered at the weight of his questions. I kept my eyes glued to the Mistwind Sea and all the sea life flowing in her waters. There was a magical touch of life and effortless beauty hanging around the Azizi kingdom. She was perfect, healthy, and whole. For now. The Taint hadn't reached her inner waters just yet. But it would. Soon. I choked on my answer.
"If we bypass the Azizien Rite, we will be forced to succumb to the growing Taint... and the kingdom will die."
The king was silent for a long time. I began fidgeting in my seat, unnerved at his quiet as we watched sea angels swim below, opting to travel by sea-flight than using their water chariots. The angels mingled with the sea life, letting fish pass through and around them, as they themselves swam in and out of those pristine towers.
"You mean to tell me you would sacrifice the entire kingdom... you would allow all of this around us to die because of your greed to live one more cycle? Have I not done everything to give you the best life possible while you still lived to enjoy it?"
My eyelids fluttered shut as I choked down a rising sob. My wings curled in on themselves as I shook with my shame. How could I be so selfish? I had the best example before me. Queen Audriana had the power of the stone placed inside of her. She gave her life so the kingdom would thrive. And here I was hunting for any reason to not do the same.
Tears streaked down my cheeks. It wasn’t my desire for our angels, and all the sea life that grew to lean on us for healthy reefs and coves, to die. I just wasn't ready to be the reason they all got to live. I trembled with tears at the wrestling emotions inside of me. Searot. What I wouldn't give to make this incessant desire go away.
"You probably think me cruel."
I shook my head and reached a hand over to take his large, webbed hand, with their finely sharpened claws, into mine. I squeezed the king's hand and forced myself to look into his intelligent, fierce, kind eyes.
"I don't think you cruel, payè. You love me and this kingdom both. You desire to serve our angels as best as you can while doing the best by me, as well. I just wish there was another way. But I'm not naïve. I can clearly see that there isn't."
His eyes crinkled at the corner, his irises softening. He unfurled a wing and wrapped it around my petite frame, tucking me close to his side. I felt hot tears pricking my eyes. I didn’t want to be a disappointment to my payè.
But rot.
I couldn't ignore the gnawing hunger in me to live.
King Bakari lifted a hand to hold my cheek. I didn’t realize how badly I was crying until I saw the tears dripping down his palm.