Page 113 of Princess of Air
“Out of delicacy and sympathy for our allies in Ceraun, we will not make this next announcement public yet, but…” She turns toward Wymond and Mariana. “Fortunately, our plans hadn’t been finalized. It turns out, that was impossible.”
Nina masks her delight with a perfectly indifferent expression.
“Tomas and Arabella have received my blessing for their nuptials.”
My heart swells as Tomas smiles at me from across the low table, his attention drawn away by his mother when she takes his hand and offers him her own smile. “That sounds like a perfect arrangement,” she says.
Congratulations are sprinkled from around the group, and Jo kisses my cheek before hugging me tightly.
“Alchos will have much to celebrate,” Mother says. “However, there is also the matter of Penum. Marcus told us of the magic wielded in Lambridge and during today’s battle. Kirnon will use anything he can. He will not give up his crusade against us.”
My head jerks back. “What? Kirnon and his sorcerer were defeated.”
Mother looks at me wide-eyed. “Whatever did you speak of during the ride back?”
Tomas flushes slightly and shifts under his own mother’s glare.
“The King’s ship got away,” Father says. “It wasn’t where it appeared to be. It was farther back in the fleet.”
All the relief I’d let myself feel is washed away. I’m heir to a kingdom at war. A war I already know I can’t fight well in.
“If I hadn’t stopped the volcano…”
“No, darling,” Father says. “It was too far away. You did not let them go, but you did save the lives of those more innocent.”
Mother heaves a breath. “Though they proved formidable, so did we. We are no easy target for them, and they will be cautious in acting against us. They saw your full power—the power shown by all four of you was greater than anything ever seen. You protect us with that legacy as much as with your ability to act in any future conflict. I am so proud of all of you.”
The sentiment doesn’t pull the dread from my bones.
Apparently, it doesn’t for Rylan either. “We cannot sit here and wait for them to rally against us again.”
“We won’t,” Mother says. “Plans for how to proceed will involve more than those in this room.”
“The plans should include me going to Penum.”
“No.” Mother wraps one hand around the other wrist.
“We need to understand their magic.” Rylan stands and paces the room. “We cannot prepare without more information.”
“And you’ll simply go gather information?” Mother knows him too well for that.
“If I can neutralize the threat, all the better.”
Her jaw tightens, but it’s Father who speaks. “Rylan, this must be handled delicately.”
“I can handle it delicately!” Rylan fires out before Father is properly finished. “Though I’ll never sit on the throne, this is still my kingdom. As a part of this family, I have a responsibility to Alchos, and Penum is a direct threat to us all. I’m not needed here, so I will go there.”
My throat tightens. He doesn’t want to be here now that I’ve taken his place. Guilt threatens to overtake me, but Jo’s hand tightens around mine. I have support from so many people I love. It will help, I know, but I don’t want my brother to hate me.
“We’ll discuss it another time,” Mother says. “For now, let us celebrate our victory and all the happy news for our family.”
Chapter fifty-six
Dinner passes in a mostly happy blur, certainly much happier than the last time my betrothal was agreed upon. I don’t think I spoke during that one. My focus remained steadfastly on keeping a pleasant expression on my face with Jamys and his family around. This time, I can chat with Jo and Tomas’ mother without having to feign my excitement to join our families. Nina’s glee is obviously selfish, but at least she’s happy. Rylan is the only damper on the mood. He’s not doing or saying anything to mar the occasion, but his silence grates on the edges of my merriment.
Jo and I walk out together as the Coyles prepare to leave. “Do you know,” I say, “when we last spoke, I was so afraid our friendship wouldn’t survive if Tomas and I didn’t end up together. Of course, I’m glad we’re to be married, but the idea that anything could come between us is still depressing.”
“Well, it seemed the only way you wouldn’t be with Tomas was if you broke his heart. I love you, but he’s my brother. It would kill me to see that happen to him.”